Show MONEY AND WATER IT is presumable that the question of the sale of the water and water works system by the city council to a private corporation to is virtually settled two potent arguments on the no sale side of the proposition we were re offered at a session of the council held june 10 one was the monster petition which was I 1 u two sections the number of sigua signatures tures attached aggregating seven thousand that was an argument that ought to carry weight but there is another that is particularly striking it was embodied in a communication from christopher diehl assessor and collector of water rates besides embodying some valuable practical sugg suggestions that should be adopted it contained the following on the lat of january last there were 2847 honses or business places supplied with water since then there have been added in february and march in april 74 and in may 91 making a total of 9 at th this is late date the extensions of water mains will add more every month and it can no be estimated that before the end of the present present year r at least four thousand houses auses yeal will I 1 be supplied with pure water with the present rates and a strict assessment as per the schedule the city joan derive an income of at least east fifty thousand dollars per annum from its water system that amount would be an interest at 5 per cent on while the whole plant cost only y the question now pending before the council purports to be whether the water and its system shall be sold to a private party or corporation why not name the proposal so as to make at 46 consistent with the statement made by the assessor and collector of rates if this be done we see no reason why it should not it will be stated abated thus shall or shall not net the co comeil bisell pay to a private company or corporation per annum of the peoples peopled money that being the amount of profit that would be derived from the system of waterworks water works according accor dlug to the computation of mr delhi deihl the consummation of suh sui h an act could not by any auy process of reasoning ng be properly sustained it would have all the appearance of a steal this phase of the subject so appropriately exhibited by a city official ought of itself to cause all applit actions of the kind referred to ta to be permanently tabled any company that could secure such ouch a bonanza would at an early date he able to greatly increase mr diehl diehls s computation of profits by watering its stock |