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Show " President's Plan To. Taft Given by .Rejmove Employable Persons From Relief Wilcox at Home Dreident ' move that we iauraqhe'd in Sevier county recently to oppose the present ysf eitf ft taxation increase o tax levjes in jponsihJe for a wetting held yrhen Tjiyton . Monday evening A. is-re- ' county foYm iteps yerethken -. ..taxpayers leagB.ef v.. aasf ap- A cmnjittote of pointed to contact the people-- M the county and vit them attend a meeting to he held- at the-. . , - fef .Laton'taU. in Layton the even- . 2Brd. 'v trig of November. . The committee h composed-. chairman;' . .Whitesides, ' . Er.nes Layton, Melvin .Adams, ' . Joseph Sill and Dan Sullivan. V. At the meeting to be held.- W will be P ...the tatona delegates to --state convention. a to . pointed : be held December Sth at 2:30 p.m. ' at hotel. Salt Lake City, . The' following. ' circulars come-.issued by the taxpayer league of . jfevier county were feeing 9 $ut in this county.; . . ':; Cireulay fellows; . Prtt Help Nov, 20th Of Education Held 1 Minutes of meeting of Board of County Commissioners held Monday, November 20, 1933, being A. B. present Commissioners, Barton, O. A. Stoker; E. 0, Mtrir Rnd Clerk, Quayle Cannon. Minutes of meeting of Novdift ber 8 and 13th were read aivd ftlalcers Conference ftosevcltt plan .for of Monies by Red Cross Meeting of Board Report Paid tailing 4,0.00,000 .mn oft public re lief rolls throughout th country at the earliest possible moment November 2J. 1J?,3 depends upon the . rapidity with 'whjch iocaJ governments fkud the Mr. J:o.hn grille; Jr. . wrk o be dppt. Stress has been Utah. . laid oft. the fact that in no case Layton, Stahlfe: Mr. Dear will cRticts be let for any of the work, .Which Is t be. .of Ewchosed please' find- story or the .type handled by the . Public repart given 'by Miss Bessie Wil- Tl elnK npmw Works Administration. Jdnntv r mvi? tt creatiort t plan required Works a of Civij Administration, Ml .Club member and but it involves eto dely whether tyork as i.ft Washington. Federal Emerg- - rwas asljca to give a Yeport on ncy Rellof Administrator- - Barrjf club- .wor.k, before the Adult Usd aehool at Logaa. L. Hopkins was named director, and,, at. rare Jus notified eeljef or- - . Tne enclosed cupy is the materia! in nil states. ' cities, which Bn- gave-- , and 1 would like and counties that the Same Ntf ve'ry much ia have this printed in e be the next Issue off your .Weekly machinery . . haa used .which . been ffunctiopiftg ' . yen' very kM;,' I ra, in relief distribution. . Thp big Thanking nd prb- -' factor, he said, "is t Vour very truly, jets .that will put people to work' RUBt STRINfiHAM, approved- . ,1 - Intensive campaign planned in Da via county from Armistice dAy to Thanksgiving; Hundreds of families given aid during past ypar. A. L. Schafer ReI Cross manArea, who also ager in the Pacific directed relief ' aivd rehabilitation hoard, the clerk and the wjpepiji.-- . work in tfi Southern California . tendent. March, earthquake diphster. t The minutes ff the iwclmg o? has just issued the final report November 6th were read and. showing the Red Crow received and disbursed $411,600- aiding 3approved. The following bills were pre- - 337 familiec Ift that on project sented, e.xamifiod and approved by: The report t being lftad aail-raiil- e th members: to Chapter chairmen and Roll 3!-0- ? ters. He that the court bud- rrt .something for juvenile court --T- 4-- fcfl ; Is-ke- rigation district .taxes, fef l Ir- - year 1933 'bo cancelled on- - account f efToneo'us assessment 6t 2.2 acres ' in lot 4, blk 3,' NMC, Bountiful Jt. B. its William Express townrfite. f the ritema ' - . O. Muir, chairman of th county commissioners, and Nephi Palmer, chairman of relief com- mittec, announce that 319 men will go to work in the county this Friday morning under the new . . allotment Men, who are eligible, are those ' who were unemployed but registered before November 16th. Men will receive 50c per hour and men With teams 75c per hour. With the exception of some who are in charge, th men will work thirty hours per week. The work will continue until . i The comity treasutef nppeh-mand asked that the Bonneville - Friday Morning la-s- I wouW Go To Work This 1932 Last Monday in Oscar E.Lowd'er was present - During Year 319 Men in Co. - February 15, 1934. The number of men who will Ing that th annual' pnrpllment f be ghren work in the different Agency $16.42, L. Leonard Page. pos- cities and towns- are as follows: $10.00, Fred K. retef.son Red CroM members jnake Taxes oa Newel.1 Lafsens ,M $123.63, Vera Bi retersoa $1.00, sible the disaster velief to other Bountiful, 68 men; South Boun-tifu- l, acres, b 4, blk pint A. Farm- Bonneville. Lumber Co., $0.85, R. Rto Cross activities. 23; West Bountiful, 13; Cenington jovnsiUi were abatod far E. Clark $16.00,. Untow Furniture disaster terville 24: Farmington, 84; Kays-villt- S Th California Roptherft .. at once.1 . 'ilo-r1933. Co. $34.00, .Aniy A. Anderson' Demontralip-sAgeM. were for rescue work, 35; Layton, 44; Clearfield, . The' President said f the. pjati', Auditor directed tft issue $12.00, Bountiful Light & Power expenditures relief for 21; adult Clinton, .deat camps, MV 17; Syracuse,traders; transportation is 20; remove to from . designated ft, claim deed. Bert ' and Perry J. Reed $2.06 and maintenance at suffer, food, West Paint, 13. 1 in brln f1quit relief all' employable persons. Certain tend' ljpated,'i : Boun Co.Mr.$34.01 fejeJ. WBWir .honoi-v. Smith repsrte.it an accident, clothing, houwhold goods, building . The Bountiful City council des ' Those hired will benefit by sen im- pyen opportunity- l speak tiful t8Wh8tt.f0d fcfr dvU.nnnt with (he school bus at Clinton and repair, medical and msrwing, ignated three projects, Wednesday mediate increase in . ovef to you for a. few jnomciats. Because , in front f the family service, field . supervision, night, as follows: grading and ran boy their , firmer relief allowances." o ms Jove for i ll . club' work and KfpiW-ativsof U. dUffewnt car n the (ind was knocked tool, stocks and equipment, follow leveling of streets; especially one thIt' is the purpose to increase to full, J6 many tJ benefits cirjes nd towhs of the county and over by theroad fender amt hevrrly up contacts and' pi iscelfaheous. The running cast from the power ' time before the end f November which 2 have received I, am .going central relief cammUtefr'met hurt but 1. recovering nicely. County largest ttoia. was for building and house; second, project work on the present prork of td attempt t point out ta you with th commissioner relative he repairs, amounting to $208,831.40.-Th- the street up by Nichols; third that reported a can in men the now rolls '2,000,060 on play relief pari girl to projects which were .fcajible bad asked the driver for ( written! League record shows 411 disaster project, start to excavate where and drawing about $20 per month. the problem ef homo ipakirg. for rreat jng employment arid lov report f the .accident. we.r hospitalized in 5 they Were going to build the. $25,-00- 0 patientsfirst consider The .Let down the laid which mean could., be .'obtained .President Mr. Howard reported that he hospitals ip the disaster area. . On' reservoir with, government .week end task of clothing the "enticr family. from the federal government for had received a principle of a A notation is made that the to- funds but which has not yet. macomplaint that chil. one ii fortunate enough, .to have immediate If . I.at. the hourly rate for prevailing fc expenditures. On no dren at the Stoker and Junior tal number f persons given Ret terialized. T-.similar work. An additipnal .2,009,-00- 0 several brothers and . sisters! one tion f D. K. Tolrrtan, seconded by teclarg Ne More Property fra the Cross aid does not include the schools are high wasplaying Garrett' named George WUI Be Paid Until Lw .are to be given work, the cannot expert mother to provide J. . Stocks,- - the coqrity elerk Wat atrecta. recommended the accounted that Lo zj; AnSessions and Thomas for II' the . tor by all. '. Changed same selfsupporting This is where th authorized to have basis' by clothing blank pre- principals schools, and geles county welfare department, supervisor of grading. ctrn Tend & hand te pared for December 15th. off applicant th girl' signature West' Bountiful which bnndled the mass feeding in The work outside of city limits Southland ' 1 tan for relief and. have am mailed who-oSttpieties show that 'thebe .ire brighten mothers burdens.. September 8, 1933 fee instructed t make ef- camps will be directed by the county. . the immediately following 1 benow famsind that committee-mendifferent OOQ say to truthfully approximately. 3,000, . car- forts t keen the children off the nf refusal earthquake. This departments re iStfl ilies.on public relief rolls! through came quite adapt at sewing, I ried. ' 'streets as much. as possible, .' any more property taxes port states that- approximately m&de out all have clbthes the a Th ef my. owd Hope treasurer was authorized Mr. Smith moved, that reduction ef 1,: Epileptics new and more, just ta law is 500,000 country, 125,000 persons were fed. The foo families since- April last. and many of my sisters'. Mother to accept. $148 on i9 acres. in Sec. appoint a- committee to .take was unanimously stuffs adopted used for this up particular oper Dpring September 250,000 'fami- never thinks ef making her cloth- 18, tp, 2N R JE; $6.77 on 2 acres, the matter with the. ' passed" Another disease which hitherto principals, the ation were donated or 'purchase by the. following committee frdm lies, rreprepenting l,000.,000 es now because we 'always do it Sec. 18, ip 2N, R.1E; 114.29 on fi Bountiful'. pCr; officials and .the with county Welfare' departmen has been baffling - to physicians Taxpayers tons, were City the Sevier County Beside for her. rethe. in acres Sec.'ISi tp 2N,R IE, SLM read officials to pet a cooperation futnlfU repmovedmaking court seems in a fair way to be conquerLeague which met at thAbe Han- -' employment under thethrough the club girl knows how to Phillip W,. Moon was Represent- In regulating traffic, NR A. The' Of the 3,887. families that re- ed, Drs. Jldmholz and Haddow of evening! signs . erecting Monday House, inalter .the President' .believes will Clark ed pattern 'to that ..it relation, and prohibiting the children from ceived- Red Cross assistance that by Grant Sv. 1,771 Rochester, Minn., has made a re- en, S.. 3. Spendlove, . K E Wjl- employment f 4,000,000 will be of be a perfect fit for all . of to redemption of taxes authoriz- playing types E. danger-zoneJ. Ogden, near were given rehabilitation aid. port of sevral yars of investigaIf. E. Tuft, tardson. va'st She also 5.32 on ed benefit. color These understands acres (ri the schools'. The motion was sec There were 10,329 the following: provisions for figures. persons, regis- tion and treatment of epielpey J, I. Curtis and James P. Poulson. work arid .jobs wilt not interefere arid style, and. knows how to apply Roe. 13, tp 8N,'.R l'W, $10.52 on pnded discussed tered from .these 3,837 families. by Mr, Howard, with most encouraging result . .. This committee whs elected at a with immediate ' these5.32 BN acresR to individual in Sec, IS distribution of principles' ta. each l.W, and carried unanimously. of the .Sevier food The - TH report, further shows that This report covers the cases of meeting general The elub' girl, is taught to take $76.26, and clothing for the destitute ' Mr. Howard, Mt 95 persons were killed; 4,911 were 141 patients treated, of which County Taxpayers League about a by .the Federal an of Was This authorized Stringham arid the superintendent her clothing. County treasurer inventory Emergency Reli.ef . month- ago 'to' work out details of injured;. 2,100 buildings were de- number 43 were cured, .. 32 were is a great help toward, the fm. to accept $ toO n payment of taxes., to Administration.. 8erye on. the committee. . declaration of. principle stroyed And 33,035 were damaged, improved and 66 were not beneancial Side of ke.memakirig... The of Arnold Thurtoo on 20.48 acre ; . Mr. Stringham . Thi.? greatest employment prothese that reported figures including Los Angeles fited.. The treatment consisted of program with- the result that the gram., ever devised income m Sec. 34, tp BN, R 2W SLM for., the is 'intended- to girl Considers the family association and Orange counties. One town a special diet rich in fats, - and . ' following resolution was passed cover not only the 1931 1932.' and and of alsfo taxes onsize th of the' family have had tables made on which to was which wholly affected and 25 towns was originally worked, out by Dr. Monday evening vyith.out a' dissent relief work has beentypes but also. and thus ' allows, a certain '.amount Walter F. . Hogan was presort serve' soup at .the Stoker school ' given Russel M. Wilder, formerly of the vote: affected. , . partially Jng A wide erroneous. assessment to relative ct for own' her clothes. In the. same and the rftom cleaned up and prerange employment in acWe maintain that the present 50 . Mavo clinic. Volunteer who gave '' tax system is antiquated; unjust uities bordering on, but not cov-et- manner, an 'allowance is set for fer Bonneville Irrigation . district pared, for Use.. or more of service, included 162 ..While the results are by no ' ira 25.' .the taxes on So. tp province pf the Public each member bf the family. By doctors and' sanitary workers; 689 means .uniform, and income cases and indefensible.- It: is unfair' in .Worksin, ' 2N, R- lW, in tmrn .ff Walter V V1 The latter doing this, each dollar repo?ed nurses 'and, to Administration,. . 4 00 other worker., cost entire almost the f were of no benefit to the sufferers, it that puts VkI -, had hid. v?d.uvc; Thi depend upon the count, and nothing 4a spent fool- rioyd. fees f government upon a class while necessarily the out that charged 'report point results of lections for bond issues ishly. My mother and- I spend for year 1933 cm motion, duly rec ii e of' the the many go almost Scott gymnasium at the area- seriously affected was but a' the perentage of patients cured or and4 .legislation by sftates. .This many pleasant hours planning and ended. is-- no more reason Junior high school for games and tiny portion of Southern California improved is encouraging. Very litthe why extended, field" the White House buying so as. riot to exceed our Meeting adjourned. . firaetices. The rules. now in It also nays: tle is known about epilepsy, so . property owner should pay almost statement ' will concluded, , enable ' . budgets. were. considered. In consideration in has the the entire cost of government than local' civil works divisions to undisaster Nevpr anything any attempted in tho way of Now,- - let the food f the cost of light, heat . arid Red .Cross (Jealt with a more co- treatment in the President there would be for the Catholics or dertake past has been a ' ' the Mormons to pay , it. Every I maintenance of considerably more-- , con- we eat. I am sure this is an actiClass mere experiment. '. and was buildings it operative understanding to use greater quan vity enjoyed b.y all, but it can be struction generally It may not-.beom.idieJ that no .reductions can off sufferers than this earthquake. It now appears that the scientperson should pay, taxes, to sup-- . ties Of '.and construction that made more materials. every four years th United madr. pleasant by. choosing At first, their .personal .indepen: ist ar on the right track, and that protects Work . port the government him and makes it possible to make most relief has been .'limited al th proper varieties of foods which States is withbut a President for . ,owpr.d" mov'ed ' that the dence made the maffertrs loath to the prospect for a complete masentirely to work involving a in turn,' eliminates doctor bills. several hours,- bnt such .is the fact following If there minimum receive bo they, asked for loans tery of, the disease is most . profits, and enjoy them. f materials, sirice- ex- I am sure that jiothing- is more Th term of the outgoing President uit of rates be .fixed for the instead aid, of. awards. 'However, when promising. .were no government- there would ."outside gymnasiums .by 3 f emergency, relief desirable than good health, and expires .at midnight on. March 'fee little' or 'np profit or wealth penditure they learned that tho Red. Cross this method was nee- this can be' partially gained with and the- new President "is usually organizations: does not extend aid on a loan basis, to enjoy arid our modern conven-- i funds under $4.00Modern Education 'M.'L Layton, per night fot followience and comforts would be un-- .' essarily . confined . to relief allow- the proper amount and variety of sworn in about noon A. meetings, 7:30 to 3:30 p.'- pi-- l but niakes outright grants, they ances. . the knowintervening food. I , this to be a. fact ing- dfay. During known.' It is' our contention that t overcome their hesitation and by In a scries of articles Dr. Glenn $1.50- pei- ..hour for practice. In . ' without . of recompense did all they Frank, 'president of the University way ayn person who. is not willing to vancedaddition to suggestion ad- because . my sister was cured hours the Country Davis high, $10.00. for state, city, and county through proper diet, after doctors chief executive. cbuld tQ uise.and expedite the re- - of Wisconsin, discussed of the pay his share, according, to: his officials by i and functions whether at where a. of conference called arid The had said they could question j.ef work. by laws which he believes underlie a given up ability, pf. .the maintenance of his Director' existed during this interval fee Is Charged. $2.00 per hour for Hopkins this week, many do nothing for' her. . In every disaster, substantial thoroughly modern education. Com . . government is a very poor citizen other, types of local projects have -. The club girl not only knows the was discussed eavlv ift the history brnctice games, and lasting benefits result by way ing from such a distinguished "and should, ift all. fairness beeri 'developed by Federal Junior" high school, $8.00 .for , of compensation in engD proper .foods, but she knows how of the country. In response to an part for mater source, they jure worthy of serious . We maintain 'that all . school rieers. The work bf establishing a to arrange . .them' 'in. attractive inquiry, Chibf Justice John Mar- damces and functions where ad - ial losses. Buildings that succumb- - consideration. Civil Works Division in every dishes. Jf one. does not like cer- shall wrote oft' Febtfiafv 21, 1821: missmft is Charged. $6.00 for the ed to the quake have been replaced Among the funds should be raised by the state state principles he set forth is -' There has been uniforihly and special Wednesday evening games by others constructed of strong 'are these: We learn by action disprogressing not easily rapidly. tain foods, they at-and distributed to the various . .. . i 12 hours7:30 ta ll:00 p. m. $1.60 per hour and cohesive materials on correct rather than by . tricts according to the- school digested 'and assimiliated by forc- Voluntarily an iitervel at absorption; or practices, ones-sel- f to eat them. In bur during which the executive pow which ing is specific rather than general population. There' is no reason principles, ing An home we have always had a dis- could not be Exercised. ... why a Child 'bprti in the .shadow Thet motion was seconded by Mr. makes for security in the case of the best things to study are those If an ertiergepcv demafidetJ, tne Smith', discussed and carried un- future disasters, whether quake, which are important to our life like for carrots, but since mother 'of some large financial institution fire or explosion. learned what can be new President oult be sworn ra animously.. should have a greater claim on and work; we should study the Wifiin fivb man busihess is little likelihood of things that will most directly conThere done with therrt, we dress them up immediately .after his predecesthe .resources, 'of that institution yerS The reported tha-a child born living in a distant suburb . may ro that the family doesnt realize sor's term expired at Tnidmght on that th? superintendent ther type:s as tribute to our efficiency and hapcensus has been completed . for its education, ever has board flivhis situation d no 3, air hurricanes March but and that piness. the tornadoes a few. miles away. ' . are gating and 50 a they over last year. gain of menace some areas of onr country existed to make this- necessary. We maintain .that- - property ver, fly to the city and alight on carrots. Like many other progressive . The ,' superintendent ' reported r his office roofv Returning at night . educators of the present day, Dr. Another thing which makes food . should be exempt from all taxation ofCaW!" that the. University of Utah is ?"tbrn nia. But J6hn Plummer of St. Louis was ferine a course occur, the Frank does not believe that a col- for .state purposes (including he may land in his own yard with more appetising ip - the - correct may for adult education schools). We believe in an income ease and safety. Such' iq th pre- setting of the table. I can think provoked when an unknown per-- ' on Civic, and Social Trends. The American Red Cross through its lege education is eithr necessary-nationa- l organization and local or desirable for everyone.' The four ; tax .and. a retail sales tax, with diction of conservative pilots and of nothing riiore . discouraging to son stole a ham from his pantry, teachers association of the county . an appetite than misplaced silver- but he felt insult had been added are proposing to advance $50.00 chapters, will always b at the ser- years spent in college might often possibly a license! tax or franchise engineers. vice the people. This may happen in less than ware and dishes, together with to injury when the. thief returned, to match a like amount be better employed in gaining tax 'for interstate Utilities. Propfrom the In offlood five years if plans for the commer- unclean linen.. Even if the food the borie minus, th meat. disasters to taxation should be Kelso, at subject. practical experience in a workshop erty bbard, leaving the .balance to be i only for county and .municipal cial manufacture of the autogyro were delicious, it would loose half subscribed by teachers of the Washington, and Bonners Ferry, or In business. It. depends larralj. Manager Schafer reports on the natural talents an dlftclTna-tion- s purposes, and a lower legal liiriit are carried out. Invented by Juan its charm by being placed on. an the joy of living! She used her county, and making the course Idaho, Cross expend $43,776.04 Red the . la de inlevies. more of a young person whether Cierva, a' Spaniard,' the unsightly table. If this sounds a originality to make things, . . free to the public. The first meetput on such 459 families were aided he should At Kelso, .Farmers and property owners autogyro is fitted with an ordinary little, exaggerated, try it for your- teresting and fascinating held to be go to college. Wednesday evening, with an ing expenditure of 31476.04. For one who has a. itsHin C in general have complained and airplane motor and propeller, but self, and I am sure you will all less money. A, large part of her Nov. 22 at the Dayis high school 104 position and . .begged for a change in the tax in addition has revolving wings in agree with me. Thus we see the leisure is also spent in reading. and each Wednesday thereafter. At Bonners Ferry, aspires to ester were families ' with stance given acri a of the learned professions, a colbooks sort of windmill arrangement importance of the food we eat When I say reading, mean law for many years with little or Mr. Burton recommended that the : no result. The time has come for which enables it to .sustain itself and its dose relationship to the that are educational and are con- Board join the teachers by making an expenditure of $11,53). lege education is cf National Red Crees shows It course. For those indispensable, more drastic .action.- - Therefore, in the air at slow speed, thus per health of those we love. who. go to colsidered. good literature. Through an appropriation of $50.00 to Qeet The expanded $1,7774)00 for disaster lege merely to be able to say that-we deem it necessary and do mitting it to rise or land in the Now let us turn to the interior her knowledge of .books, she is the teachers association. . relief projects during the past year they have rone to college it is a . ' jointly and- - severally refuse to pay space of an ordinary tennis court. decoration of the home. So many able to choose the proper ones for On motion of Mr. Thornley, In addition to the Cocthern Cali- waste of valuable time. in-The a until to taxes said cant are that the they more' bother other members of family, revolving wings property any people say seconded by Mr. Smith the recom- fornia earthquake is and floods in Aa Dr. Frank very- - truiLfxUy ' the law machine stability in flight with the home interior because eluding little brothers and sisters. mendation was give , new and. more just tax ap- Washington and Idaho, the disaster unanimously besides no a to receives but earth ays: We cannot prove & one the crash money, making one She realizes that passed. thy havent , proved. relief figures also iaelnd almost impossible, even though the will find that the home can be benefit from $1,000 college education guarantees a cheap, easy reading The superintendent reported expanded for flood rtZl'J at Nog- income, or that it makes us t: pilot should entirely , lose controL greatly improved without money. books, even though they may be f. " Timely Topics . the domestic that and art Arizona, relief It is declared that for ales, $2,CCJ department men like an It may be that the proper arrangeor women, ildst ef quite thrilling and, perhaps interDavis have asked - for three of farmers who wets stricken by a pier ' ' old arguments for . collcg An electrical robot that answers airplane but settles to earth like ment of furniture is all that ia esting. When I select my books, I at new ; machines hailstorm. ? . recsewing and .. Utah he a on tion are in the athcan. parachute.. needed to transform an unattrac- always consider the author which ommended 180 questions has been set up that An. authorization be American now 4 is home intersecBerlin l inconvenient street into company of knowing tive, a prominent a is a cretty good way Mrs. Caroline Doty tf St Louis given to purchase not to exceed A Turkish prince sued a H:: tion. When an attendant presses perfecting a design for commer- nlace of beauty and usefulness. you are reading good literature. three machines. On motion of Mr. made the mistake, of flirting with garian member, "the appropriate button the answer cial production. . If the claims of The club girl knows how to make journalist for tiyirj Since I became a Morgan, a poUecmn off duty interview with hfcm, tist UI . to a question comes forth on a its promototers are made good, the curtains, rugs, chairs, etc. my mother and I "have always Thornley the recommendation was J. M.must and the autogyro may soon revolution- harmonize with the entire room. pay a $25 flzs, ducted a jazx orchestra, ft t;r She brings her unanimously approved. 'l worked printed card. The machine is de- ize short together. distance passenger trafi My sister and I dyed and questioa of dealing with Jan Ledar of Budapest was grant he interesting to see wtS to me, and I take mine th The signed to aid persons who want to fic. problems because divorce ed a Lauren W. Gibbs Co to recov wife play- price weald do had the the curtains in our bed: to her, and we have a lot of fun find various buildings, stores and - jsmi room, and it is impossible to de- finding a solution' to them. Our rr on the court judgment was re- ed whist every day, contrary to bis ailed hia a crooner. the nearest places to obtain certain , . ; wishes. to the committee to act. are Laving a heavy smoke screen to scribe our joy and satisfaction at work has become sort of agame, ferred goods or services. The answers After being held ap on tit t When Mrs. L. T. Frazer of New On motion of Mr. Howard the hide their movements, thieves stole the results obtained. One cannot how interestfree. returned home unexpectedly ferett York a truckload of oranges from the imagine the pleasure that comes and it is surprising bills Loris were previously The approved prohleip ing one can make it. from out of town, aha found her your-V Chicago- - phxrr-;c- . an passed and ordered paid. Two city girls visiting in the orchard of John Humiaton, at Lind something out of of become making has Ifrom cook entertaining ten quests at a eluded tbst enough el Calif. horseback to decided Meeting say. adjourned. go mother which in country one, I swell dinner. plenty, to conctzlcJ t: r The club girl dont spend all enjoyable riding. Asked whether they prefer Elmore Lewis I are partners --both working and Mrs. Dorothy N. Lowe, of Han- tics xaZsr his ccc-t- o'. After his marriage to Mrs. Netof Allendale, S. C. her time in work, but she realizes for the same objective. red the flat saddle or one with a bandits ittempted detie Knapp of Philadelphia Rolin ford, Cal., has an tcltrl-cuto- ry a three-foo- t t alligator, a big the value of recreation. Through BESSIE WILCOX, horn, one of them replied: "The caught divorce from lister N. hold-uof Goodel entertained t j' i catfish saddle and small a gree beii not on Wajay and tX.J her own the were going! the those please, perch wedding experiences flat Davis County. of result the of klllsd one Lex same Lowe, line draw, with a suit aa guests same the time ideas third at a ; new so need with s wont for house Confersolo, The Prisonerll I others, many to ride in traffic, Given at him. other flee. to one o Song. against bait. Pi0 which are 1933. gained, adds parties horn. to ence November 14, - " .. Itiori.-Ji-id- News-Expres- s. Galbraith lltt.Lt, Railway Call worker, who are mphasiz M '. n the-Culle- ' -- - 1 ! - Tax Sevier Coes Payers Yitrtual 1 - t that-grea- - - SO-ho- s - ... per-bon- time-keep- .'" - I er bf-thes- e 4-- JJ - l ........ , the-chjai- - - f for ; - - garment, - - full-tim- e In-th- e s . - - . , . chair-appointe- - - . Parent-Teache- - rs . - . . ; ... . er I '7.21-acre- s - dM irs e t-- 1 free.-Ther- - e - ''' - - Without a ? . . e .- - - - - . - - on-th- - - - . - i. o1., va-.can- be.dia-franchised- - . e - learn-engineeri- ng Air Flivver and-1-ha- ve a-'-, er much-dreade- . - o i " 0 -- . tttj -- ' tFt'" 4-- H hj . - 3 home-makin- g p, Home-maker- 1 t VT r;' k.:1 |