Show DEMISE OF A missionary IT becomes our painful duty to record an unusual and sad incident the death abroad of one of the missionaries of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints sainte A dispatch received today from apostle george teasdale dated at liverpool gives the intelligence that will bring a pang of borrow to the hearts of thousands besides the immediate family and relatives of elder edgar dilworth simmons who was called last summer to preach the gospel in asia minor the telegram states that elder grau has written to elder at berne informing him that on tuesday february ath elder edgar simmons died of smallpox he was at the time laboring in turkey elder simmons home was in the twentieth ward of this city he was twenty six years of age and unmarried one of his brothers is elder joseph F simmons second counselor to bishop george romney another brother is now on a mission to holland before his departure for the missionary field the deceased was an employed of the union national bank in anis city he was a young man of great worth being highly on account of his spotless and upright character and his general faithfulness as a latter day saint the demise of this excellent young man on the opposite side of the globe fro front his home and loved ones will be a special blow to his widowed mother while a pang of sorrow will strike the the hearts of the community generally when they learn of the event it can be truly said of edgar that he fell at the post poet of duty and his reward in the hereafter is assured |