Show STREET EDUCATION the street education of children to a subject which ban h undergone mush discussion and from various points of view the one given giren most moat attention to Is that which deals with the be running of children in the streets at all hour booro of the day and far into the night there to to te trained in the reckless rec klesi disregard of restraint rec which later beaus ahe m to become heed lessof of law and order and which drills them in the waye of thought and action to the exclusion of the valued branches of learning and conduct of late chicagoans have been coo con si dering the subject abot lu IU still another peat and the reul result may bring about a measure of reform in municipal control of the appearance peor pe arance anoe of th the streets erects trec ts the matter was waa brought up op by the request of mayr mayor SWIM on the hoard board lon to 10 recommend a man suitable for the he position 1 of I chief of police this led ej to 90 A discussion of the part the b municipality took in school the In tereaS the educational department bad in general municipal opera eions upon abe topics topic it has ha been pointed out i that bat the city pay if millions million each year to support a system of nubile schools soh oolf tat no taxes are more willingly paid than those which go ge to the support of that etem system that in the schools the pupils pupil are carefully taught iu u abe observance of governmental laws aw and that thea moral and intellectual training are earnestly sought ought after afier at the same awe time it was wai pointed out that the municipality woo was engaged ina in a etem system of eau education cation outside of the abe schools that was counteracting to a large extent the work of the pedagogues gues and because the school training is theory the illustration of the practical in ID the other yarm syota had abe greater effect thin outside education was waa described in the object leona lemons afforded on the public streets I 1 shor bop windows rin dowa and show abow windows window of every sort form part of it the posters bill boards board and all manner of advertising devices are an important portion the rickety buildings uno leaned streets tre eta and rub rab blob blab and mob heaps all in violation Tio lation of sanitary regulations go to complete the be makeup make up thew it was pointed 0 out U t all operate to educate the people mople in the line of their appearance and it if that la Is contrary to the be school the latter of course goes to the wall and thus much of the citizens money is wasted in such a discussion there is of course coune much difference of opinion as aa to the precise extent of responsibility which rests oo 00 the municipality naturally there are many ides ideas ide s as to just what class of bills and posters should 0 be allowed on boards and in windows and where the line of suggestiveness for or immorality should be drawn the abe ame is true with respect to lons ions in show windows window or displays upon the streets etso upon one pant however howe vr there to is a general son senous of opinion and that la is that municipal officers cerii should enforce existing ordinances accord ing to the letter and spirit the be applied to teach compliance with sanitary tary regulations and 0 so o on through tue entire list in abis respect the application of abo rule could be made to advantage in many other places place than chiego where there could be also ado olD applied piled with equal force the suggestion that aba a municipal iDal policy of public education that builds up with one band and pulls pulla down with the other to ia a policy of idiocy rather than of civic wisdom the treet street and vacant lot jot education of an important factor to in do de the life and conduct of suc BUC beeding generations |