Show '1 ! r ' t ' - '!" P t r iN - - Here Are Inside Tips 1 ) ) - 1 Q—My Kitettee kaa blue and white thereat' half stay up and the theptenet la ref green yellow am! Moo The eabiaelo Mare refrigerator table and chairs are white What eater weekt yew auggret far the upper walla eetUng mitt wool- - - I would be a good rotor for the watts and woodwork of your kitchen and for the telling I suggest blue ' 4 1 1 - SO 1 ! I EASY : ' 2'4" wide by 6'1" (not installed) 21011" wide by 6'8' (not installed) YOU MAY ANY SIZE 1i I I I initial : $335° 3500 - ItifOtY eel OPAL MITT-DA- DRitilitY Y PHONE Iskit Chi 7-15- 31 ' WrINOUP SEND ME ADIMTIONAL INfORMATION AIOUT MODEPNEOLD 0001S Nom 1 1 d State City 4 :' rr!f:'14407 :I riCtittfe I ijoar I 1 44-Aft-?- I t4P I With truly distinctive iigiiL designed by the finest lighting craftsmen Iri the world - I it - u' 11 I I e c''' Iting 1 A 1 (31offle 1 ' '''' t '' 4 0 j‘' 0 1 I' 4 1 L ' - ' A !!: 4 ''' 04 "It 4 V1 d'113 4141 t oalmi PLANNING yew temple 0 Fine Lightiomp StmeMmi 0 ti) 'Ist $o ibitIp' sow fiepleve - My' HOME FhH$ ADDIIIESS STATE I 'LtS I tC LIGHTING 58 ist Solt teaks City IN STUDIO Utak Se : 1 4 7 " - a oa tat two nooded and build the elbow dfoirml And It not too expensi‘e room add ear port as I some best- - I —- -- LI "1 4 eaa gq:4---- !t x el coo It le '''' !WW1 SED11004 )::1"'' : to I : I CAlt Poser I t -- The small home for today Is one of the most beautiful designs of an expansible borne that I ever have seen and it should fill the needs of thousands of American families who only need and can afford home today but a who would like to build a housa that would be ttradive when expanded at a later date The picture of this home shaws it as it would appear after the addition of the two 'extra bedrooms and the car port If you will hold a piece of paper over the left end and right-hansides of this house yon can visualize how attrac:- tive it will look even before the expansion The floor plan shows the home at the start and where the future additions can be made The exterior has been designed of horizontal wood siding and is square in shape for the sake of economy A picture window the planting box and the natural wood fireplace all make this little home exceedingly attractive I 0 a4 t evuat eel le 1 I'' There are counters on both aides of the sink and along one-ba- ll of one wall There is room' for a range refrigerator and broom closet The wall could be built closing off the kitchen and dining area if desired There is room in the kitchen for storage of the washing machine but if 'preferred an extra utility room could be built off from the service entrance at a later date It is suggested that the house be heated with a floor or wall gas or oil furnace: because the original unit is only 20x20 it would take a very small heating unit to do the Job The bedroom opens off the tiring room and has two windows providing and ample glomet space The bath opens off the bed FisTuld BIDLX11$ i amnia R 34 : I 1 1 : 0' Ji — 0 t MO IWO I 1 bff01100 I 12:5 --- 13 0 1 plan shows the tompaetnem of the original home with dotted lines Indicating expanion at later MI floor data room and if desired a wall could be built along the open aide of the bedroom which at a later date would provide the hallway Into the two future bedrooms The two future bedrooms would be larger than the original bedroom and both would have Lake City 10 Utah A 'Prize Pomes" plan book containing g home designs 92 in color is available also for $350 You may also order a portfolio of 60 small homes wall-typ- ALSCO STORM SASH prize-winnin- cross-ventilati- on anti storage e closets Inel to Elsky The ear port could be very easily inclosed and made into a garage in colder climates if so desired To obtain a set of building plans for this model home No 82 send a check or money order for $5 to cover the first set or $250 for additional plans ordered at the same time to The Salt Lake Tribune Home Service Bureau Salt from the exterior First Imprezsions As we enter the front door we are immediately impressed with the fireplace ahead of us the picture window on the right and the exceedingly spacious appearance of the Vith the interior proper kind of furnishings this larger kitchens NAME CITY this expansible FOR STEEL WINDOWS A -- n- - NEW n u DESIGN AT tow cost A tootontooll PA et pito you too afford Stop letiothrty smootiols tiont iselatrittios drafts end hoot pectorisAtm Bo consfooteitto 611161141 'tad winter steel Got Ike facItt col 74479 Foy peotoc- for DOLLAR DOLLAR YOUR BEST VALUE IS Hotpoint Refrigerator WITH t' home would look much more spacious than it really is The kitchen is small but has more work space than in some We are pleased to announce In this era of rising prices that our fine import crystal has been reduced 20 crystal cut and polistwiti by the finest craftsmen irt the world Nees 0 1 iti ds little 1 1 Just-see- open-plann- We shall be happy to send you without obligation our illustrated literature showing the many styles and designs in actual reproduction of those we have in stock l't tor d Atictroct 1 NO t dA"6 m CUSTOM MADE DOOM ION OPENING MTh PLEASE 1 11A t?1 61 N 001 11r r 4 En SaN Lai tehers ALMA'S SALES 1343 SA Maio Soh 1 ' 1 by Deets H Rotanson t i : 1 MS0 020E2 ' P Your Family SIZES Year choice ei two beeireliof 1 - Grow With TO INSTALL tag itipod if - This Home Can of Orteet eurrylne Pies freight ' i IT YOURSELF r: 44111IVIS STANDARD t fila Meal Winer THAT YOU CAN DO 1 I 4 r ry'r- 4 - NI slesiga ter a couple eats start I I L11401'101119(1 Oil) 9i I ' ' : - 1 1 N 1& ' -- t Iti "'--' 10'Nocka0 For your hying room wallpaper I suggest a pattern in chartreuse and gray on a lemon yellow backgrotm& for the draperies blue and ettartrews atnpe the tables blond mahogany find for the lamps chartreuse yellow and blue ts 'ill! ' t 1 "'''''14g'"m - 'u ' ' i : A- -- Trri 1 4 - 0 il n: 1 IL What a Beautiful Way to Save Space L 2 Q I ant redeeswating sty in tag room The funoiture is mood owe in wise sad Moe the rug is maMae sad the vi Aim ork iseal finish What weight yaw suggest for the wallpsser draperies rabies sad butipst aa i 4 1' 0 t 4 Ict work! 1 0 tencohas Coq by 1 1 l':' g t ' I I - it' p t:LIi Thriftmoster unit : f r" 11 I -- ' Pop-ic- ' I - '1 - ItLlit--- I - k trays Glass fibre insulation ' i e I I ' Large cap meat storage $peocl freezer 1 La4 -------- ------- ' Beautiful finish 0 1"- - i our payment Insuranee frees ou from payment norrks N TSVESTIGATE - Prices begin ot PAY NOTHING DOWN30 MONTHS TO PAY S18950 Sovorel Models end Sizes to Choose From LUflRAY PLUZIIING & APPLIANCE cross-ventilati- 4955 SOUTH STATE PHONE 34339 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE n ' |