Show WOMAN SUFFRAGE THE woman suffrage bill which recently passed the new york ast asnen ably by a vote of 69 to 34 reads as am follows follo co ho we wg an act to prevent discrimination on account of sex at elections the people of the state of new york represented in senate and assembly do enact as follows section 1 every citizen irrespective of sex shall hereafter be entitled to vote for all and every officer here hereafter affer to lie be elected in this state and on any question submitted to tid a vote of the people an aal it shall be unlawful to make any discrimination between citizens on account of sec at such elections section 2 no poll clerk inspector of election or other election officer or person fulfilling such duties ditties shall hereafter refuse to register or to receive the vote of any f dult adult citizen at any such election by reason of the sex of such citizen pro vided aided such citizen shall in all other respects possess the qualifications now required by law section 8 3 this act shall take effect july 1893 this bill Is ie now before the senate hut but in spite of the growing influent in its favor it is not likely to become lk law at present prejudice to is an unreasoning force and requires time and progress to overcome it women themselves are not united in de demanding minding it ft and this is considered a potent argument against it its fallacy is kamily easily exposed for it to is evident that no per son should be deprived of a right which he justly claims because aak another does not want it but reason cuta very little figure when custom and prejudice prevail |