Show THE contortions OF THE conspirators IT is 19 amusing to see the contortions of ft tile the knaves who have used and be fooled ell eli H murray during his occupation of the governorship in now attempting to hoodwink hood wink the public in reference to his removal for his resignation lo 10 agn aaion is a removal and of a very ferem peremptory atory kind it is a short sharp demand for instant stepping down and out sent by telegraph so as to prevent delay the reasons for it were embodied in the herald dispatch from washington which we reproduced last evening toe the ex governors prompters and apologists however have endeavored to make it appear that he had bad placed his resignation in the hands of mr baskin to take to Washing monday evening last before the dispatch was received calling tor for murrays Mur rays resignation but this has been denounced as a falsehood by a personal f friend of the ex governors who was present a the meeting which appointed baskina and who knows that the latter was urged to work for murrays Mur rays retention it is pretty well understood also that the I 1 liberal wire puller in the guise of a democrat is instructed now to do his bis little utmost to obtain a reconsideration of me presidents demand for the governors resignation all of this shows the naked falsehood of the absurd pretense that the removal is not a terrible setback set back to the conspirators against the peace of utah but if anything were lacking to give the lie to the tribunes reckless statements and eap exp explanations and apologies the following special telegram which appears on the reverse side of its own desperate efforts to show that the governors course was approved at washington and that hi his removal was only a political move to make way for some democrat to office ought tobe sufficient to settle the question washington N D C march 18 special the demand for the resignation of ell eli H murray governor of utah was made tuesday by the president through vii secretary lamar for reasons which will be explained it is claimed that when the stories were tele telegraphed graphed from salt lake city in member december last about the threatened u uprising of the the president t ordered a company of troops from omalia to that point thou h a large force was stationed at camp douglas in sight of the city that these stories were subsequently reported to he be without foundation that the president chinkin thinking himself deceived in this instance ha has s followed the proceedings of the territorial rit orial le legislature and read the balls passed ased by it and vetoed by bv governor burray M urray that le he learned on thursday last that governor Iro vernor murray had refused to approve the appropriation bill he be at once laid the matter before the cabinet and decided to investigate the whole blu business siness thoroughly tile information received was sufficient to satisfy satisfy the president that govi arnor murray murrays Mur rays s action was an u fiagle exercise f p of the veto power and he demanded the governors res ignation jt it is also stated that immediately diastell upon the adjourn adjournment men t of the legis legislature f governor murray issued a proclamation declaring ring certain persons t he e had nominated for territorial officers offit and who had not been confirmed by the upper house of the legislature re to be his purpose to install them it is further claimed that the governor could assign no other reason for refusing his assent assent to the appropriation bill than the failure of the legislative council to confirm his nominations governor murray has replied that his redig ona nation would be coni conveyed aryed to the president by R N baskin A determined effort will be madeko have the president reconsider his demand for governor murrays Mur rays resignation we thought at the time when the shameful deception of the president was per perpetrated et rated that it would be strange arrange IF if such villainous proceedings could pass and unpunished the unwarrantable and senseless exercise of the veto power exhibited during the recent session of the legislature too caused every thinking person to wonder if the democratic ad ministration could possibly wink at such tyranny then cne che autocratic action of the governor iq in appointing persons to office by proclamation without the slightest authority in law seemed so great a stretch of mon power that it certainly could not go unchecked in a government claiming to be republican but the schemers who used the governor fp presumed resumed upon the extreme prejudice against tile the cormons mormons Mor mons sl to palliate these infamies amies in the eyes of the government and the country they presumed a little too much the successes of the enemies of the mor mons have been achieved through the general unwillingness to near our side of af the question on fair investigation ahe be shameful deceptions of our enemies mies would become apparent they have always fought to prevent inquiry the polygamy cry has deafened the public ear to anything on tile the other side and thus the mormon question has been deemed only to have one aspect but in the present inquiry polygamy does not figure it is a question of arrogant despotic and lawless exercise of official authority separate and apart from any 11 mormon ormo ormon dispute the president has acted on evidence that cannot be denied or explained away we do not believe he can be turned from his purpose by the pleadings or misrepresentations of mr murrays Mur rays friends and the writings and gesticulations of the frauds who have worked the governor to his ruin will not deceive the public nor aid in the smallest degree silence for awhile would be their wisest molicy policy but this Is not to be expected an under er the circumstances let them wiggle in public and sigh in secret |