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Show 4 WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS LAYTON, UTAH, NOVEMBER 23, 1933. Ucdlj llews-Expr- ess LAYTON, UTAH, NOV. 23, 1983. matter second-clas- s Entered at the Post Ice at Layton, Utah, under the Act of March 8, 1879. John Stahle, Jr. Editor & Manager Postoffice box Layton, Utah 202, price $2.00 'Subscription pcrjrcar " US All tho National Early 4a October met in Chicago. It Safety Gongress was greeted with a message from President Roosevelt which read in part: Tho conservation ofof human life, and the,prevcnton vital imporinjuries, is of and hapiness welfare tance to our acci-dwt- . al lives sacrificed 88,000 Aplast year. accidents through were people 9,000,000 proximately '..We injured. The economic costs run close to two billion dollars. The social cost is immeasurable. Brief- ac-ly stated, that is our national and it certainly cidcnt problem, offers a most soriouschallengo to , the American people. At its meeting, tho Congress formulated plans for continuing its unremitting fight against accidents through 1934. In that fine work it will he aided by other organizations, such as the National Bureau of Casualty and Surety Underwriters, which work unremittingly in the interest of safer, happier living. In certain fields notably that of industry the work has produced fine fruit. In others particularly the automobile the public response hits generally been discouraging. And the public pays , , in money, in health, in rreplace- able lives. This year there lias been a start made in lowering the automobile death toll, and it will lo appreciably under .the 193.2 level. But thousands of careless drivers still roam the highways, a constant menace to the rest of us. The in competent ' and the discourteous and the congenitally reckless still guide tons of metal at high apeetls Hera indeed, as the President said 13 a great challenge to the Amcr can people. A' A ten pound eon was born yesMiss : Marjorie Turner, who is to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur in school Provo, terday spent attending at their home here. Mrs. Manning week-enher with parents, d last Manning was formerly Miss Ethel Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turner. ' A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton of South Bountiful. DeLore Nichols County agent Keith Marston in West Layton avd Miss Ituby Stringham, county Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Wilcox and demonstration, agent, attended a children of Salt Lake wefe Sun- meeting at U. A. C. in Logan, day guests of Mrs George Wilcox Wednesday. Davis county ranked 25th among and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vird Barney of counties in the United States in Elsinor announce the arrival of at value of its 1930 tomato crop, and value of dry onions it daughter horn Monday at the 33rd in aa report of the census home of - Mrs, Itarneya parents raised, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bone in West bureau in Washington said Mon day. The tomato crop was valued Layton. .To'eoh Robins suffered a broken that year at $390,580. In acreage shouldor in an automobile accident planted it stood 40th, with an area of 2538 acres. The countys last week. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. dry onion crop was worth $125,668 Wells Ilayes ip. also suffering from In onion acreage it ranked 41st, a broken shoulder received Friday with 505 acres. The following obtained mar while playing football at Layton. licenses at the court house underwent riagps Mansell Vernon ,Mrs. an operation for tho removal of Fred L. Hennefer, 37, Salt Lake tonsils at the Dee hospital. Tues- and Afton Wilde, 34, Coalville. William Booth, 33, Spanish Fork day. About twenty Kaysville people and Nellie Rose, 40, Green River, attended the funeral of William Wyoming. Earl V. Butcher, 22, Lake and Mario Hopper, 18, Haigght which was held in Farm- Salt Lake. Suit ington, Tuesday. Clearing the way for immediate Mrs. Doris Sill of Salt Lake has five Utah road projconstruction, week been seriously ill the past but is much improved at this time ect have been approved by the MrandiMrs. Ileber Gailev left federal bureau of public roads in Wednesday morning for California Washington, according to word. where they will spend tho winter. The projects total nearly $160,000 Mrs. Robert 1attilo left this and include $33,185 for concrete week to spend the winter in oaving in Tooele county; $55,237 'ridge and graveling in Grand California. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mansell, county; $10,000 for graveling in MiHs Ida May Dodson and Dr. Davis county. John II. Ellis, of this place; Keith Barnes attended the football Newell L. Sainsbury , and Jack game in Layton, Saturday. Miss Emily Ibough left Thurs- Cierisch of Bountiful are among day for Mesa, Arizona to spend ihe hoys who have enlisted in tho Navy. the winter. Mrs. Earl Moon and children of The Primary stake board was moved to entertained Wednesday afternoon North Farmington at tho home of Mrs. Kenneth Farmington last week. Dance in North Farmington Sheffield. Mrs. Spencer Barton, hall after Mutual Mrs. W, F. Collett und Mrs. Ches- amusement ter Flint were the nsuHting hos- every Tuesday. , President Reemployment Agreement did vastly more than hasten absorption of, several million of the unemployed. It also was a strong, incentive to industry to ipaintain more efficient and less wasteful management in order to meet increased labor cost. it encouraged the Furthermore, ' great majority of intelligent industrial management to enter into the work of formulating codes of fair competition with a genuine spirit of cooperation with the Government, based upon several weeks of observation of what the National Industrial Recovery, Act actually has done for them. There are disclosures at tho code hearings in .Washington indicative of the eagerness with which men and women, went hack to work after many despairing mouths. And of the sometimes amazing improvement in morale throughout big, plants these lung-idl- e workers brought .with them. It appears there is a decided air of alacrity in big American industrial'. establishments these days. Considerable reduction in hours of week has resulted in work considerable improvement in ex- tent and quality of output, and especially of quality. As was to be expected, the new workers ate1 very willing workers. A typical case was at ft hearing on a code submitted by the surgical dressing trade, which work week proposed a, with $14 'weekly for employees in small and $15 in large cities. AsTho S i , c , -- . ) t h ! . . . 40-ho- ur serting that a hour reduce employment in the trade by pne seventh," the representative of a famous firm said: Our 40 week-woul- , ' CENTERVILLE Mrs. Pepry Rockwood underwent a major operation Thursday morning at the L. D. S. .hospital, in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs.Wrllard' G. Carr and family were honored guests at ladies-attende- a party Thursday 16 and, Mrs. Boyd Parrish are of a lovely baby girl born recently at the Salt Lake L. D. Si hospital. Mrs, i Parrish, prior to her marriage,, was Miss Mary Pratt, daughter of Mrs. Ray L, Priitt of ElPaso, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sharp of Long Beach, Cab, were visitors last week at the home of Miss Maria and Mr. William Dalton in this the proud parents last year. For a number of years Davis has had a winning debating team. Mr. Gardner who has instructed the team previously will continue his work again this year. We are contemplating another yeay of suc! cessful debating. , BASKETBALL The coaches have asked that Freshmen and Sophomore boys organize basketball team and enter in the basketball tournament which will be hold this week. At the end of this tournament a sophomore basketball team will bo selected. This activity has proved to he quite popular and. evidence of keen competition is present. J. We had at Davis high school Fri day a very instructive assembly. A representative from the PhilCo Radio company presented some very interesting material on the progress of radio. To enable students in the balcony to hear he talked through a microphone connecting with a radio. It proved to .,, and.ryone At the. girls next-danc- . Celebrate- Their Golden .Wedding krs. Mr. an'd W?h -- Z 40-4- 1' and we - . ' w publishing these Code Prices . . 4 4111 vUj ,a :- .! ; D.an-druf- f ; 1 ChildrGii.'HaircuCs-H- iel raK.- ter 14 - Tonic . : . , ' . ?5C-- i :: - - No Services less than . Prices will prevail as gell atA the node houtti which iMw. IL to 6 P, M., except Saturdays janff day? raccfein-j holidays $ A,K till '7 P.' M, t AhovO' $ A-- ; aiEDLEY: BARBEIS ' .' . t - UTAH .liAYTON CiAS : i . - Vi! Aim. . - SERVICE - hnd - We Will , , . Try Us . II I Hi 1 1 . . . . V.,'- - . . ; WeJYVelcpme You . M. IlflH HIM I ,- relieve you ' , ' Guaranteed'.. work-- . ", Load Them On To Us - - - .,' IF. YOU. HAVE CAR TROUBLES. . ; ' OIL - ' .. . i. .. . FRANKS GARAGE' . h . . - - , Next door sbuth to. . TAH MMWmOII . . f.. 1' 1 1 DICKS-- SERVICE STATION ' 4 IMMHO 500 bun- - -- II X5g 4' LAYTONS NEWGARAGE REMIND US OF IT LAYTON. sog: imi, ."PlamS'Iiatlipffo ..f...r.,:.:v.;.,'.v.. . Sliam;po.j . .Fitch . If We Should Fail To Do So that doesnt wander doesn't get Very far.' . Shave With A Smile ' , are. hereby, e , , . V - v m i Wfi GREET'YOU . . . In Cojitpliance with the NKA code the following, prices liave Ueeh written in .- Centerville Second ward as.luet-ba- ll tears played Bountiful 1st ward at Junior nigh gymnasium, resulting ia a score of 21 to 15 in favor of Bountiful. ' e O-r.-- Motto . , - ' r i ,' Products 1 . ' anni- -- Best Service 0ur ' cete Pan-is- h y18 - we-ek- s H. B. btated t,heir 'golden wedding versary, Wednesday evening at a reception at the family honft. The , bride of fifty years was Beautiful and irv an eggt shell lace, gown wore a corsage of gold opheli roses. Baskets of chrysanthemum s t , wre attractively placed, about the . rooln and the serving table, light ed with gold burning tapers, hell ' f a? .a centerpiece, a basket tff flowgolden-ahafeera in the . Profqsso John Panjfsh of Jfi sefuri college and Mr. and Mrs, Morris Rowe of Salt Lake, children y ! - s - 'v-h- o Which assembly Uytoil Utah. SALEhtederaTrick ' Mrs. Granville BarloW returned Sunday of last week, after a two visit here with het sister, Mrs. Thomas Sessions and other Get Heady Now...; for the'::'7 H.B PflITlShSinCl .45- rches!r9a: Good winter.. A mind . -- S tli two'tTvSE'i! . relatives. .. s - : -J FOR SALE Fifteen ton of wild hay. Aaron George. Bountiful. . 40 FOR SALE Good used gas r.ange, Apply to Mrs. .Fred Mann, 4 block west of Penney storeBountiful. CHEAP--BabFOR BALE buggy, sowing, machihe and bed.' of Mr. and- - Mrs. , Parnsli, Were Inquire of George BuPnihg-haiji- , ajnong.the 125 guests. Include! 4& ai30 were, three couples , were ,. ' the at wedding present . Buy .CRAZY CRYSTALS, reception cfne Mr ap! block south of Stoker sch66lWrite'.forty IVofessor Ford. and. Joaep A card and have th6m'deliverpd.Mrs. Mrs. Mosiah Hall ahd Mr. and Mrs. '40-4- 2 Thelma Chrtis, Bountiful. Reguel Barber. Mr N. T. Porter,. WANTEth-Work. In brpthfer. of Mrs. Pairislfc nive puWinff ooviiin ioniro 'a;,, Los Angeles to attend the topping trees. William , dJightfl affair. residence of William Hill, Sr., Bountiful . A. BBallaguer was. .found on Your WEAVER js located 2 bHts the .streets ,ofNeyr Y'orjc, .wal'kirg ' east of ,new road os 2 blk9 west with no dOthes. oft. to-b- . Outbuildings' chickencoops and ZVot Phone W.. Stable, Henry G j, Mrs. Alice C. Cheney received word that her sisters' son had been killed in an autmobile acci-- 1 dent. He is the-- son of Mr. and Mrs. David Cannon, of St, ' George. Mr. Frank Worsely and daughter Ethel,' have gemd to Califohhia to spend the winter with their son and brother, "Neal, at Long Bqacb, Mr, artd Mrs. Leo Worsley and family will occupy .their 'home while they a oc absent. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Barber 'of Centerville are making their home with Irs. Barbers mother, Mrs. Hattie Bryson, caring for her, this - - 44tfH H war. Ucfod1 balance berries, -- this-seaso- - RENT OR FUR SALE farm, fruit, ffwkn- 6 81-J- 5. was held Wednesday November J5 A basketball squad of twenty the following program Was , premen has been selected to repre- sented: two selections by the sent Davis this year. , . girls chorus; reading by Lotoise The first practice game of Bishop, tap dapee by Ileleq White, will be placed with Mor- skit by .Allen Taylor, Phillip gan Tuesday November 28 at, Da- Thompson and two songs by Vir-- . vis high school. , ginia Evans. Birdeen Adanvs.anc i Beulah Stokeh For the remainder DANCE of the program dgneo music SENIOR w?s . s played and the girls were allowet The annua Senior to dance. II . . , dance will he held in the Da, , , . vis gymnasium Wednesday Nov. , The hoys assembly which was. 29th at nine oclock. This dance has always proved to bo an out- held : Wednesday .November 15. standing affair because here the consisted of talks' by. Coaches seniors entertain tho alumhi of the Forsberg and Worthington .and school as honored guests. It is several musical numbers by Fiery hoped that the dance this ypar 'Joppsoq, and Ed Reed. will prove even more suc, EXTENSION COURSE cessful than previous .homecom' ing dances. . Tho idea .of a hard-tim- e barn . Tho school officials, 'teachens dance will be carried etlt the gym and community leaders of Davis orchestra decorations,, and the' county school district Are sponsordancers will each represent differ- ing e series of fifteen lecture on Z , ent phases of the hard-tim- e idea. recent political fend social trends. This, will be at .adult . education ' program. in this county fof this SEMINARY, , They will Jbe held at Davis " Samples of pins from two of the high .school every. .Wednesday leading jewelers in Ogden werfc night at eight oclock beginning , , , submitted to tho Gospel Doctrine on November 22. classes. Monday. A vote was taken and it was deeded that the pin v offered by . tho Qbert Tanner . Jewelry Co. would be the official pm for 1933-34- . , , . Midf&t! Th. pi trUnjulir shaped is set, with, three small stones ecure rubies and one pearl. Those rep- - (try tM column. . : resent the three years of seminary f .DANCE ORCHESTRA Reion you tb, job. a large S. stands 1IOME-CQMIN- $l5;00ne TTmnn Furniture Co., BouTLttfljg SALE-Thirty- two-wa- l!L ernoon The Legion play, under the direction of Mrs. Roitta Kilfoylo and Myron Phillips' has been completed. The play is entitled Noth-- , mg hut the Truth, and the cast includes Allan Lynn Ilayles, Blood, Farrel ' Smith,. Vernon Mansell. Bill Wilma Barton, Mortensen, Marcel Linford, Melha Thornley, Breta Linford, Edith Layton and Roetta Kilfoyle. The Ladies faculty members pf the south part of the county qn tertainod the Kaysville ladies at the home of Mrs. Rdbinson in A bioFarmington, Wednesday. graphy of the Life of Verdi the musician, and a review of his was given opera II Trovatore by Mrs. Miles., Musical selections from this opera were rendered by Mrs. Miles and Mrs. Thompson. - The tryouts for classscries will be held during the first two weeks in December. Those eligible for class series are anyone who is interested and who has not previously earned his letter in debating. One regular debator and one alternate debator have returned from 40-4- 5 pound pigs, $2 apiece. II. Child 14 miles So. of Power House Bountiful. 41 riace your orders for kindling and fireword with the Uaion 41- Furniture Co. Bountiful. SALE FOR By owner Fordson' compietion day for mem side pulley and Jetm bers of the Davis chapter of F. F. tractor with y plow. Phone Ily. A. has been set for a day in Deere 2180 or 41 Bountiful December prior to the Christmas SALE FOR 1 acre, owner, By holidays. On this day the green hands will be initiated' and an modern six room home in Bountiful athletic program of boxing, wrest- fine location, large sleeping porch large coop and garage ling stunts, etc. will be presented. autoIn porch, A-- l alt condition, lots shade, also The club activity for this moftth lawn, fruit, garden, plenty wawill be two sets of films to be ter. Bonneville water off, shown on the moving gpicture unencumbered, reasonablepaidterms. projector. One of these films will E. P. Durham, Bountiful, Utah 13- show the entire history of agriculDavid Wiseman will pay upto-dat- e ture. , prices for all kinds of poulalso livestock. Phone Bountiful try . ASSEMBLY t 200-J- . 42- - town. They alsovisjted.at-thbedside of Me. 'Sharps father, who is reported very ill in a- S.alt Lake Mrs. Alice Chiney had as her guests the forepart of the .week, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cannon of St. George, Mr. and Mrs.- K. W. VVinncss of Salt Lake. Enroute to aem,able si?e.of .the.s i this city, Mr. and Mr 3. Cannon at- torch which stands for inspiration; FOR tended the joint f unoral services of their son, Angus Muni Cannon and Mr, Bcchanian, who were killed in an automobile accident ilear Sig-ar4 11 Utah, The services held at Torrey, Utah, went military in character honoring Mr..Bcchanan, jja- Black Hawk war veteran and .Mr. Gannon a ve.tpran of ,thp World - evening honoring the birthday an niversary of her son, Zcnn and Miss Bertha Linford. At a late hour refreshments were served to 16 guests, M'8 Gcprge Barker Entertained af Nov. Mr. al club Wednesday evening! in the First .ward amusement hall, given by the society of the ward. Mr. and Mrs. Carr grq leaving Centerville and will make their hpme in Bountiful. , ' rate purpose galow 14 blocks wert of Bountiful Vfjtate yor Frmmgx n State bank; six rooms, oroera Christmas papered, gas quipped, full basereasonable prices. Mrs. ment, lovely trees, lawns and 'vice and Robison. P. Alma For particulars flowers. call Everett Nelson, Bountiful 162-Six used leather bed Davenette 17 to be sold at once prices $ 5.00 to third their value..-five FOR to 40 hook on the other side repre-- 1 enU mental effort. The guard for the pin is a large B for Barnes Senmrnary gt on a tiny gold book which represents knowledge. This year a necklace as well as a pin is offered to seminary students. The necklace has the same design as the pin and is in every respect similar to it. Girls who prefer this necklace may purchase it instead of the pin. Home-Comin- g Chris Boynton of Burley, Idaho is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Susana Robins. Mrs. Maggie Webster Marston of Salt I.ake is quite ill. The following Kaysville a luncheon given by the auxiliary in tho Memorial hall in Farmington, Thursday: Mrs. Rob ret Burkin, Mrs. Floyd ' .Whiting, Mrs. Rulon Barnes,, Mrs. Itoetta Kilfoyle and Misses Irene Swan pnd Miriam Barnes The Kaysville ward carnival which was held last week was great success and largely attended Mr. and Mrs, E. II. Sc.offidd and Mrs. Cunningham, spent Saturday in Logan. . , ,, . Mrs. Henry Billings, Mrs. Nor-rSoloman and Mrs. Herman Richards all of Salt Lake spont Tuesday with Mrs. Thomas.. II. Chadwick. Miss, Bessie Reeves and John Dahlstrom of Coppcrton spent Sunday with Mrs. Nathan Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Iiushforth entertained, at a family dinner at their home in Ogden, Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rushforth and fanjily of, Kaysville and Mr, and Mrs. Golrner Rollins and fam ily of Morgan. Mrs. ItoscI Ilydo, entertained at a bridge party .party Thursday i ) The qquestion for debating at Davis high school this year is resolved: That the valuation for taxation for public utilitiesshouldi be the same as the valuation for . Mr. I i DEBATNG . tesses. NORA ATKINSON VIRGINIA WIXOM MARIE WELLING . j experience under the Presidents Reemployment Agreement indi cates that the industry can support a maximum work week of 36 hours jmd a minimum wage of 40 Explaining that centsper Jiour. been his company has operating under the cotton textile code, conwheih. refreshments were taining a limitation on , machine hours, which the surgical dressing served. . code omitted, he added: Machine limitation not only resists reduc-- i Time ls the herb that curos au tion of production costs hut act disca8es.Benjarain Frajiklin. ually increases costs. Machinery1 should he the servant of man and i man can jejj b()W j9 make it possible forhim to enjoy 0f the job that gets him 8jze asleisure, and it, will if labor is down sured its, fair share of tne produce. This the National Recovery Act is doing, and it is the contribution of the act to the common welfare. Our industrial system can survive only if labor .receives , a larger 'share than heretofore of what it : helps to produce. u i j A, ood dealjhaa been . written and .said- about the lessons to be learned, from the depression. There may be some lessons to be learn .doubtless is. There are harmful things that come out alsq of the depression. .Among these are destroyed businesses and business q anizatiors and the deple tion of fife's savings- - on the part of thoae who are sustaining them-selv- o through prolonged- ) period of taersplcyinent. The greatest harm that cornea from the depresia tho effect it sion aa will Lave on the morale of men . ) Davis Hight School News i APlinllotitrp to V FARMINGTON KAYSVILLE Ellis-Stor- e . . . . , ... : .' '; - !! II It 1 11 ' Whan Avay From THE BEST OF Home-- . "Tl You Can Be Assured That The. ed.;-Thei- .11 L.i v : ; , who who are . of employment . savings Lav. seen their while the and grad- vain ually consumed search something to do goes on.- - Tha real injury lisa in the .individual coming to feel that he ia whipped. That there ia nothing he can do to help things. It requires more 'eourxje for a man to keep from beirjr depressed and whipped by tLa futility of things than it does to .fit by and watch his savings be used up for the neces aitUa pf life. fr . Beautiful R ingle tto End Permanent Wave9 For all PHONE CALL J Virgiuia'a N. R. A. Staley Beauty Shop 1 1 1 1 1 H$ $ H 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 A S I 111 1 YOURS FOR GOOD SERVICE UTAH I Will Do All In Its Power TO SATISFY YOUR TASTE 1 -- It is a Pleasure to Us to do so LimcEn LAYTON MEMBER HHIHlHniHMHHimnmW44HIHtlMH. And At REASONABLE .PRICES .. and up. types of Beauty Treatment and advice 22S-- ' SSRVED HERE -- we--see-- it, ROYAL CAFE t II I MW ROYAL CAFE I . 'll i |