Show THE SCHEME TO denationalize AMERICA THE late discussion in both houses of congress on the geary chinese exclusion bill was exceedingly interesting it was conducted with intense earnestness on both sides and the measure still hangs bangs fire not having been finally disposed of the speech in opposition to the bill which created the greatest stir and interest was delivered by senator davis davia of minnesota the reason for this lies in the fact that he declared that the country stood in more imminent danger from the catholic church than from an influx of chinese in support of df this proposition he referred to and quoted from the notable memorial presented to the pope stout about a year ago by herr Calie bensley Ca naley an ultramontane catholic and memol member r of the prussian diet this portion of the senators senator speech is being widely referred to and commented upon and as the subject is one of vital interest terest im we quote it as it appears in the congressional record I 1 said a few moments ago the chinese government is not seeking to take possession of our institutions it has hap no such desire it does not care to see its people go abroad it requires them to come back I 1 wish mr president 1 the case were so all over the rest of the world I 1 wish that in another continent where the authorities are willing that certain classes of their people may be suffered to come to this country they would not seek to possess themselves of our institutions or unduly to influence them there is more matter for profound concern in the attempts of herr Ca bensley made last year to denationalize american institutions and plant as many nations as there are people of foreign tongues in our midst than in all the chinese questions which have arisen since 1858 he proposes pro to us the hirer tt power of the catholic hierarchy archy to bring about this great political result the memorial of herr Ca hensley who Is ie not a prelate ehe he is in a laynan layman a member of 04 the prussian diet lat antl mate with dr horat whose letters letten he be adopted in his bis memorial presented to the vatican says saye the be want of representatives of the different nationalities of emigrants in the episcopate As every nationality has its own characteristics its own habits and customs it is in important also that the priests should not only speak the language of the emigrants but that they should be of the very same nation hence it is desirable that every different national group of emigrants should be organized into a distinct parish with a priest of its own nationality some are of the opinion that the language can not be kept beyond the second generation and that the grandchildren of the immigrants will certainly speak nothing but english the facts of experience otter offer triumphant objections to this opinion it is part of this scheme that the various foreign languages should be perpetuated in tola this country by this segregation of people according cording be to their nationalities I 1 km am speaking solely of the political aspects of this question for my part protestant born and protestant bred I 1 do not care what kind of bishops are sont bent to this thip country as as a matter of faith where it t touches political questions I 1 deem it right to call the attention of the country to it As to matters of faith they can cail send them to us as aa in bua inn ing delium dellum for all that I 1 care I 1 desire to reiterate that this most impudent appeal to bring to bear the elements of var various lotis nationalities upon ou our r institutions met with the item reprehension pre hension of that great ecclesiastical statesman who presides over the vatican buethe but the movement is going on in its political aspect and is being pressed today we a nation of diverse people of one language and of many creeds are building upon the basis of christianity a national edifice that aspires to the beavenue beave be avene new and it is plotted to scatter fhe builders by a babel confusion of tor tongues gues we would continues the memorial we would think it a gross pretension were any lp nat nationality tonality to arrogate 91 to itself the mission of americanize ing the others wo we do not want any particular nationality tiona lity to americanize the american people in the united sates S ates where the church is composed of immigrated nations that are alread already civilized and christianized Christiani zed but differ in n character habits and customs as well as language lap guage this need of national bishops representing the respective nations makes itself imp piously felt I 1 why should there be a representative of that kind for any nation in the bosom of american citizenship various nationalities that come into america are to be settled and provided for by a foreign instrumentality if the episcopate be handed over almost exclusively to one single nation 41 aliby to the detriment of the others a feeling of uneasiness of general discontent is created among these last a feeling which assumes the proportions of jealous balous national rivalries feelings wounded and shocked in every sacred right and interest es belonging to these same nations it to is perfectly amazing throughout this entire memorial how utterly oblivious this r to an american an Ante american rican peo people ale destined to become throughout an A merican american stock we are to his mind a nation u upon n whom the political in or triggers tri guers of the european world are to operate all their own theories at their own sweet will the idea of american nationality consolidated into a unity 0 s that which la Is to be combated and tor for as aa many tongues and as for as many people as an there are tongues we are to be me gated if it is possible pos elble to the condition conditi in which the polyglot indian tribes were when this coun country tiry was discovered it is desired and wished 1 so proceeds the memorial that concord and harmony should reign among the different nations that go to make up the church of the united states slates nothing is in more desirable nothing more essential the sole and only way to attain this end is to give to every one of these nations bishops of their own bishops belonging to each who will represent their respective nations in the episcopal body just as those nations are represented among the parochial clergy and among the faithful every nation that has not its bishop is an uncrowned nation a nation without chiefs without protectors without guides of its own a nation without a head a decapitated nation that fools feels itself profoundly humiliated sacrificed consequently a discontented and jealous nation a nation that will never live in harmony with better favored nations which it accuses of defrauding it of its rights and wounding it in its sacred interests te rests 11 how hew beautiful that would be from any standpoint even of the gentleman who penned that memorial or the convention which adopted ill it had not conceived the idea of a 4 composite american nation of one language and one hoed blood but instead of that the disintegrating idea of many nations arrayed against one another and represented by people from abroad appointed from foreign landd who cannot speak our language but appointed here because they speak the foreign tongue appointed here for the purpose of perpetuating it through the first and second generations again he be says moreover this question affects the interests of the countries from which tv emigration takes take place this to my mind is the most important part of the document moreover this question affects the interests of the countries from which the emigration takes place through their emigrants the nations are acquiring in the great republic an influence and an importance of which they will one da day be able to make great rea t profit these hese nations are so well aware aware of this that they are doing everything in their power to have those of their nationalities settled in the united states develop and streng illen ben themselves in 11 every respect the time has come when governments can no longer remain indifferent to this grave and important question for example it is in a matter mattek of no consequence to england 1 ireland france germany italy ca canada aia hungary spain and other governments that they number in a youthful country and one full of pro prospects millions of fellow citi forming part of the nation and taking an active part in industry commerce politics social life and public affairs it must not be lost sight of that the american nation the people of the united states is not a people of one race only but of all races of all nationalities every race every nationality may take its place in the sunlight precisely owing to fact is the cornerstone corner stone and the keystone of every social fabric the nations have an immense interest in their emigrants being represented in the episcopate in the united states by bishops of their own it there was never mr president a more infamous attempt to prostitute religious power to political purposes than the one proposed jim in that memorial ial this thin man is no inconsiderable man he moves with no inconsiderable allies allier he in if or was wa a member of the prussian not diet it to is stated that herr von Sch loeser the german representative at rome borne is in hearty accord with him and supported this memorial that austrian iao families of high rank moving in noble and royal circles were interested in the scheme with men less lea wise wine than the present pontiff very serious consequences might have ensued I 1 have oot not gone out of my way to bring this subject here it forces itself upon the attention in the present cou con dec neo tiou and it so far dwarfs by con the dangers to be apprehended from china that I 1 could not refrain from doing it |