Show THE OCEAN FLYERS A dispatch on friday last announced the arrival at queenstown Queens town ireland from new york of the cunard corn com panya 9 s new steamer the campania having beaten the record for fast sail ing craft eastward by more than two hours and then not coming even near to the top of its capacity the time recorded was wa live five days daya seventeen boure and forty furty two minutes minute and there was naturally considerable sid erable jubilation over the victory the occasion was a race between that vessel and the american line steamer paris pane the latter passed dandy hook lightship at 1068 1058 a ro in saturday may ath the campania at 1113 the latter gained steadily on her rival and passed her miles out east of sandy hook from that time on the campa campala ia did not bight the paris the beat previous eastward time was that of the american Amer ioan liner now new york last august five dve days nineteen hours aud fifty seven minutes the record shows that the first trip of we aue cunard companas comp anys first boat the britannia was made in 1840 and occupied fourteen days and eight hours in its run tu to boston she had a capacity for only cabin passengers while the campania Campan la its latest sue suc cessor can carry first elm class second class and trum from to 1000 third class ou her trial trip on the clyde she attained a speed of twenty three taree and one oue half knots equal to twenty seven miles an hour a record unsurpassed passed by any steamship and on her first trip she ma maie ie the distance from queenstown Queens town to new york in six days and four and one half hours this was considered a remarkable record and f uly bore out the expectations of her builders and proprietors A description of the campania is as an folio follows we she has t twelve elve main boilers and two auxiliary boilers the first named are double ended 18 feet fdez in diameter and 17 feet long each hav ing eight corrugated furnaces burat each end and with a combustion chamber in common to each pair of furnaces of the auxiliary boilers boilen oue one is IS 18 teet iu in diameter by 11 feet long with four furnaces and the other 10 feet i diameter by 10 feet long with two furnaces these two auxiliary boilers are intended primarily to turn iiii steam to 1 0 operate various appliances about tile the ship but they are so arranged as to be used in with the regular battery for driving the ship when required the wain main boilers are the largest yet made for the pressure required pounds the plates were supplied by we the steel company of soot boot land and are 1 1732 17 32 inches in thickness some of them kiting 20 feet long by 7 wide strength and fleetness elness seem to have been the mark on which the designer and builder focused their efforts lorts cf and they have been peculiarly successful |