Show BY TELEGRAPH FER WESTE WESTERN UNION LINE A an MB IL it acan ac AM dec 29 A las vegas hot springs s special ecial to the times says caysi i capt A T B BS B sparrow of london england committed suicide here yesterday he came here about s J une last and invested la in a bogus cattle company the investment proved to be an entire loss and left lef L him without means of support which so humiliated him that lie he ended his exi existence by a pistol shot just before the fatal act he be was walking the abe veranda th ib nis his hotel in company with a lady acquaintance and seemed unusually cheerful dec 29 the farmers loan and trust company has pr procured f from rom tue alie supreme court a te injunction restraining restrain inc morgans railroad Kail Rail road roid and steamship i company from disposing of bonds of the houston and texas central railway company dated april lat MI ter lor 1000 each with interest at 0 per cent with cou coupons the bonds and coupons are secured by a general mortgage made by the houston and texas central company to the trust company as trustees CITY ciry OP OF maxico dec 29 A duel was fought here yesterday between prince augustin iturbide and carcedo both are members of the jockey club the prince wounded his antagonist ut agonis in the shoulder but not der dangerously u ay the duel took place at the san ban lorenzo school ot of artillery andaas and has excited much comment both gentlemen being ot the hignett social sta standing the prince Is well known in washington society CITY OF dec 28 29 minie patti arrived here to today day it is re ported that she will ivill not be able to sing tomorrow to morrow night on account ot feeling the rarity of tue toe atmosphere PITT A bare knuckle prize tight I 1 between heavyweight iron worked s named baker and chice took place on the banks dantas ox of the me river rl ver at so au early hourt hour tola als morning twenty one rounds were fought resulting sult ingin in the defeat of ef white tue the mill lasted 45 minutes and was pronounced one of the woodiest bloodiest battles eyer ever dougha fou this v vicinity ROCK ark dec bec 29 9 today the federal court set aside the late sale of the little rock kock mississippi river elver texas tp jay gould because of a misunderstanding misunderstand i ng by the purchaser of the state laws relative to lo redemption the property will be bere re advert advertised WeA corsale for sale saw SAN FRANCISCO dec 0 29 the rainstorm which began yesterday in the southern part of the state g gradually dually worked southward and to today day rain ain is falling over the grea greater ter pact part of california 1 or SAN FRANcis fco ruo dec 30 80 michael davitt was married to miss mamie yore in oakland this morning washington dec 30 80 A sheet of fresh fallen snow covered the ground ahia morning and the skies were overcast aud and sombre at the logan mansion all the preparations rations for removal of the dead statesman had been per fectea during the night the re remains midus still lay jay in the chamber where the general died but bad been placed in the casket an elaborately draped receptacle whose hermetic inner casing of copper w was concealed by its quilted lining of creamy sahlu plate glass top not yet in position was designed to reveal the entire length of the form within A square plate ol of silver in the middle of the cover bears the inscription rohn jbara A logon logan V U 8 senator born bor n february 9 6 died dated Pe december cember 2 26 6 1 1886 11 floral pillows with funeral legends crosses anchors and other appropriate emblems were placed near ane casket and about the room at one the undertaker and his assistant withdrew when the immediate family were summoned and lor for a brief tinie time were alone with their dead the lids were fastened in place ample olda OF THE LAG were arranged about the casket and tied w ribbons and white flowers and branches were placed on its top tase last offices of love and respect were performed by the loving hands jot of the only son all being in readiness for the more formal and less private leave taking the doors were opened and the widow supported by her son and followed by ner her daughter and her daughters nua hus baud baad grandson and other relating and nearer friends ot the me deceased to the number ot of 15 or 20 entered d mrs logan SOBBING BOBBING AT HEAD OF 0 CASKET and when the others had bad entered and the door bad bei closed the voice of the pastor was raised in prayer there was a moments silence broken oni only y by the sobs of the stricken ones and the son tenderly raised the almost fainting form of the widow and led her away the remaining friends paused tor far a last sight of the beloved features and with their departure ended the fam ilys custody of the he states mans mias remains the committee now took formal charge of the remains the sergeant at arms superintended super intended the closing of the casket and its slow and orderly removal trow the cham chamber berof of death flown down the stairway between lines I 1 I 1 ot of the inco uncovered yerO escort and its placing tie iraa leie fad dds aul MUFFLED DRUMS SOUNDED A SALUTE which merged itself into the air of nearer my god to thee 11 and at the word forward the hearse preceded by the pastors carriage carriaga ge alone surrounded by platoons of the grand army men in uniform and followed by a long procession ro cession ot 0 carriages moved slowly awu docu the hill hii towards the capitol THE FUNERAL CORTEGE escorting the remains of senator log logan a n arrived at the capitol at amid silex silence ice of the thousands of persons who had bad assembled at the rotunda the casket was placed upon the bier prepared for reception its in accordance cor dance with the arrangements there was no service ot of any kind and the people present were reque requested s ted to with douw until two w when hen the lid oft of thy lit casket will be opened and the public will be permitted to view the washington dec 30 the presidents health is ib improving daily ile he sat in his bis private room this mornin morning 9 and busied himself with spine matters ot of legislation and executive papers in the afternoon a cabinet neet tug ing was held during which the president occupied his easy chair his secretary has no doubt of the presidents ability to hold the usual new years reception and says his bis desire is to attend gen logans logana fune funeral ral tomorrow to morrow it if the weather is propitious ST louis dec 30 it is stated that oscar cook has bas made a confession in which he stated that express messenger who is now in jail charged with complicity in the robbery knew all about the plan to rob his bis car and was a willing victim to the attack of the robbers he was promised of the amount stolen as his share of the boodle naw YORK dec 30 the directors of the lake shore the michigan central today to day declared a dividend of two per cent the canada southern declared a dividend 0 ot 11 1 X per tent FOREIGN LONDON dec 27 one of the severest snow storms that ever visited the country passed over england today to day railway trains were blocked and telegraph wires blown down by the storm in ha many places q i THE WIND BLEW A the daily tazi news aws says 1 trie oe 1 telegraph wires in this city ty last night were w ere ana snapping ing with alarming rapidity and in fleet street the policemen poRcen nei curled the broken ends round the lamp posts A train on oh the midland was delayed over an hour by the falling of telegraph wires across the track A large lame number of telegraph and t telephone elep hode fell last evening over the metropolitan area there was ve very severe weather at reading yesterday 7 Y the snowfall snow fall it in the afternoon was heavier than has been experienced for years yeara while the wind blew a hurricane causing considerable sid erable damage to the roofs of houses auses trees were also injured by le the br branches anchus being wrenched away by the violence of the wind in the sonning cut on the greab western railway trains were delayed by snow snowdrifts drifts on the line from P paddington ad to reading and from bath to bristol all the telegraph poles are a splintered ered like match wood and lying in all directions the railway block lines being down trains are considerably delayed and are signalled signal led along alone by flags it seems probable that the I 1 wires between bristol and london will not be restored for two or three days tel 1 in other directions have suffered equally as far as can be ascertained the damage to telegraphs is greater than for many years the irhe snow sao w was way by hurricanes rep deports of numerous wreck sare slowly arriving ag there has been much damage to life and property LONDON dec 28 gladstone has written for the january number of the nineteenth ventury an article entitled locksley hall and a of the poem by the light of events 0 of k the past fifty years 1 LONDON dec 28 after the violent gale and unusually heavy snow storma rapid thaw set in throughout the country countr tr the storm did great damage to tj the e grounds around buckingham palace in hyde park london trees were blown down and all over the country telephone aud and telegraph wires were dest destroyed raped andr and railway allway trains impeded LYONS france dec 28 an attempt was wai 3 made yesterday to destroy by explosives one of the churches in this city A bomb was placed under the church porch and ignited the fuse wils was lighted when a policeman passing by noticed the burning of the fuse ause and was bold enough to seize the bomb and put out the fuse before its fire could reach the bomb LONDON Dec 28 it is officially official lv announced that the meeting ol of parliament has been postponed untie february LONDON dec 28 at a cabinet cabin et meeting today to day salisbury read the correspondence that passed between himself and churchill relative to the batters lat resignation he explained the nature of the negotiations with hartington in ton who he be said refused to take me office in the cabinet and strongly ugly favored a tory successor to lord lora churchill after the cabinet meeting lord salisbury lisbury lia proceeded to windsor castle castic and cou conversed versed and dined with the queen the queen will go to osborne tomorrow salisbury informed the cabinet he would not attempt to conciliate lord randolph churchill even if lord hartington harlington ref refused used to accept office on the guarantee ol of the government on the former unionist platform adding planks in favor of the adoption of the new proceed ure rules the precedence of an english local government measure over an irish measure a vigorous foreign helgn policy and moderate estimates Chur chills reason for resigning ninH as stated at the cabinet council included objections to allowing i a sum for increasing the defenses of port porty f and coaling stations in the budget similar estimates had been already approved by gladstone and sir win vernon harcourt Aft after erthe the council prominent members berkof of the ministerial circle spoke of Chur chills bud budget getas as a mountebank scheme was meant to dazzle the ignorant democracy Delfi the ministers are confident lord hartington will rally his bis whole power lq in support of the government lord hartington Hartin gion and right honorable henry chaplin i arrived at the grand hotel at mon monte te carlo monday naji night lit the rhe times says strong representations have been made by la ane conservative rank a and B d file ale to ya disapproving the hartington salis bury union the times la laments mentis the fact that such opposition to a union amnion exists morley has made overtures to chamberlain to concert a platform upon which to unite ake liberals As a first condition mr morley asks mr cha chum in to state definitely the limits of his acceptance of the nian home rule measure I 1 mr parnell will go to DUO duhr on saturday his health continues feeble his mother is still attending him I 1 he le is forbidden to attempt public speaking in or to incur risk of any excited excitement ent 9 whatever v alever LONDON dec 28 the american bark lilian from bangor arrived at greenock december she aae experienced heavy gales on oil december during which three meb were lost PARIS dec 28 general boulanger Bon tanger minister of war wair ciaci consented to a reduction in the supplementary credit asked for by the military department of the government for the itin ancial year from the amount requested to 1 he be government proposes to deepen and widen the har bor of havre ROME dec 28 among the changes announced in the italian diplomatic service are the transfer of the marquis dl di spinola the pres present exit minister at stockholm to the hague signor signer di connez to stockholm marquis dl di boy its from brussels to madrid baron blanc now minister at madrid to constantinople count dilla croce di dollia at present minister at the hague to brussels and signor signer galvagna to belgrade VIENNA dec 29 the vienna press is beco becoming gling convinced that rissia is upon war reports of increased russian armament arm amenti are continually coming to hand from various sources the latest intelligence of this klind kind is to the effect that russian tr troop oops i have been ordered to massin ko koff and that occupants of houses ams have received official noti fica ad on that soldiers will soon be billeted in them the neue freie presse plainly hints that abat the best thing austria can do is to submit to russian wished in order to avoid a conflict the Tag blatt and other papers bitterly deplore the fact that austria is compelled to abandon her balkan pro gramme because she has been left in the lurch by prince bismarck who made peace with rusa ruea lia lontoc dec 29 the post referring to the vacancy in the cabinet urges the ministry to endeavor deavor ea to provide some meant means by which lord churchill can resume office the ibe telegraph thinks W H smith secretary for war may be appointed leader of the government party in the commons the news in an article this thia morning advocates a postponement ot of the redemption of coli consola sols for live years in order to pave the way for the eventuality of IL a war loan SH LONDON dec 30 A paris correspondent of the times affirms that he be has information from an undoubted source that russia and germany signed a direct alliance a fortnight ago the czar adds the correspondent was decided in taking this course by the attitude manifested toward russia by count kalnoky austro hungarian minister of foreign affairs affair 6 and by t the k expectations that floquet would ae made prime minister of france |