Show DEATH OF A GOOD SISTER M LYMAN A FORMER WIFE OF THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH PASSES FROM THIS LIFE provo march Marel editor deseret news many of your readers will be pained to learn odthe of the death of sister ellza eliza M lyman who departed this life on the morning of the ad dinst at oak city millard county U UT T she bhe was the eldest daughter of edward and lydia danridge barbridge Pan Par ridge bridge and was born april 1820 at painesville gainesville Paines ville beauga geauga a county ohio her par parents joined the church of je ius christ ui of latter day saints when she was quite young this action changed toe tile pro prospects of her whole life from having been iu in easy circumstances before her subsequent life was to be one of privation and self sacrifice becoming identified with the saints in her youth I 1 she was early imbued with a love for the pr principles in i of the gospel and a re reverence for truth and honesty having to suffer the privations incident to the persecutions endured by the saints la in missouri and Il illinois linol she was deprived of those advantages of education generally considered necessary to qualify a young woman to a appear atta to advantage in company at the same time her inheres inhere Et qualities of modesty and good sense coupled with a studious disposition enabled herto surmount obstacles and gain sufficient book learning to become a teach erand she was able to appear to advantage in th ebest society with no ostentation she was generally self possessed u under rider all circumstances although having filled honorable posit positions ioni in connection with the benevolent institutions among the saints her life labor has been most appreciated by heri her intimate friends and relatives she was one of the first to receive the doctrine of celestial marriage being taught that principle oy by the Prop prophet fiet joseph smith to whom she was married in 1843 by apostle heber C kimball Kun ball iu in those days daya it required considerable elf sacrifice as well as faith to enter into that order after the death of the prophet sister bister eliza blua was married to 10 apostle Amasa Lyman by who had five children thre ot of them are now living her son platte 1 D lyman was born bor n in a wagon on the platte river D near e ar fort caranne La while wh lie journeying jo a aney ins to the valleys of the mountains the parents having been driven out by mo mob b liae violence be e w with I 1 t h t the h e re rest 8 t of t theba he Saints ints from nauvoo she accompanied her son P D ly man to san ban juan where he be was sent to take charge of a company of settlers having to make a road through an almost Fui impassable passable country in the winter time the suffering and anxiety con bequert upon that journey and aid the residence in the san juan country where her son joseph bosel A was shot in the knee by bv a horse cief and lay helpless between life and death for about a year being beine surrounded by indians utes on the one side aud and navajos cavajos on the other no doubt served to break down a constitution by no means robust upon the release of her son from the presidency of the san juan stake she returned to her old home in oak cl city t where she appeared to feel unusual unusually IT contented although enjoying the society of the saints and ad always rejoicing in the principles principles of the gospel tier lot in life has as not been an easy one but it has been one of self sacrifice almost from infancy and she was never aap hap iap pier tier than w when lien ministering to the comforts forts of others 14 if honesty of purpose and integrity to the principles of the gospel will insure a crown of al celestial estial glorys glory sister eliza will certainly receive one EDWARD PARTRIDGE |