Show LETTER FROM STOCKHOLM STocK STOCKHOLM Hoim april aoth the swedish norwegian controversy begins to be noticed by the russian newspapers in a most undesirable manner thus thug the syn opines kopines that a war on scandinavian peninsula is imminent the scandinavian union crisis writes said paper is a question which directly concerns dussias Rus sias interests te rests and on that account we ought to follow it with the greatest attention we ought not to be guilty of a fault which we formerly have committed more than once and the dynastic interests ot of king oscar ought not to be ot of iny any importance to us the scandinavian union must be looked at as the extreme outpost of the triple alliance towards north and if the he union be dis solve diH dill tile battet better for russia the extraordinary budget of de defense fenke which has been laid before the present I 1 norwegian stirling i is s muth much larger than usually I 1 is the case for the build ing ot lot iron dads an immediate appropriation p ing pria tion of four int million ilion le kroner roner i is asked for an extra appropriation for the fortification of and the equip ment ol of the moni monitors tort with rapid bring guns giltis are also asked for mr Th thomas orriss ferguson the minister of the united states to sweden and norway was received by the queen in a special add audience lence the other day mr ferguson gave yesterday a banquet to which members of the diplomatic corps had been invited A special correspondent of the Afton bladet writes from copenhagen the danish crown prince and crow crown princess will leave lor for stockholm the latter part of this month to pay a visit to ta king oacar and queen sophia at it is probable that they will be accompanied by prince christian and princess louise i the stay in stockholm will fa last st over fourteen days emperor william took breakfast the other day with count carl von wedel and his big wile wife countess stephanie von wedel nee hamilton until her anar marriage last year the acknowledged queen of stockholm society the political situation in finland seems to have become much brighter since the new emperor and grand duke ascended the throne the latest event which speaks for such a supposition is the emperors decision in regard to the edification ot of the constitutional laws of finland which decision is that the question shall rest until lurther notice or not be taken up before he himself gives order to such effect the swedish tourist society has invited signor edmondo de amicis the famous italian journalist and traveler to make a journey through sweden this summer at the expense of the society signor amicis will accept the invitation having will beca great weden to hith him to write a book babok on oft A telegram from st petersburg received here states that a commercial treaty between russia and Derli denmark nark has lust just been signed by representatives of both countries the so called I 1 denmark monument will soon be erected in copenhagen opposite s i te the art museum the colossal ee denmark n mark figure surrounded by the representative agriculture and fishery has been complete dby sculptor hasset riis ans the monument will be the largest in copenhagen and its cost is estimated at kroner both stockholm and gothenburg gothenberg Got henburg want the proposed john ericsson monument and a newspaper fight much like the one that sometimes is conducted between the new york and chicago papers has on that account sprung up between the two cities the feeling runs high money is subscribed for in bath towns and it seems jar far from improbable that the inventor of the monitor will be honored with two statues in sweden one raised in the capital and the other in gothenburg gothenberg Got henburg henrik great reat drama pen cynt with music ty by edward grieg the famous composer was for the first time performed at the royal opera house in fil stockholm Stock hoft and scored a tremendous success the scandinavian vian society nr ft himburg hamburg had arranged a concert a leav fe days ago which was very favorably ed by the hamburger the society has a large membership which every week it is increasing your correspondent had a couple of days ago the opportunity of visiting 7 port fort bohus aglace a place near Sot henburg fort bonus is rich in anc iene reminiscences it was wag formerly the most formidable stronghold of the north it was built in in 1308 by the norwegian king haakan magnusson originally it was built of wood but was rebuilt of stone with great massive walls by christian 1 I and afterwards much improved and considerably strengthened by christain IV this old fortress has withstood many a hardy siege in 1658 however it was taken by bythe the swedes SwI edes and in 1678 the norwegians Norwegia ns almost succeeded in regaining possession of the fort but it was eventually saved by 0 0 of by this time it had fallen into decay so that nothing remained but a rum ruin this however was promptly restored the fortress had two round towers called fathers cap and mothers cap in 1786 it was decided to raze the fortress but the work of destruction was prevented by bv charles XIV |