Show broft for chii pe aqwa A TICKLISH SUBJECT the world la Is filled with injustice might far too often makes right things innumerable ure done by law which violate the very first principles of equity men appropriate and steal masi without any qualms of because they can do it and shy locks line the of mans necessity ILY taking their victim by the throat with the nonchalance of a robin hood only that the first acts under the cover of aeta tute and grabs grab because he be is a legal thief on a gigantic scale the latter day saints were thus dispossessed of their accumulations by the vagabondism of politic iop it was assumed all too readily that this injury could be on an AD unpopular people without t comments comment save gave that which g gloated loatee over the infamous spoliation today perchance the be most prominent actors as aa well an aa the rauk rank and file who cried huzzah buzzah for or the lowera Isi dores would be truly glau glad if the tb record could be ex hudsoll thulla the pages of history of civi civilized lizea an a unworthy a people the injustice luj uslice however ot of that whole movement w whether nether it affected an organization or individual members thereof akas never yet been settled that part of the he church property which was returned ai s well as aa the part which la is still till retained had to be defended at an immense cost and it would seem fair that hat any indebtedness debt edness so 0 o incurred should be refunded it right is to be supreme it in may sy be t u b t ab tb e response not ability for wrong in ia to fix so ao divided and subdivided it is to human ken but there Is ie an eye that neither slumbers nor sleeps bleeps M and it if iu in shia we life wrong triumphs and oppression rulee the swift judgment of the Fa eternal ernal will reward every man accord jug to hla his morite tuat there to is a great deal of incredulity in regard to this Is i readily ad milled that selfishness often leads persons into aoto acts of oppression oppre salon to equal jy true and it in J juil usa as true that that thai which is acquired by violation or at right carries with it a 8 curse instead ead of a blessing fate go as some would call it bems to hover around that hat which him has been unjustly acquired easy come is in often easy go though enough the grip that hat is over 16 may be like the grip of a vise it IS is soon seen to slacken anu its tenacity Lo by unseen forces is often relaxed in the very moment of apparent success ik is quite possible to go through the streets of this city and with prescient eye to note how bow where property has baa been even if legally acquired that the finger of retribution seems to a be laid upon it no shrewd no human wisdom no change great or small seems able to te obliterate or nullity nullify the originally wrongful acquisition we know of places melting away before the elements and stricken apparently with rust and blight because from thence by legal pressure pre asure was driven the widowed wife and orphaned orphan td children into the street we know of places where the iron hand of the he mortgagee has ban eagerly grabbed the coveted property at a moiety of its real value has laughingly and boa stingly told of the grand acquisition and peculation it had made mad but the tears and prayers of ten even an unwise owner have entered into the ears ear of the clie lord of until the he legal usurper has bad no test lest or until he bad got rid of this wedge edge of ablian which carried with it the unseen but not unfelt curse cune of a retributive Provi deLce dOLCe it may be said that the loser is never blameless in those oases cases but if con ceded it is also noted that bat this farm of modern injustice was guarded against in the divine economy as given to moses and men mens mena s momentarily alienated inheritances reverted again even to the foolish as to the wlee wise there was provision against undue exaction usury was absolutely forbidden and so no the in ic beri tance came again to its owner every few years was it intended in this thin to excuse any debtor he is under moral and religious obligation in this community to honor all his big prom promises isei and covenants but some are the be victims of circumstances they want tu to be and do right yet they can not be called successful in the strange and trying battle of life some there are perchance in all ail classes of society who approximate to right for fear of penalty on the other band the one who takes lakes his bis brother by we the throat and says pay me that thou 11 1 1 and then cents him into prison or poverty until he has paid the uttermost fart farthing bing is quite likely to have presented to him we be same inflexible procedure ced ure from which be may be only too glad to escape that was good authority which said that we the same measure meted by men to others should be meted to them again it to Is no doubt part of the divine program and philosophy and that beautiful pi precept pleased blessed arn the merciful tor for they shall obtain mercy has been so written in the very fabric of moral and religious duty and salvation that no man high or low rich or poor influential or unknown with claim or without can afford to invalidate his bis personal trust in the attributes and action of deity by ignoring a certain rule it is in because of this faith and assurance that we look with some compola complacency on the historic past we have no loss idea that the wrongs rouge of missouri url or the pressure which compelled the evacuation of nauvye is simply a matter of history we have no idea that government proscription and confiscation is in only to be found in the records of congress Con grees and the courts we have bare no idea that because men and women were plundered and imprisoned and hat bat many were thus hurried taso into an untimely grave that the account Is outlawed and we have no idea that personal violation of right or mercy is condoned because thelic the vie tim bound hand band and fook submits to the exactions of the tyrannical oppressor no no none of tois tale technicality Is not the method of the other side human precedent rules roles decisions have no value in the he higher court only as based upon principles which have behind them the eternal recognition of right and truth here authorities way may differ one court may reverse the decisions of another justice and judgment may be a 8 costly wat that the poor cannot reach the one or secure the other technicality way may supersede supe equity but the unsleeping avenger will bar the way of progress until rectification in thorough wild rod complete if this aurance assurance could be more intimately ti interwoven into the fabric of life into politics finance and moral surely there would be less leas of fraud less of oppression lose lees advantage taken of necessity or opportunity many things would be compromised that are now pushed to extremes many an obligation would be settled without acerbity and bitterness of feeling sympathy would take the place of harshness near brotherly consideration would supersede the spirit of the world and in any event mutual conciliation would take the place of arbitrary procedure and the spirit of the gospel that of the letter of the law few men even in this life can afford the exercise of arbitrary power few can afford to have herthe eit either the male dictions or the quiet silence and reserve of those whom they have wronged it is better to have a reputation for princely magnanimity than to 10 be known in ia zion as one who under all circumstances insists on hie big pound of flesh JJ and will have no lose less because able to get and willing to keep it |