Show I — 1 r : ' -- - - LC e - I SALT LAKE IMMUNE Suni33r June 25 1550 TIT - — -- GUILT POLL SHOWS: 1 CONGRESSIONAL BAROMETER GOP Hopes in House Fail to Brighten OUTSIDE THE SOUTH : i cross-sectio- n 948 c' 50-5- 4 i ODA telligent leadership in Washington had given the type of government under IA hich our economy can prosper The Democratic adnumstrat ions' polleltA have en shied the free enterprise system to beçorne stronger than ever before in its history Let the record speak for itself Home Ouner Hike : ' N‘N n C1 LR evidence Of tun economic and spiritual outlook more strikingly :demonstrated than in the stale lUtatc Pereonal incomem in Utah rose from 113 to 825 milion dollars between 1922 and 1948: Wages paid to productive workers jumped from $4 04)00410000 to $1800000- 000 Under the Democratic admini- -' stration the banking system has become sound and prosperous De posits in the state commercial banks have grown from 391000- ON 000 to $528 000000000 with Next Month - — — link iTrinnall to 'Share' I Do:nsoeratie !soli When these results am 'stacked up alongside the vote in the 1948 and 1948 congressional elections WASHINGTON June 24 Lilt—A:comment on Goodman' s statement and in an earlier institute survey CIO official said Saturday that Foley said: "I am not familiar 'in April the trend looks like this: detail with the material we may Outside the South a federal agency prepared the have provided tor the senator ex- Dem ' material for a housing pamphlet cecit that we pmvide information Rep 17':'' ' 437 which lirraght Sen Joseph It Mc- -: about the operation of the agency 1916 Election 140 50 1918 Election earthy tit Wial 11004A from 'to a great many people and we 491'1 50lit April 1950 Survey the Lustron Corp no doubt prmided sonie for Sen 49l Bert me c I 0 official was Leo Good- - l McCarthy as a routine matter I'm Today It must be emphasized that the roan chairman of the CIO hous- - positive we didnt write the article latest survey figures are a ing committee His statement was for him" of sentiment nearly sia published in the C 10 news Sat McCarthy himself was in Md! nection waukeit Saturday He has said he! months in a dvance of election and unday Goodman said the matenal vvas- Just sold the piece "to the highestl4should not in any sense be con- Istrued ail a forecast of net will prepered by the press section of bidder!' the housing and home financing i Lustron a maker of steel and happen Nov T agency He said he has been in- - porcelain prefabricated houses has 'Big City' Districts formed by the agency itself that !since defaulted on a of the principal One $175000001 "a greet deal of the work" was loan from the of the coming election done by the egency into receivership and passed into 'grounds will be the eongressional districts Goodman said McCarthy may the hands of the Reconstruction e eich are located In heavily rewritten the material some' F171101111 Corporation as New areas such urban !ulated what but there Is no question of Goodman said the housing York Ch i c a o g Philadelphia where It originated or who dd agency first drafted a book h ir Cleveland San Francisco etc moat of the'spailework to buy a home" at McCarthy's re- Interviews co n d u c t e d with and McCarthy tried without voters in those districts show that Raymond M Foley administra-qucs- t tor of the agency was asked for a $uccess to have it published approximately six out of every -- i 10 with opinions say they prefer 'I 'Nowhere proved well-bein- tom-men- g Ek-h- II Cot ill'Carthy's Article Data - " ' '''''''""'"""' --- ai : t 4c27001'ti i ' i EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY TERMS Iii I 1 - 1 N -- - L ' - - r - i7-:r- ' j l' i Axe Irad's t o1::'"'"'''''''f Itodel D3I40 (Mulotri(ell) dki Others trent 75 Ls $181-1- 3 ty rZitII74 I I if 0 411i Republican headquarters for Frigidaire Appliances See Frigidaire —America's number one Refrigerator in sales in features and in beauty See complete line now at I :Ajw IF 233 So State Republican Democratic 1' 'y IrAl ''' '''' k ' 11 I ill ' c: - ' ' ly v:'' -i - eet ' '' ' - w - if r 'V r ‘ I ' t' I 't: It'1-1- : 17‘‘' 4e' -I -- : ''')kT1 et tilt - - P'''- ' 2 - - r'''' $ -- - k''"4 cat- f 4' I!'' f 4::rj 4011T VCe' i el - 'i i '1 - ili) -:- :1-r- ! 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You'll find Schubach's 'regular prices ore "Sale" prices elsewhere! always LOWER than -- NO ADDITIONAL COSTI I 1" 7 te'r-- 1 CORNER 1 I 7Je-- 7 1 oh i 2435 Witshirsgson lista 1 ist Ogohte MAIN AND BROADWAY 161 W Clutter I St IN SALT LAKE 6 'fish St Soilie Welke in Prove 1 Twin Tolls lick --1 1- I t4 7 Five Fine Stores I t $50 to $5000 "Famous for Diamonds" D 1 iPtits t BUYING POWER E i Imet04 I Cty tttd PO Chevrolet 1113tor Division 1 1 yr I Po? Nitottit A -- EXQUISITE DIAMOND ENSEMBLES 1 I I i ' - ' - 'I I Ome - Ab 401 '---- 40 400 4 cfrtO - ft AL lir soy P0W 0- oktr'''' - 4- 04)IR7:6411'w i0- f'v'' i 1 etNill'7" t t I - ' 7 rp 7' - 1 Actoo641 That Won a Recent Truck Selling Contest 1 it - ikv--- -' el - 4 ' v"------7--- f -- - k ) ' 4e 4 81aA4 '' (473til SCHUtACti 11wIltY Co Mire a Ikeedlevy $et toks Coy litylo Nal Seel see tee 414144 due eivergsei et 1 'Illf-la- 't- - 01r'''' -- 4 ORDER BY MAIL i e - N t1' eCoN t' - I 1)44) 4 3? -' ti 0 44 4 ieg c1 y aeilri ' 0A01671-of (:4iI ' ' 4" " ' il - 1AOti- et-- v 0:-- N Reading from left to riAhlt Joe Ta)lor Spence Whitney 'Russ" Jones Ar Itement Roy Lamson Bill Spofford Truck Sales Manager and Garr Roberts General Sales Manager t i ort d''''" - ''Wreeelke '' - le:4 '''''V'' - ' " — t '' 1 47s :I Vif' r - gfr- i - ' -' s' - ) 001"'" - t ' 1441 : 1 t f) -- kr p :17'4T"'N"TrrP't ----- ' -- I i --- fut 7t's7-- -- ' I 1 " -'4 0 -- '' A ' :rt a6 (:r' 4i!r ' : t 4 '' ' ' - i y - 's' PI 140-- —1111 7-- 1 17 - ' ' '4 ' ' 1-' "11: ' "02 e 4 ‘ 11Z167 ' ' "- e 1- -"- 4 s ' "': - 1 4 - : :'' x ' 1 ''' 41' -- 7 S 4 A : 1 " 1 141A- -- ''''''' - I ? k 44 - 6 1 ' - 4 ' — ' ! iv i -- k 11 It ' ottiso Immonmp -) '‘1' t i r it t e t 91 t A - i--- i '' '÷ ''''''''') r- -1 -- A" :r: 1 0 ' 01A1-4- a- dik- I : 4 V''I - ''' ' i-- i IT! --2' - : t '1 ft ' Lo ' - ' 1 4 "v :7 :: ' - t '7 ' : i ? tT " 1- kt tAi CrIL 0 1 11 - te 7 1511 " 1 - ' --- f t '''''' th it''11:— - I 1 " i ‘-- 0 v: 4 ' 3 - ) 4 '''1''''f'''' - ": — ' - ) ‘ 4 - 4' r i -- :: - '1r11 :i o'l 4 e 2 Al (' - 4 - l's' - 1 tt 1 ''- fit(1 i f : 'Ll: ? i N 3 ( t r The 1T'inners 1Vith a ITlinner! 1 :44'''::::': -- ti - '''' lt I 1 t l' al J 4 1 t2:1 au rcl i- 0 v- --- -- - - -- i i A '- -- ‘f1)11' ' i ' E ''''' —yr 4Rillt Int r A -- 1 - Y )1-4'- 1137 1S -pg - A i 5 ' A --- -- v Democratic 5911 5911 In Out rural districts outside the south and in the districts which are a mixture of urban and rural the Republican party enjoys an advantage hut is nott showing any gain today over 1949 Here Is the comparison: Rural Districts Outside South (81) 1918 Today Election Survey 831 i 531 i Republican Denmeratic 1 11s Hived District Outside South (131) 1918 Todays' Election Survey I i'''''''''''-''' I " ” HIS Refrigerators -- 4 Taday's 1:tertian Survey IA 1 ) Rig City Divtricts Outaide litatith (95) - 4i i - ' 0--- ' choice: FRIGIDAIRE 1 - 'a e BEST DIAMOND WEST'S a THE F - I) :90y0p )6 A A ' tA t -- c r' irA-- 119dr 4 ' - - - - lN' - a- Ai No 0 r -- f r -1 r 1 Democraue candidates and this is even higher than in 1943 Here is the companson be se d On voters expressing a definite Pi0 '1)101''EY DOWN teal4044"--- a& UBACH'S t pop-hav- I f Imp ) o — r--- -- ' i ' - t vp -- party from 1923 to date using the powers of the government wisely and with restraint enabled the United states to unleash it at productive capacity tecause in- : IIn i t3 ceved 65 rnilllcet dollars since the war -'In My positions as chairman of Through government hourng prograrns more than 75000 fami- the education and labor conunittee lies have become home owners in chairman of the military commitUtah This has strengthened one tee chairman of the labor and of the bulwarks or the free enter- welfare committee and member of prise system-- - the opportunity of the foregn relatioms committee the individual to on his on I have played an important part in the formulation arid adoption of home "A vast improvement is noted the polictesof the Democratic adin farm standards of living The ministration since 1912 income of Utah farmers totalled lestallatioas only 26 million dollars under the to have been able to am proud Now it Hoover administration in for Utah such obtaming help has risen to more thari 160 million instanations as Geneva steel plants dollars naval depot "Federal we:fare semces have Hill field Clearfield and supply depots arsenal Ogden and to the aged brought iecurity Dug-wa-y In the year ended Utah rdinance depot unemployed creek Deer the and ground proving of 30000 June '30 1919 a total men women and children in Utah Veber basin projects and benefited directly from federal projects I shall continue to workd with every resource it my security agency funds for the approval and comVeterans' Assistnio pletion of park Weber basin 'Expenditures by the Veterans and Central Utah projects and administration represent t h other needed reclamation projects government's deternunation to as- to bentfit the state sist those who iLerved the nation 'I have revoiranended a recone In 1919 alone sideration of our tariff policies in time of peril more than 33 million dollars were and immediate action on the metal spent in Utah for vetern assistance stockpiling program to rehabili In the field of educalion under - trite the Utah mining inditstry:' "I shall continue to suppcwt the the educational sections or the GI bill of rights alone rnore than administration's program for the 41000 Utah students hai41 re- - farmers: insured deposit $5414(1 have brought us to the heights we enjoy today The programs of the Democratic 46 cross-sectio- eh Continued front Page One n of 17 Ft laity then Is thist The party Is structed Py GEORGE GALLUP !voters from eoast to coast shows: running a slightly less than even lastitute et Publie optaime DEM of voters race outside the south and far 43 A total Of 491i I FRZNZCZTON N J June 21— outside the south with opinions-sathehind in the south- R P r publican party prospects for i they would favor the Republican 57c'A conducting its survey the capturing control of the house of candidate if congressional 'leo- iinstitute questioned a renrembritatives this November tons were being held in their tot voters in all walks of life- -pear to be gttting ea hinghter as tricts at the present time while farmers white collar workers fac- the carnpatge procre 'ars DEM 5011 say they would favor the tory workers housewives business 50 i and The over-a- ll men women: and voting strenrh cif Democratic candidate profesisonal N141' REP the party has shown no change i This compares with a percent- Ietc aking this question: 50 in the 1948 l since sring in the American In- age division of If the elections for congresa atitr'e of rubix Oplmon'S peri- corigressional elections and 5741 ' were being held today which party odic tests of poltIcal sentiment in favor of the Republicans in would like to sea win in this 1914 when the G 0 P won eon- stste--th- e you DEM throughout the country 5012 Republican party or l of both houses of congress The proportion of persons who Democratic party?" !ths REP Say they prefer Republican party I Aids Republicans 49451 The following tables give the candidates today is no larger now vote outside the south Th first lure the re2 then it was in 14 and far beWhile it is certainly volt brewing in the south may be 'shows the vote including those low 1946 who express themselves as un- - POIIII4111 'Caine-ena eontrromiosal rare outde Ow south k slums pexestble that the campaigming this of help to the Republicans in the summer and the trend of world next presidential race the &Rua- i'decided at this time the second la chart rercentagos refer In total aumbeT ot perions opinion division the excluding the et pressing choice for Itpublica events may increase Republican tion rarely changes in the south give and Democrat candidates cornundecided so is as far to be would have there congressional to voting actual divbilost at soles outside of south in 1911 sad 1918 strength I partd a try substantial change in senti concerned Con treasionn1 Raronteter Even if the Republicans this I rnent to give the Republicans a i t s i d the u th shooting chance for control of the year were able to sweep the north I Undecided) (Including the southern situation would show bouse in the fall elections i WASHINGTON June 21 (AP) The elettlon of the latter will 41 little change from the division in Republican ' Beres Latest Figures 1—The Un Ited Sat es will have two Lake plate here at the annual conDemocratic 1948 when the Democrats won 118 vocation of the Amencan Legiona 11 Other and undecided litre is whet the latest inetittite 'seats the Republican& only ipresidenta next month—Hany S 21 nation- i -based on con The Republican problem nation Purvey carefully :Truman an4 a h:gtt school by boys V The July said through O legion July high i 100 who svill hold ht "office" very juntors an slated to attend (Excluding Undecided) t briefly the sesmon 491ro R'publican i Thomas Files for Return to U S Senate 1 Vti A 8 k B4 - - I f I k4 Atql a : a $ Mag r1 w s a" 1 I w armah aaaoaa 0 arm aaaamta amtaaalL a aawalaa aaaaaaa a araaaaaaaraaaaoaWa aaato aaw000taaavaaliaaamaaaftaaWwraaaaalaaaa"a4"-00- - "4""a""a4aa'Aa- - raaa3 4P a - - ''' a' sga aaaa na a A1— ' |