Show washington LETTER washington 9 may 19 1893 so 80 far se as the deportation of the unregistered regin chinese Is concerned the U B S government to is aboltin the same fix as an the man who coulden couldn 14 it if he be wanted to slid and did not want to anyway the government chasn enough money available to send 1000 of the more than unregistered back to tc belr their homes and it to la not probable pro bablo that any attempt will be made to send any of them back until congress Con grese appropriates ates the money to pay the expenses this predicament was entirely unexpected as aa it had been the opinion of the president and nearly every member of his hia cabinet that ghesu the bu preme court would declare the geary act unconstitutional but it is now his bis wry tory that the court by a vote of 5 to a 8 decided it constitutional there has baa been lots of talk about the probability of the chinese h nese government retaliating by driving all americans out of china but the chinese minister here has assured secretary i resham that his bis government not only would not attempt to retaliate but had bad already taken ample precautions to protect such americans as ae reside in remote parts of china from attacks which mobs moba of ignorant natives might inight be inclined to make u on ahem when the news reaches them it jig not regarded as very probable that with the present rather low stage of available cash in the treasury congress will vote the estimated to be required it to is thought more likely 1 at 11 compromise allowing shoos already here to remain will be the clial fl lal result judge Lio chren new cummia cimms loner aloner of pensions has hae made a decided abir tir among the politicians by inn his purpose to make the local medical boards examine applicants for in all sections of the country exclusively democratic I 1 in wead tead of allowing the opposition oue one out of every three members mem bere as aa has been the custom ever since those boards were established it la is sup eup posea thethis that his action was previously adorned ado reed by preal jent clove cleveland and many complaints are made because of adf the seeming tardiness of the officials jn completing arrangements fr tie tae opening OpOl king to settlement of the cherokee ibe strip the contract was t this ls week signed by representatives of the ha cherokee nation and secretary hoke ho tee HOT I 1 tb but it is stated at the interior depart ment that there is no probability of the trip strip being opened before the of july judge A W terrell of texas the new minister of turkey wore a stove pipe hat bat for the first time to in his life this week it was wag presented to him bim by an admiring friend who told him that it was a part of the necessary outfit of an Ameri american cap minister mi abroad it is ia not thought probable that the government will take any action in regard to the sunday opening ot of the worlds world ld pair fair urther further than to order in accordance with an opinion riven given by the attorney general this week that all of the government exhibits exhibit indu ling the branch post postoffice office on the ex po eltion grounds ground B be closed on su sunday opinion differs about the refunding of the voted by congress to the exposition providing it remained closed on sunday hon B B Smal dm alley Jey one of the worlds fair com neris Is id at present in was ington and his opinion is that the money so iso far paid of that appropriated will be just as requisitions are made on the treasury for it A sensation was caused here this week by the filing of charges against ex Commissioner of patents patent simonds with the secretary of the interior the charges are atiat t lat mr simonds monds Bi while in office made copies of papers deposited in what ii 14 i i known as the secret files of his office fr for his bis own private use an investigation will be made mr simonds denies that he has done anything more than any citizen has a right to do it is reporter report eJ that behind this matter is a scheme by which the bell telephone company hopes to renew its monopoly of the telephone business but the reports are of rather a vague nature and may have originated because the papers which mr simonds is charged with having illegally obtained copies of are those relating to Drawbaugh Draw baughs lo applina eions for telephone pa patents the spanish royal party beaded by infants infanta eulalie anti and her husband to la expected in washington tonight or tomorrow their coming an aej 1 their stay in washington will lie be a great social event president aud and mrs cleveland will entertain the party at dinner during its stay they will wih visit the as an guests of the united states government the presbyterian general assembly met here yesterday with about members present the assembly expects to remain iu in session about ten days and will dispose of much important business including the bereday cue case of dr brig brians ga an and d the proposed revision of the church creed |