Show FROM THE SOUTH bawor deseret news on saturday may I 1 traveled thirty miles from circleville Clr Cir cleville to pan gultch with brother willis willia johnson JOh DOOD of the first named place after leaving circleville Cir cleville we passed through a canyon thirteen miles long in which the road crosses the sevier be vier river twice at the head bead of the canyon where massive rook walls rise to a majestic height on the west and present a great variety of beautiful scenery the traveler enters a fine valley through which the south branch of the sevier takes a serpentine course in a northwesterly direction there is a number of ranches located here and there on the or on the creeks putting into the river passing along we reach a ranch called called tebbe ville on the west side aide of the river nearly opposite the spot where fort sanford of blackhawk Blackb awk war fame once stood on the east side traveling eight miles further we reach the headquarters of the panguitch stake and the county seat of garfield county at panguitch Pan gultch T met apostle lyman who since last sunday has been traveling in the sevier and panguitch stakes holding meetings with the saints in koosharem Koo sharem where he organized the grass vahey ward and at cannonville Cann onville where an entire new bishopric was installed yesterday and today the fifty third quarterly conference of the panguitch stake has baa been held at this place all ali the meetings were well attended excellent instructions were given and we had a time of rejoicing it will be interesting for such readers of the NEWS who dwell in warmer climes to note the fact that while we today the lot of june were engaged in divine worship ins do de a commodious and comfortable meeting house bouse snow flakes were falling failing fast on the outside and for a short time the ground was covered but the residents of pan duitch assure us that this does not happen on the first of june every year in fact old settlers have told us that it has never snowed before so late in the season while they have dwelt in this upper country tomorrow morning apostle lyman will leave for beaver and salt lake city I 1 am to remain and write history and for this purpose must visit every ward and settlement in the panguitch and sevier stakes of zion panguitch is in my estimation a tine fine place it is in some respects unlike any settlement of the saints I 1 have visited so far nestling pleasantly at the foot of gently sloping mountains on the south end of a broad valley its fine brick buildings present themselves to the gaze of th the traveler in bold relief as he approaches from the north there being goshade no shade trees or orchards to obstruct the view save a few scattered cotton cottonwood wood trees and a pretty thrifty growth of willows which fringe the panguitch creek to the right and the sevier river on the left the town being situated in what may be called the forks of the two streams there is an air of comfort about that one feels at once after getting there notwithstanding the absence of fine gardens like those met with in a lower altitude the homes are generally well furnished furnished and most of the modern conveniences met with in the older settlements of the saints are also found here three stores doing a good business are located in the central part of town and a modern roller flour ing ing mill situated on the sevier river li lf miles east of the town to is patronized by the people who live within a radius of nearly seventy five miles the panguitch ward presided over by bishop allen alien miller embraces all of panguitch valley and also the country lying south or the ranches on the head waters of the south fork of the sevier clear to the rim of the basin this southern part pare of the country once had a separate ward organization called hillsdale but to is now a branch of the panguitch ward known as the mammoth branch the people ot of panguitch as a rule role a appear to be happy healthy and god fearing and are also hospitable to strangers who are friends to their interests A saloon lie is here and receives some patronage but not from latter day saints saints dont tipple judging from the healthy and robust appearance of most of those who attended the conference we should think them exemplary in their habits babito but if they have not been so hitherto they surely will be hereafter if they follow the advice given during the meetings just held it would be inconsistent consia tent to think that the brave sons song and noble daughters of utah who have every opportunity placed before them to become men and women of the first rank would cut themselves oft off from the blessing of health strength long life intelligence wisdom and grace by contracting habits of intemperance and impurity oh no lot let us hope that the sons and daughters of zion will be exemplary in their habits that they will guard virtue and chastity as they guard their lives and do the work of righteousness that they may become peers of all crea tion nay excel in everything that to is good and noble in the sight of god angels and righteous men and finally through their good examples and teach ings redeem the whole world from its low and fallen condition panguitch valley proper is about seventeen miles long from north to south and has at its south extremity a width of nearly eight miles tapering off to the north until it terminates in a canyon through which the south branch of the sevier river finds its way to the lower valleys on the north the panguitch valley is separated from what is locally called the east fork borkor or on the map plateau valley by a range of mountains called the sevier plateau the highest peaks of which are adam adamis Is head and mount dutton whose snow filled crags and canyons are plainly seen from west the valley is separated from the little salt bait lake valley by the range of mountains known in geographical circles as the plateau from the midst of which little creek peak and bear creek peak rise to a aon considerable sid erable height south an extensive low mountain system separates it from the hillsdale and mammoth creek country the altitude of as given on bests map of utah is feet but the residents think they are nearer heaven than that and the clouds which aich during the last few days have been in uncomfortably close proximity to the earth seem to bear them out in this the panguitch Pan gultch people are nearly all stock raisers but raise their own breadstuff and some to spare the sheep business is very profitable here and perhaps one hundred hundred thousand sheep owned principally by the people of garfield county are grazing at the present time in the surrounding slopes and mountain plateaus mainly on the east fork the stake of zion embraces all of garfield county a part of pluto county and a small portion of kane county utah it embraces seven organized wards ol of which panguitch Pan gultch with a membership of souls or families is the largest next in size is the escalante ward distant about seventy five miles to the southeast with souls or families then comes the cannonville Cann Caun onville ward distant thirty five miles north with mi members embers or fifty families then junction ward close to Cir circleville cleville with members or 41 families after that marion ward in the lower end of grass gram valley partly in pluto plute and partly in garfield county and last Henri henrieville eville ward with souls or 24 families it will thus be seen that the panguitch stake of zion has a total membership of 2769 soul or families there are two patriarchs joseph L heywood of nauvoo fatafe and james jaines henrie formerly president of the stake both highly respected and good and faithful men 60 seventies 79 high priests elders 12 priests 10 teachers ill deacons 1288 lay members and 1011 children under eight years of age jesse W crosby jr presides over the stake with mahonri M steele and david cameron as counselors three good faithful and full hearted men mein who appear to have the undivided confidence of the whole community the pan panguitch itch stake was organized in 1877 re the town of itch was first settled in 1864 avas was vacated because of indian troubles in 1866 and settled resettled re in 1871 JENSON JEN SON PANGUITCH garfield CoUta co utah june bJune 1 1891 |