Show we caution all against stiem the unprecedented success and merit ol el elys cream balm 4 real ahre for cata catarrh irb bay fever an and cold in head has induced many adventurers to place catarrh in medicines iciness bearing some resemblance in appearance style or name upon the market in gm ord order to trade the deputa reputation of wicy elys I 1 s cream balm dont be deceived buy only elys cream balm many in your immediate locality will testify in ih highest commendation of it A particle is applied into each nostril no pain agreeable to use price boc soldiers attention A ALL LL SO SOLDIERS R S I 1 ENTITLED D TO PENSION INCREASE commutation REST restoration or to arrears ot of ray gay and bounty Cerre correction cUZ of muster removal of charge of desertion or to a duplicate discharge can have their CLAMS LY ATTENDED TO by addressing the un der signed special attention will be bb riven given to CLAIMS OF WIDOWS AND MOTHERS AND REJECTED CLAIMS with merit and li v when v hen new evidence can be furnished 6 specialty alty made of INCREASE BOUNTY LAND DUE TO WOI SOLDIERS 0 the old wars and three months extra pay and PAY FOR turned over to the government during the last war ban still soil bo collected the address atud and service girvice of old mexican soldiers wanted the undersigner undersigned under signed has had 14 years experience peri ence in in government CLAIMS AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL address belan lombo I A GO en F P street y N W t washington D 0 O V d aw i NOW 0 ir THE TM TIME VO 0 1 1 LATE A ACTIVE IV IN 1 THE marker offer opportunities to apece latore to mate make araia stocks bonds and aad petroleum prompt personal attention given a to orders received by wire OT or mail correspondence solicited full information about the markets on our bock wa ph forwarded free aa aal application H U A D SYLE ATLE ban kern all 41 I 1 broker 88 38 arora and st new ats new york yorkey kly daw STRAYED F RON BOM THE RESIDENCE OF willlam S turner tuner south cottonwood suit rait lako lake aruty one black HOUSE HORSE about a 9 years old sear scar on left thigh roman apse and had h t baiter on 0 one ab bay y HORSE about be ut a 8 ya years riold old wit wath halleron hal halter teron on one grey greyhorse HORSE about 8 years year s old with halter on any person leaving information at this office or with the undersigned undersigner under signed that will lead to their recovery will be r rewarded ewar ded WILLIAM contti cottonwood bait alt uke ake co be saw iroe IMO aver ro PEOPLE use FERRYS SEEDS D ESE J tobetha to be ha LARGEST SEED in fao aa MK coi DW FERRY COS 0 L loco dw arrit Ur A rit sea A for or 1887 mb mailon FREE atle to all and d without ordering jil it 1 isto r wn G car arn or id i fend end for far tt it address 1 W N GO CO RH HORSE ivil ki MW SE H H jt horse orse Z P U ve n it anta p u ta new life into the antiquated anti d horse H 0 m e for ohp last ayears it years the HH H horse no rae liniment nt hasteen has teen been the loading remedy among farmers and boekman for the are cure c ot of sprains 6 q cairis Brn iaea stiff joints icom ts spavins Sp avna ind qa etc idad and for kanii ly use is without an equal e al aches pains a bruises I 1 tibi of all characters cha re the ILM H H H BL lin many aan fiauu eions and we the public ia to eee that the trade mark k fl H al is ou every bottle before purchasing pure in por sale sala ev tor for zo lo cents and 61 per bogue atle H H A SON r Fo teale by all ah druggists lipior ir a 1 abeck for 20 RA wo will print it t en in one million if P of lead iuar juz ani am merican new newspapers spa ars and complete the vork within ten tell davs ays this his is at the rate one fifth ot of a cent tt line for 1000 TIK The advertise ment mant will appear in but it it ft bogl issue of any aly paper and consequently will be placed before one million different newspaper purchasers chasers or MILLION HILLION REAMERS it it ia a true is a is sometimes stated that every newspaper is looked aaby at by five persons ou on an live a ver i oTen ten lines bilea will about devent y ato words address s with kofy f and andl cheek or send SO 36 cents centa tor for a book ot 1 ta G ia CO it ST NEW YORK s 1 a CISE CASE to fl GOS co Is AGITATOR I 1 T AT OR AND AM woodbury db I 1 W y horse abr power aw er siw HULLS ll 11 ll 11 E ENGINES N a i i i 1 FO fill M sto ot REPAIRS fal art FOK IM AND A TERMS studebaker BROS mf aake LA lu CITY JL alt ute UTAH |