Show FREMONT COUNTY IDAHO idaho feb 1895 the people of central and noi 1101 thero thern fremont county ore are somewhat exercised and junly so too over the attempt to take a slice allce off fremont county and add acid it to bingham county A week or ten days ago a petition was wai circulated through the he northern part of Bing bingham barn and the southern part of fremont counties asking our present legislature to move the boundary hue of fremont county so as aa to annex a largo large portion of fremont to beagham Biag Bing ham bala should the promoters ot of the scheme be afi would take from fremont a large strip ot or very valuable and fertile country embracing the following settlements settle mente Lewis lewisville ville menan rigby rudy budy la belle and market aake also alao several miles of railroad tracil track brides a large area of country in which there is in room fir a dozen or more set get clements tle ments similar to those already men tinned thus bua adding greatly to the be wealth of bingham Bing bam giving her increased revenues and proportionately decreasing the wealth and revenues reve bues hues of premont there is no doubt in the minds of fremont Fr emonts a citizens that a few property owners ot of idaho falls market lake and st anthony are behind thia scheme in order to further their own personal gains irrespective of the lift jury it would work to the taxpayers of fremont the reasons of this his wo wove more ve are not far to seek it would increase the voting strength of northern bing bam so 0 o as to enable them the promoters of the say to move the countryseat county seat from blackfoot 10 idaho falls falle thus enhancing the value of property in idaho falls and lis its neigh 1 boro bor bood it would also place maratt lake a near neighbor to the county eat giving it direct railroad communication muni cation with we the same flame another great object ot of the scheme ig 18 and one one which the taxpayers taxpayer of fremont are not glow alow to see bee it would decrease the voting strength of southern and contra central Fre fremont lOnt and thereby decrease too probabilities of moving the county seat best from st anthony to a more central part of the county when the people of fremont beard of abib move they were very indignant and justly BO 80 too for when the county of bingham was divided some two years ugo ago and fremont county created all parties to the contract were agreeable to the present county lines and pledged themselves not to tamper with or in any manner seek to clasi change oge anew and now afier the space apace ol of two short years for some of the parties to the contract to thus break their heir given pledge was something that the people of fremont were not prepared to to believe possible the founders and taxpayers of fremont will however prove themselves equal to the be occasion jori fully realizing that tant later eternal v vigilance is the price of liberty they have got up a strong remonstrance against any siDy dismemberment of their county has been vety very numerously signed by the taxpayers and forwarded to the legislature who it is hoped will be successful in frustrating then Uie nefarious scheme of the bangham ites itee and their allies the rexburg literary society will hold bold its regular weekly meeting saturday everi evenio tug gt march 2nd and when the following subject will be debated asre be elvad that the hope of reward does more to diminish crime than does the fear of punishment 00 our school which has been closed tor for some time on account ot of sickness ic kness resumed its if sessions monday feb 26 25 with 8 very large attendance of scholars the rexburg dramatic company will soon place on the he boards board the drama above the abe clouds and the farce rendezvous the members of this company have attained a high degree decree of excellence and the people of rex bex burg look forward with pleasure to their reappearance appearance before the he foot fool dighto the first ward sunboy school held a very creditable review last laor sunday which showed the school to be sive ive and up to the times in all sunday school deboo ol 01 studies great credit to Is due supt bupt tha E bassett sod and his bis able assi assistant stanta in bringing their school to such a high stand standard ard of proficiency the Y M and Y li M I 1 A societies of the second ward hold held a very interesting joint session on sunday evening last which was well attended and a very instructive program rendered pres thos E rieke assisted by tile bishopric ot of aae dalum and wards held a very interesting meeting in the ane teton island district school house bouse on sunday feb 24 the building was crowded to overflowing A good spirit prevailed and aad some very v valuable instructions instruct loue ious were given during the meeting president kicks called for a vote of all those boge who desired to be organized into a ward the vote was overwhelming ly in favor of a ward organization it was however for the present deemed advisable to give them a branch organ leation isa tion which was accordingly done with elder george hubbard as aa presiding elder this thio branch comprises past of salem ward and part of rex bex burg second ward and contains it covers cover an area of three square miles some weeks ago a sunday babool was waa organized in this district riot with an enrollment of eighty one scholars at which time the following brethren were sustained as officers cert wm win sr superintend eol joe JOB rigby bigby first and fred parker second assistance assle assi tant wm win jr secretary more anon ix IN 1000 |