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Show 3 Conserve Leaves For Garden Fertilizer Urges Agronomist year the time of the rake is very much in This is when evidence. He may be seen o the front lawn and the back yard ipk-in- jr up leaves and putting them into piles. . . The smoke rising from thousands of these piles is an indica. tkm of thoughtlessness regarding the value of the organic matter thus being destroyed, s&ys Professor J. C. Hogen3on, extension agr,ono,mist of the Utah State Agricultural college. .Leaves may be conserved best in the form of a compost pjle, which is always a great asset to any gardener. If properly used it brings together all of .the bits of waste vegetable matter, such as tops from root crops, corn stalks, .pea vines (if flies are no animals "to eat them) weeds, straw, waste hay, leaVee, . vegetables garbage or any other waste vegetable matter. These can be piled together corner of the in an garden. Throw a. little dirt over the top to keep the flies away, to keep the pile from . drying out, hd to encourage decomposition. WEEKLY for the past month but greatly improved. a is now Bt-ow- n reception is beil held this Saturday evening, Noe. 25 in the West Layton amusement hall. preceding such election, question, following; Mrs. Rill Cowhy and , tcy, of S&H lrKo spoilt the weok-en- d Shall the negotiable f.ej at the home f Mr. and Mrs. pon bonds rf)f the Ton rf " Wallate Cowley. 'Layton Dvis County, Utah, Three car lose? onions out of hm owr the (X S. Jn the sunt of Fifty TousanJ shipped L. Ry. the last few days. One Dollars (O.OOChDO), payable shipment wen to Alabami, an.witliin twnty-fivybars from other to Denver, the destination of date .of issue, Wearing interthe third was hot learned. Some est fct the rate ot four per other shipments went out over the cerA (4v) per annum, fy-iblD. & R. G. W. am! Bamberger .be hmed Electric. One ear of potatoes was .and soU for the purpose shipped Iasi week. defraying, the expense of acA car load of cattfe-wonout, quiring, extending, and im. of here Wednesday to Jiymos, a waterworks system proving If the pile gets father dry,a Tew California. , said Town for the the ftu; . The farmer:! .pails of water will help. received of supplying wnd distr beet required for checks from the Layton, Sugar .The length watr to the inhabitant uch materials to, break dqwn in Company, Monday, he .compost' $nd form a good Jeijs K. Kelson, county. treas-- . cm .the manure lifer, was at the First National vegetable depends kind of materials Tuesday. V. receive (lpaves' sfnd Bank, lietv corn stalks require longer tjian text's., ' .Charles Everett Barnes,. 20. of vceeejs). on. the temperature, .and .the moisture The pile Kaysviiie and Eva Margaret Kfrrr, ot be cfepayed enough to plow or 2J, Syracuse took vut a- marriage , spake into the sojl the first 'year; license in Ogden, thi week. Shiwey fieywoot! is building & therefore; . it- - is best to have two tire other a year neat house on whcela, sqmowhdt, piles, hue nchv-anold; The old pile may be fprked kafte the type of a aehaal b.usTor even once of twjeet t fcadfeen uni- some mn who wants it (Gr a ho pie . from .place to ..- - when he moves form decay. . in place to bale hay. Light 'frarme .matter humus The organic compost. pile improves the tex work' covered with very thin iron g ture And , capacity to mate it light for moving. Four- trucks are engaged 'in. of the soil of- vegetable and flower foods materials hauling coal from Coalyille for' gardens, and adds, the sugar factory, They mako . . . for future plants. four trips a day and haul four and ." xr' a' half tons to a trip. The Weekly will LAYTONbe .under the same roof Again jn. the Dawson building on Mam it was before Mr. And Mrs. Ralph Page have street where ' neW daughter. Both ihether and Brther Evans moved his plant to ' Ogden, - and printing, equipment baby are doing fine. be- installed right away. There will In honor of Elder Philcr Dibble, iwll be some one at thj plant daily misa December for leaves I .who. sion to Germany, a farewell dance to take care of the business. Phone was given in the .West Layton will also be installed, so our Amusement hall . last Thursday patrons can phone in lots of local testi- news, as the typesetting.-machinevening. A very interesting monial was held Sunday ' evening just literiy devours copy; We are ' in a position to handle your job . , , in the Mt. Howe. . Mr. and Mrs. David Toljman and work. When a mouse bites a snako.it family of Bountiful were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George ' E. is news.. This story comes in a Dibble. . v dispatch from Coalinga, Cal. ' Miss Nora Holbrook of Layton, Eresa Tavjor tried to make pets' of tvinner of tho Union Pacific scholar two rattlers but they would-- ' not ship .for- Davis , counity, has regis- eat. When he tried to tempt them tered at State agricultur- with two, placed in their al' college, according to word just wire cage, .the mice chewed on th.e received from the registrars of- snakes so viciously that one snake fice, M33 Holbrook was awarded died and the other was rescued the scholarship to the college Be- badly, bitten. . cause of .outstanding work done in Barber Haven't I shaved you the. club, of which' she is a before, sir! member. Miss Holbrook is regia- -' Customer No. t got that scar in tered in' the school Of Home Econ- France. omic?. She is- the . daughter of 'Sheriff and Mrs. Joseph Holbrook (o-wi- t; (, sf-n.a- fi-cr-e o e semi-annuall- t pur-pos- e e will.-usuall- - d water-holdin- - - tt YmO - . 1 NO. 1 Fac-simi- le La-to- : News-Expres- s, - to-ui- t: nuinit-jpalit- 4. . News-Expres- s, regular meeting place at Noon, on Tuesday, the' 2nd clay of January, A.. being the first Tuesday following the said election, the first: Monday following the election being a holldav, to sit as a canvassing board to canvass the returns of said special bond at . 12:00 ' oclock, - f election. 10. That in the opinion of said Town Bonrd of said Town - of Layton,. Utah it is necessary to tho. peace, health and safety-osaid Town that this ordinance 'shall take effect upon the date of (ts passage, approval, and publication. PASSED by the Town- Board of the . Town of . Layton, Davie County, Stato of Utah and approved by the President of said Board, this 20th day of November. A. D., ItV tinie: to think of Christ-- f - - 1933. live-mic- 4 ' - fcf LAytorr. ' ' . Legal Notices . Mi. And Mr?. Keith Marston are the proud parent? of a baby boy. Probate and Guardianship Notices Mrs,' Clay Adams entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Hyrum Consult County Clerk or Respective Signers for Further Information Adams 'home last Friday after. The new' home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whitesides i? near com' ' pletion. Estate of Anna Fisher deceased. D. Hamblin of ' Farm-- , George Creditors will present claims ington and June Malin of Salt with vouchers to the undersigned Lake tvere married. at Layton, Utah, on or before VCrnjle Vest of Winneniucca, the 23rd day of January, 'A. D 'Nev., was a guest of his parents, 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vest for a LUCY LAVENDER STEPHENS few days the past week. Execrutrix of the .estate xf Elmer Love returned Friday from Idaho where he had spent Anna Fisher deceased. Foote & Dawson, attorneys. the summer. 504 Walker Bank Building, 'son Midland Thornley of Mr. Salt Lake City, Utah. and Mrs. John II. Thornley and Lois First publication Nov. 23, 1933. Hodson Mr. and , daughter of, ' . .Mrs. George Hodson, were , mar-marri- ed . Tuesday Layton- - vs. Kaysviiie football, Friday, score 26 to 0 in favor of Layton This gives Layton North Dpvis public school championship. Jim 'Wiggili is recovering from a recent heart- attack. Stanfrd Kowley and E, G. King attended tho football game Saturday at Denver. Ira Holbrook pf Bountiful was a business visitor here Tuesday. Edgar Maxwell of Butte, Mont, is visiting his sister Mrs. Frank Cain. . , . Emmett McDohald of Hooper and Elizabeth LaMont of Victor, Idaho. we re married the past week George W. Layton has been ill . .- - . .. ; . ' ' ' i expensive.' Notice to Creditors deceased. ; -- .' 1933 JOHN R. GAILEY, i . ' the Executors of the estate of Eliza Marie Stevenson -- 1933 LEONARD C. SANDALL, President of Town Board of The Town of Layton, Davis County. Stato of Utah. ATTEST: GLEN DAY, 1 Seal ) Town Clerk. . in-- STATE OF UTAH DAVIS COUNTY will-- (6) pages are a full, true and correct copy of the record of proceedings of the Town Board, taken at a regular meeting of said Town Board, held pursuant to due, legal, and timely notice served upon all members, at the regular meeting place in said Town on tho 20th day of November, A.. D., 1232,. convening at .the ,. hour of kht (3) oclock P, IL, as record-p- d in tho regular official book of records of the proceediags of said help you immensely in solv-ing your What to Give problem. .. , . . Foote & Dawson, attorneys. .504 Walker Bank Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. ' First publication October 26, 1933 shown. CI .T7ITNE5S low pries IP II' ,7 carp :ji - r variety of gift ouggeationb. :: l ill H lii SERVICE AND GROCERY y of Novcn.rr, Sal ) GLEN Town , f is.gfrfcj vein: r il ,t. a off icials ia drtrr-:- !' fretlsa l wbn Iia turb yetr-r- L r-- t.s qr'l v. 13 AjL r-- -' ; 3 Grow V cotZzZ'zzi cf t CcH was aijr.2 it:ri frc 2.0 La t a -- f1- wtea t D 1 - 3 1 alerv and told ti i to t 1 1 II you dont ' you. rid the t1 Z-- L L-- z after ozly a the tone of I l. I slrJ v tVa Dh Cr-i- x. As Achilles was . Vulnsr 22L o is Thccaa A-oLiowhegan, Me rciz: the. trvJe. He says tbit tr. ks on the anils k i hlf--i fw a week cr r:ra j penntbn I and ; BIT. tbs u I T EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE i' 1 seal of . .cj: WHEREOF. erts-r- y b-v.- it ofprcfrtidb'.GTefcd DA :N S 1 E reunto. 9 t Vioit your Electrical Dealer or drop into .on xS'Zp7'1 ;,v find You?ll a bplendid noarect store. TRY OUR PRICES amazed attbs .. wero tM.t proceeding duly had and taken as therein ; !l' ry ani f.' - d fcs -- kf Ju ToyoToard, said jt k. i j I, Glen Day, Town Clerk of the Town of Layton, Ut$h do hereby certify that the foregoing five . - t . . The Electrical Gift idea .. . Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersignec at Kaysviiie, Utah, on or before the 28th day 6f December. A. D Aye Trustee Jos. W. Ware Aye Trustee Golden M. .Adams Aye ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 20th day of November, A. D., i They, are practical . and Estate of Eliza Maria Stevenson Trustee L. E. 'Ellison Aye Trustee Leonard H. Layton . - trical Gifts will suit exactly.-There is such a large varie- ''.V.:ty from which to choose. ; ' . deceased. ' . Aye : , Look' over your Christmas' fist, and youll find that Elec- - .. 11-1- 5 One of ' propriatel m. LEONARD C SANDALL, . President of Town Board of Town of Layton, Utah. ATTEST: GLEN DAY. Seal ) Town Clerk. The adoption of the foregoing ordinance was seconded by Trusteo Jos.. W. Ware, and upon being put to a vote was carried by the affirmative vote of all Trustee present, the vote being as follows: President Leonard C. Sandall For: Mother, an Electric Range or an Electric Refrig-erator. What could be' more pleasing or more ap .. Notice to Creditors . ' ;' - noon. " D.,-1934- , ; 4-- H . e e the-.Uta- (4) y, -- -- News-Eiprfe- ss t: semi-annuall- - - to-wi- ? foot- - ncx t-- thereof, tho same to be own controlled by said , ed and - Mr. and Mm. E. G. King returned home Sunday afto going to balfteam r Robbins ar.J Ieona.Hotlson. an adequate manner calls for an 1. the date haraiabefore designated Dated at the. Town of Layton, of said election, reqquires an expenditure of Fiftv for the holding 0 " T j which said; notice shall .be in , DaV3 Countv, Sute of Utah this Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars. "municipality At said election tht f5rm of 20th day of November, A. D., 1933. substantially the following form, NOW, THEREFORE, BE LEONARD C SANDALL, ballot shall be as follows TOWN THE BY ORDAINED President of the Town Board.of BOARD OF THE TOWN OF 3. That said bonds shall bear flOND ELECTION BALLOT interest at the rate of four per COUNTY, cent DAVIS LAYTON, Laytoji, Dvi County, per .. annum, payable State of Utah. OF UTAH: .and said bonds j STATE . denomination of shall the election be of be, a special That. Fbr the issue of Vater bond! 1 GLEN DAY r-- 1 be to thereof. The called $50.00 or. multiples is tho same and hereby ( Seltl ) Town CIPrk. be paid within n1& shall of Town saiif in held Layton, principal No , (25) years from date Davis County, Utah oe Thursday, twenty-fivfi OhDINANCET desires jf tj,e votfrsaid bonds,to vote 17 28th day of December, A. D., of Issue. the he shall itsueof . 1DS3 for the purpose of submitting 4. That said election shall i the after the space in anX flace electors of said such to qualified according to the statword. YES. If the vote desires of the State of utes and laws tJhe issua of said ta vole against ba held in manner Utah shall and bonds, be'shitfl place an X in the and form as provided thereby. word NP. space; after the 5. That the polling place for HINT, TO THE On ihe reverse aJde qjf sid Bondi of said Town in the amount all qualified electors of said Town' ELECTOR OF THE TOWN b.Ulot shall be th fflllowing: $50,000.00 shall bo issued and and the Judges of election and th OF LAYTOtf, DAVIS COUN-- i Ballot for the sold for the purpose of acquiring, hours during which the polls shall" Official TV. UTAH. THF, QUESTION Utah. of ,lAyton, Ttnvn extending qnl improving a water- remain open shall be the same as UE INCURRING A BONDED works Bond AVifterworks in the system, used hnd to he tised designated Special foregoing INDEBTEDNESS THE for TO to said Town Notice of Election. water Electian. Thussday, the 28th supplying AMOUNT OF TIIOU-KrFTY and the inhabitants thereof, said 6. That the Town Clerk be, day of Dbcember, A. D., 1933, SAND ($.10,000.00) DOLLARS waterworks be owned and he is .te system . GLEN DAY, hereby authorized and. FOR THE PURPOSE OF AC-- : and controlled by said munici- directed to communicate such insignaturw of AND QUIRlNG. EXTENDING " structions to said Judges of such Town CRrk, Town 4 IMPROVING A WATER SYS- pal2. Notice of said special Yona special election as may be necesUtah, , TEM. . eh'cUew shall be printed and ptib sary to enable thera to properly; At Said flectimi thepollft sJral! WHERKAS, those Ta immediate fished by the President o'f the" Conduct such election, canvass the. ihe open'ed at the hour of sqveB (II Und pressing muni Rif acquiring, Town Hoard and the Town Clerk votes ahd thereof, to said o'clock A. M. and .closed at the extending, tmd impriwijng a water- of said Town of Fajton in tho Town Boardcertify Town as resaid of M. works 'System for hour of seveQ (7.). o'clock F. a weekly quired by law, and the Town purpose oI Weekly The Voting plade for all qualified girpnlying said tevva with waten newspaper published and. of gen- Clerk shall cause ballots to be lecfors of said Town shall be: and distributing waWr to the eral circulation in said town for printed in the form set forth in The Layton IIoJt-- in said Towft Ihvrenf, which said five publications, for a period 6t furnish to the of Layton; Utah apd the Judges water system ami works sh&ll be ffliu- full weeks prior to thq date said notice and the said election, of judges saitj of election at said polling place owned and rout rolled By . said of said election, On tho ballots to be furnished to the Ww. D. rvl te de which hi 28th day pf Deeemher, A. D., 19S3, shail.be Ada Sandull, qqualified electors, and the Town Clerk shall also provide a ballot box, poll book and all stationery necessary for the use of the judges at said election. 7. That tho Town Clerk be, and be is hereby authorized and directed to post notices of said special bond election in three (3) public and conspicuous places within said Town of Layton, Davis County,. State' of Utah. 8.- That the Town Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to publish this ordinance laa the. .Weekly newspaper of general circulation published in the Town of Layton, Utah in one issue thereof. 9. That the Town Boat-of th ' Town of Layton, Utah shall meet . Mr. and Mfli. Joftn are rejoicing over th& arrival of a baby boy. John Randall of Centerville who has been staying at the Orson 1 age home during the beet harvest has returned heme. A. inan-iinterest is that Hedson, daughter of Mr. Fublic notice is nerd . fvt .,1s and Mrs George Hodson, and on Thursday, the 2,;h f,y of that Merland Thornley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John II. Thornley. which took December,' A D.,J933, 4 W'cial place in the L. D. S. temple, Tues- election will Be held wiiV th, 8vi F'vrdy, day, November 14th. wedding imits af 9 LAYTON, UTAHj NOVEMBER 23, 1933. NEWS-EXPRES- : ta Tip Ur- - |