Show accidental fratricide SEVEN A EAROLD EAR OLD BOY KILLS HIS 1 BROTHER A most sic sickening kenin fatality occurred at the pettit ia acm ahree m neica bear th the s jordan river yea yesterday berday three little children of ethan pettit were playing in a bedroom when etlan tp the eldest a boy 9 years of age took up one of two shotguns shot RUns which stood in the room and removed the shells from it after playing about the room lor for a few moments mone ne n t he e picked apone up one of the guns supposing a p 0 in g I 1 it t to be the one he bad just unloaded ald d and banding to his er 1 ira two years 8 younger than himself invited him to snap it at him ane little fellow lid did at as requested with the result that both barrels aels were dischar discharged d and a frightful hole torn in Et ehlias lias body a foot in length commencing just above tae left hip from f roin which his bowels protruded the walls malls were also be spattered with blood and a hole blown through the window at the rear of where he stood the wounded boy lived two and a half hours and was able to relate how the frightful accident occurred dr benedict was summoned but was unable to do anything more than ease his bis pain rin by administering chloroform it t would be cruel to reproach tae grief stricken parents ts the guns within the reach of the children children but the sad result of their havia gaone so ought to be a barnin warning to all other parents to be more careful in this respect the funeral service will be held at the residence of thos E B jeremy jr in the lath ward on thursday commencing ht at ajl U a in |