Show POINTS ON ASTROLOGY astronomy is ie one of the oldest of sciences it is certain that the ancient Egypt egyptians laus Chal deans and As syrians syri atis were readers of the shy sk y and the chinese have records of eclipses dating back thousands of years before our era astrology has been called astrino mys sister and it is also older than history but there is a marked difference astronomy is true and astrology is false although the deductions of the latter are drawn from the same source as the former astrology was founded on the vanity of mankind astronomy teaches us that this earth is but a speck in the universe and that we a very part scheme of ci creation cation but the astrologi astral ers erg took the exactly opposite groa ground according to their bi belief edlef the earth was the tbt center of the universe and the universe only existed as an adjunct to man hence it followed that the pin nets exerted an influence over mankind this crude belief was gradually enlarged until it became an art and the astrolko astrologer era a very I 1 important apor tan t pe personage r kings and rich people eople kept their own astrologers ansot and other rr people consulted astrologers at so much a visit as credulous persons do fortune tellers at the present day no doubt there were a great many frauda out astrologers fellows who saw in the art an easy way to make a living but we cannot doubt that the majority of astrologers were firm believers in the so go called among the most noted of these were claudius ptolemy who compiled ailed 11 1 the 11 1 1 being four 9 books 0 0 ks upon the influence of the stars aws placidus a spanish monk and lilly an englishman of the time of charles 11 tiberius emperor of rome practiced astrology and aad father of medicine medici ne ranked it among the most moot important branches of knowledge for a physician during the middle ages astrology was at its height of popularity even the great lord bacon believed in it firmly it was a co complete replete and complicated system and contained rules which were so abstruse that they required years for their entire mastery nor did the adepts always agree in the mysteries of their art but they were fairly in accord with the cardinal principles there are four general depart ments in astro astrology logy nati nativities nativi vi ties or the art of loretelli fore foretelling telli from a study of the map of the heavens at the mo ment benr of birth the general character and destiny of the questioner mundane matters or foretelling by the map of the heavens at certain stated times the fate of nations and races such as wars peati pestilences lences floods and conflagrations rations weather prophesying or predicting from the mutual aspects of the sun moon anu plan betm what the weather will beat be at certain times and places horary astrology is the art of predicting from a map of the heavens at the time of anxiety or question the result of auy any business or other matter of interest to the questioner it is a fundamental doctrine in astrology that the sun pun moon and planets each exercise a distinct peculiar and immediate influence upon onman man this influence culminates at birth and the ruling rullus planet which is called the lord of the nativity at that time exercises such power over the child as to stamp its character upon the entire life this astral it influence fluence extends not only to the whole life in general but likewise to all its particulars of feelings thoughts and actions in minutiae this astral influence determines ter tor mines matt matta mais a physical appearance intellectual peculiarities moral character length of years rank fortune and friends in short determines his life to cast a nativity itras necessary for the astrologer to know the exact instant of birth then he drew a horoscope that to is a map of the tha heavens beavens at that instant as accurately cura tely as his knowledge of astronomy would permit and studied the aspects of the planets the zodiac Js is divided into twelve signs of 80 begs each and from the conjunction of the planets in these signs and from the various positions of other plan planets tits they augured gool good or ill for the babe much of coui course couie e depends upon the skill of the astral ger and a great deal upon his knowledge of human nature it is safe to say that rich people generally get good aspects rut but there are certain rules which all astrologers have always claimed to be infallible the moon rules the first four years of life and during this period all other indications must be interpreted with the fair goddess of the night as the dominator of the activities tivi tivit ties les and results her subjects that is those born when the moon is in the ascendant are pale and serene and while full in form and gentle in disposition they are apt to be lazy or at least rather inefficient they are frequently noticeable for their large languid eyes and receding chin the moon has much to do with ones natural propensities anti and so her position in the zodiac and her aspects with the other powers should be fully anti and accurately determined and cart carefully fully studied good aspect with saturn promises legacies gains and honors through the favor of death of old people bad aspects with saturn on the contrary injuries or losses looses from the same kind ot of people the moon in favorable aspect with jupiter promises wealth with mars mare success in all con contento testo competitions constructions or manual operations which require courage skill and responsibility with venus many and devoted friends among the opposite sex with mercury great good fortune through ones own superior mental attainments and talent evil aspect with mars presages boldness rashness ras liness and discomfit discomfit from defeat by stronger opposing forces and with mercury it announces dishonesty and untruthfulness strange to say thie su a which is the most glorious of all the heavenly bodies is less noticed in the horoscope than the moon the astrologer civi s BBS as a reason for this apparent neglect th thit the sun although the source of all life and power dispenses his influence through his lieutenants the planets it is also noticeable that uranus U and neptune have no places in ancient astrology and very little in the modern art the reason is that these two planets were unknown until modern times it is dreadful to think how much malign influence these two planets may have exerted in past ages and no one a whit wiser there are astrologers at the present day and some of them publish annual almanacs which give predictions a year in advance these predictions as a rule are couched in vague language such as january a great man will die in A merici americ a prediction which could hardly fail to come true tru yet these impostors make a good living out of this delusion and as they cannot be said to do any special harm they are not bot interfered with but it cannot be too often a asserted that there is no truth in the art and never was the sun and all the planets may be in conjunction and exert no more influence for good or evil over a baby than a passi ng milk wagon in the street golden days |