Show TO BOYS BOY ix WHAT 18 IT in the as a to whither the tobacco habit leadis we have bays reached a point where for the trose rose cation of an intelligent research we must got get an aa anaker to the question quee tion what to te tol toDa moco in brief the definition vt of tobacco given in the pedlar that it 1 Is an herb berb of the natural order having large broad its botanical oame name Is 1 Jwo Rico tiana the species sire are natives of warm countries most moat of them american Amerie ao they all possess the narcotic naro suar otic cotic property on ac count of a low few of them are extensively ten cultivated this property resides reil deain in nearly all parts of the plant although the leaves ilavee are almost excle alively used the most important import aut of the species la Is the he common or virginian tobacco a plaint which grows growa from 11 five to to six feet fee is in bight by ana analysis the chemist finds tuat the mos moot active ingredient of tobacco Is IB that from which the genus is named nicotine in addition there are found in combination injurious to use for the human system mallo malic and citric acido acetic oxalic and pelotio acid and alburni but nicotine to la chief in tobacco smoke emoke the constituents also are many the principal ones onee being carbonic acid carbonic oxide ammonia gaser carbon or soot oot and nicotine As to the proportion of the latter in marketable coit may be said oaid that eight pounds of nicotine has been obtained from one hundred pounds of virginian tobacco in connection with the inquiry as to what tobacco is it may be well to say what it to is in connection with the human buman body or at least the process by which it Is assimilated therein when tobacco Is used for chewing the nicotine is absorbed by the lining membrane of the mouth and is carried into the blood there it circulates through the body and comes in direct contact with the bert lungs brain and every other organ when smoked in cigar pipe or cigarette the nicotine to is absorbed by the lining membrane of the mouth nose none and lung lungs and thus Is carried into the blood nicotine which has ham been named me as the chief alkaloid in tobacco is one of the most moat violent of poising poi song extracted by chemical prices it is ia a colorless liquid it produces produce death aucker than any poison except felc acid the amount contained in iii one strong cigar if thrown into the blood would cause death in a brief of time A drop of alo nicotine otine placed upon a oats oatle tongue caused immediate insensibility and death to io two minu minutes tep the peculiar flavor of nicotine it readily recognized as that which exudes from the habitual user of tobacco carbonic acid as the chemists s oar car bon dioxide is commonly called and which is in an important ingredient of tobacco smoke will not support combust loo A lighted candle placed in it immediately goes out it if to deadly in its effect on the respiratory organs organ although it may be taken without danger and even with benefit into the stomach in aerated waters and in other ways way air which contains contain nine to ton ten parts parta of it destroys dea troys human life by suffocation its general effect in smaller mailer quai quantities in the air in to produce headache loss of appetite nervousness and men tal dull dul luese neM it is in heavier than air hence collects in low p places ass where the air la Is not disturbed aa in unused collars cel lare deep wells and mines it Is ie the gas known in mines as chokedamp PY because it produces death by Chr bosio oxide carbon monoxide which ban baa been named an aa another of the main ingredients of tobacco smoke is i a colorless odorless odor leGS poisonous nas gas capable of diar lacina the oxygen to in the blood it does not support combustion but is combustible and is the gas which yield when burning the pals pale blue flame often seen playing over a freshly led coal fire dr E M avery A very the eminent writer on chemistry say it is an active poison and doubly dangerous on account or of its lack of odor one per cent of it in air is in fetal fatal to lite lile which it destroys der deo troys troyal oot not merely by excluding oxygen out fo cation as ae hydrogen etc 10 lo do but by direct action so as a true poison As ac this thi gas is formed in obar eoal and anthrax cite firms fires and ana as it secures secure an easy passage through faulty joints and even through east iron plates heated to red veep it to IB the frequent cause of oppression headache and danger in stove or furnace heated and ill III ventilated room carbonic oxide is the most moat dangerous danger oua of gases gages given off from coal fires from this source as from tobacco when inhaled it combines combine with and enters entera the red corpuscles corpus cles of the blood thus thu destroying life by direct noxious action in ID smaller quantities than to produce direct fatality it causes a ti emulous movement of the muscles mu ecles and so BO of the heart it haa bag been used to a considerable extent tor for the purpose of suicide the gas ammonia la 18 transparent and colot leps possesses an extraordinarily pungent odor which provokes tears and has baa an acrid alkaline taste it la is causing violent contraction of the muscles mu solea as aa may be ascertained by applying the dole to a bottle of hartsboro hart barts born which gives off the gas great ears care must be taken to avoid inhaling the gaj in any quantity as it would produce the most moat serious results an evidence of these onay easy be seen in the violent blistering which follow follone an application of aqua ammonia to the skin it to la this bis ammonia g gs gis is in tobacco smoke which bites the tongue of the smoker excites the salivary glands and causes dryness of the mouth and throat the carbon or moot loot I 1 it that which gives color to the smoke and is ie so BO die agreeable when it comes in large quan titie sas from a f furnace or other smokestack here is a description descal atlon of the nature and properties of the chief of tobacco both before ani while burn ing the seeds of the plant were first brought to europe by gonsalo hernan dez do de oviedo who introduced it into spain where it was cultivated as an ornamental plant columbus learned that smoking tobacco was practised practiced by the natives of the west weak indies the weed beinar in general use among the american indiana jean nicot introduced it into france and from him it derived its botanical name cs N nocolo Mons Me irdee extolled edits its medicinal virtues virtu ev and hla his advocacy being taken up by others othera itwara it was quickly q adapted to use la in smoking chewing and anuff taking on all grounds around fl except an aa a medicine tobacco met with great opposition iov the popes urban VIII and innocent aj X issued orders again tit it the priests and sultans of turkey declared smoking a crime sultan amaret IV decreeing its if punishment by death the pipes cf r smokers were thrust through their noses in turkey in eulela in the early part of the be seventeenth century the noses af smokers were out off klog king james I 1 of england issued a document in which be described its use uee as a custom loathsome to the eye hateful to the none harmful to the brala brain dangerous to the lungs and in the black it stinking inking fume thereof nearest resembling the horrible stygian moke of the pit that is botton bottomless iless but all was in vain its alleged medici medicinal ual virtue combined with its ita ou slaving tendency were a moans means tp to fautn its bold the pelote till 1111 op pofi romi tion ceased even tig its breal advocates la in therapeutics its IN nab ire outside of medi dins as shown by barton in bis bin anatomy ot e melancholy where he be says eay Tob tobacco hoco divine rare superexcellent tobacco which goes far beyond ond all the panaceas pauses slog potable notable gold 1 and philosopher tobee is IB a 8 remedy in all In eases A rood good vomit I 1 confess cooee a a virtuous virtu oue herb if it be well qualified opportunely asken and medicinally used but as a it 16 commonly abused by most moat ria men eu wb take itse it se tinkers do a ale in fin Wp a plague lague a mischief a violent purne of goda lands health devilish tin aab imbed damned tobacco the ruin and overthrow of body and soul 13 on the recommendation of doctors doctora ite ita use began for physical ailments ail menta be atice cause in some caries it exerted a ing influence but by practice and inquiry all expectations regarding its ita medicinal medic loal virtues wore were completely disappointed it possessed none of these for mao man it proved no sovereign remedy no remedy at all of its medicinal value every claim by burton barton and others of the same mind of good in its behalf was wae swept away and nd only the evil definition of it a verified fact in the ana analysts lyals of tobacco la is found au answer to the abe query what it is tobacco coall all its chief ingredient ingred lento singly and together le Is a virulent poison when taken into the human getem system according to the usages ot of the tobacco habit wow now that we have learned what it Is we may next ascertain some of its efi eota |