Show phonograph AND DOG speaking of flogs dogs reminds me of a certain newfoundland puppy that belongs to a young man who has recently gone to work at the edison phonograph agency in new york city he left his bethere pet here in washington with his family whom he be writes to dutifully everyday every day by a talking mae machine bine as it were that Js is to say he talks off a few filial filia or brotherly remarks as the ewe case may be into the trumpet shaped mouthpiece of the phonograph and then mails the cylinder to his home where another phonograph lain is in operation oe ration the cylinder is put into the home machine and the message ground out in the dear boya own familiar accents the other jay day a loud whistle wound up the communication and the dog recognizing it as him bin absent waster masters s own call though the latter was miles away jumped for joy and capered about so wildly that the brie bric a brac suffered providence journal fo |