Show ST JOSEPH STAKE conference editor aseret news the ithe quarterly conference of the tae st joseph joeph stake of zion convened at pupa dec bee and 1886 there were present on the stand the intake presidency bishops and re rw presenta ives of the various settlements t I 1 after the opening exercises president layton said we had met once again in conference capacity to trans act such business as was pertaining to our welfare belt that the hand hindom of the lord was over his people for good and urged the people to be more prompt in attending their keatings mee mea stings tings etc called for the reports of if cheva the va ions wards which were given by the bl H merrill of afi st david M M K curtis of Curti sJohn taylor of pirna pima george georee M haws of central samuel claridge of 06 of thatcher That chei john walker of tL ilayton ayton P 0 peterson of graham anti anc elder DH D H mathews of mathews branch of of the pima ward all of which were very encouraging showing a determine ati onmon the people to press for ward wardin in the good work and an improvement pro spiritually and temporally after the BlA Bishops hops report the augh priests ts quorum wasi reported by its president and elder seth alerton Jl erton reported 0 arted tue the home missionaries seth ta C jones the Y M ma M I 1 associations superintendent J JW W johnsoa the sunday Scho oto and james dukette Du duke kethe the elders quorum the statistical report rep of the stake was vas read by J east sho showing wi ng a steady i increase in numbers secreta secretary wm wal i webb read react the report of ohp way sunday schools atter after which elders jos mcrae and bingham spoke on the first principles lea of the gospel on sunday bunday at fo 10 a in the conference reconvened and after an antei anier i esting session adjourned to meet at pima ima march and bene diction by patriarch wm mcbride 1 1 there are severain seve severah se verai raIl buildings indro in progress ress of erection with plenty of baili ing ins material to be had on reasonable terms brick can be bought for 0 8 pr per 1000 lime for pet per lOO i jos EAST clerk i |