Show OUR CHICAGO LETTER it looks as if salt lake was in a fair way to eclipse chicago in the way of notoriety dur dar ing the past week the mormon qu question tatton has been the principal topic and when the news came that the gentiles gentilecore Gentile cor or liberals were triumphant great was the rejoicing in prostituted prostitutes no question was wad asked as to the means by 7 which the triumph was obtained evva even joseph muldoon of the ahi cago tribune endorsed the old jesuit Ln maxim aXinn the bhe end justifies the means As usual tile the death of mormonism is proclaimed to be at athams bariti but it has been so often pronounced dead that little heed beed maybe may be given to the theory cry here are a few sentences from various newspapers relating to the late salt lake election the salt lake election means the admission of utah as a state the schoolmaster has wrought the revelation 11 I 1 the mormon is being softly pushed into the ditch 99 the western barbarism to is being wiped wipe dout out 11 zion is being shaken to its foundations mormon defeat means a setback to the democrats democrat ta 21 mormonism la is doomed the faders elders must go the ballot is mightier than the sword 6 the loss of salt lake is the final blow to mormonism py A cheerful message has ut at last come from utah lawbreaking law breaking mormons cormons should et emigrate ra te py is gone ill the political goli political power of the church cormons mormons Mor mons do not understand the genius of american institutions the salt lake triumph though not a utah triumph is the next step to K it Y the defeat of the mormons cormons is a blow to the democrats 11 the zenith of mormon power is forever gone that hideous monster is at last crushed the nie edca herald says polygamy is crushed crashed all honor to vi virtuous gentiles these sentiments will give a tolerably fair idea of newspaper opinion on the utah question te le t l e cause they are taken from papers published in the most distant parts ut of the country they rhey demonstrate plainly how little is known of mormonism as it really exists ro cosay say that thai it can be wiped out by an alleged election triumph is the utterance of a fool to say that its fate depended on the salt lake election is the statement of a madman to say that its political power is gone is perhaps true because it never pretended to such power and whatever of political power exists in utah is entirely in the hands of that valiant knight godfrey de nebraska to say that mormonism is not in harmony harmany with american liberty and morality while the lottery business of north dakota is its is poetic absurdity senator ingalls inveighs against fraudulent ballots to in the south while senator ed munds according to the chicago tribunes salt lake correspondent advocates fraudulent ballots in utah to the serious thinker the mormon m on issue opens up a line of study which to is well worth indulging in for a moment or two why this fierce insane opposition to mor inon liam Is there design iti in it you will say polygamy Butt but there bere was no talk of that on ap 1 il 6 1830 just sixty years veers ago when six humble citizens and natives of this continent nent proclaimed the restored religion Is there ajera one step in its from that day to feb 10 1890 that has not met with opposition has it not been repeatedly assaulted trampled and thrown into the mire yet it has as repeatedly arisen invested with new strength vigor and energy from new york to ohio from ohio to missouri thence to cur own state of illinois and finally to utah has it not overcome obstacles apparently insurmountable have not its temples and tabernacles been destroyed and yet we see them in proud majesty towering today into the blue vault of heaven beaven fairly dwarfing dwar fing the most pretentious edi flees of the oldest existing creeds mormonism has experienced many and sad reverses but if it be what it purport sto be it has not net experienced the tenth of what it will it is not bot alone the political di disfranchisement siran chi of its members that awaits it but the property and wealth of its followers will yet be subjected to something entirely foreign to the established laws relating to private and public property it is true trub many foul things are said of it and will continue to be said of it ma y malicious charges ill founded and add baseless will in the future as in the past be preferred against it but has not this been the history of all great movements read bead the ben hur of general wallace and see what christ himself experienced though a work of fiction it is a faithful portrayal of the customs manners and laws of the time of christ and the atles apostles rome fell by her own pride ride and arrogance the jew by his intolerance and unreason and because god so ordered read the Fab fabiola lola of the late cardinal wiseman it is also a work of the imagination but it is a faithful picture of the primitive christians in the city of rome the haughty rome revelled bevelled revel led in wealth and luxury and paid homage to pagan gods and goddesses the hum ble christian sneaked in vaults cellars and catacombs cata combs today his body was anointed with tar and then ignited to illuminate the wrestling ground or the gladiatorial arena tomorrow he was accused of child murder and pronounced a ghoul a fiend and a knave was not there design in all this honest romans did perhaps believe in the child because they could not comprehend the doctrine of the real presence in the eucharist euc harlst as at that time expounded then read macaulay and learn what the early roman christians did for civilization and for humanity follow the pages of history down the course of time and what a catalogue of strange deve lope men t meets the eye come on to luther and calvin and to the great re spirits of modern reform read d the story of lady alice lisle as dramatically related by macaulay Macaula 3 in his history of england this lady was a widow of a crom bellian hero who helped charles the first across the border after the monmouth rebellion in 1685 pome ome of the defeated insurgents fled into hampshire two of these were harbored by lady alice they were preachers named hicks and the jaw of england holds accessory and principal pria cipal alike guilty in high treason in this case that C hief justice jeff reys of immortal odium displayed the refined diabolism of his feroci ferocious nature odious as english treason felony law was it was strained to destroy alice lisle by law she could not be convicted until after the conviction of the rebels she harbored however she was brought to trial before either hicks or to obtain a 1 verdict dict for the crown in such a ca case se was an easy matter witnesses bated jurors hampshire gentlemen deemed it outrageous to send a lady to the stake for an act of charity charily jeffreys worked himself into fury this was his first treason case on the the circuit and he feared his bis prey would escape him he used language blasphemous grawl and profane unworthy of a brawl or cockfight cock cook fight A witness named dunne anxious for lady alice and terrorized by jeffreys eu entirely lost his tongue jeffreys freys ef said oh how bard the truth lei to come out of a lying presbyterian knave was there ever such a villain on the he face of the earth dost thou believe that there is a god dost thoa believe in hell fire of all the witnesses that I 1 ever met I 1 never saw thy fellow I 1 hope gentlemen of the jury that you take notice of the horrible carriage of this fellow how can one help abhorring both these men and their reli religion ion A turk is a saint to such a alow fellow as this A pagan would be ashamed of such villainy ob blessed jesus what a generation of vipers do we live among the lady alice herself was question d but no matter what she said she would not be believed the calef justice himself volunteered his opinion of presbyterianism and of its members here is what be said but I 1 will tell you there is not one of those lying snivelling sni velling canting presbyterians rians butone way or another had a hand in the rebellion presbytery has all manner of villainy in it nothing but presbytery could have made dunne such a rogue show me a presbyterian and ill show thee a lying knave 11 the lady alice was executed by the clemency of the crown and nobility of britain she was not dot burned but be headed even this little concession to mercy aggrieved the infamous jeffreys do not the judges of utah say today show me a mormon and I 1 will show you a lying ayin knave there is design in all this 1119 t but we are madmen and cant see it we are moving in n SO an age that will produce wonderful things the bartford gart hartford ford courant says we are on the eve of a great revolution ution or of a terrible cataclysm just fancy 37 87 members of one of our virgin legislatures bought for cold cash to establish lottery swindles hear the speaker of the hoube at washington called a tyrant a usurper and anda a despot thereisa there is a federal election law projected for mississippi J R chalmers says that democrats in t the h e south regard the stealing of ballot boxey boxes as religious worship mr morse of mass says there is no such thing as a fair and free election in several of our states ingalls and butler fight over the in congress but it is said they drink their wine together outside and laugh at part party yiem lam we have a traveler from the barbarous and pagan lands beyond the pacific in this country here is a paragraph relating to him prince Mish imay a wealthy and honored japanese gentleman who in visiting this country thinks america has less religion than any other civilized country he says he ha traveled all over the united states and has been entertained by public committees and private citizens in all the leading cities they have shown me magnificent state houses and theaters and libraries and private residences they have set before me the richest food and the rarest wines they have introduced trod me at magnificent balls entertained me in sumptuous yachts and whirled me through beautiful valleys on four in hands and yet no one wishing to show me the glories of his bis city has ham ever asked me to visit hi bis church you americans explain your triumphs of art literature science society and commerce but seem to think that your religion is not worth exhibiting I 1 if I 1 this ms aesthetic prince should visit salt lake it is to be hoped he be will be asked to visit the temple teta I 1 and tabernacle so as to divest him of the idea that all the citizens of this country have lost interest in religion chicago to is full of people visitors from all parts every oue one telling his own story judge thurston Thu reton here bore attending the lincoln birthday celebration he describes the condition of nebraska farmers as deplorable plo rable they have on hand band immense quantities of corn but can make nothing of it the railroads reduced freight rates 10 per cent to the east but this only made matters worse it lowered the market and lower freight rates would only glut the corn markets of the east judge thurston suggests to english syn syndicates judge I 1 the propriety of buying this corn and holding it until spring when a good profit can be realized james payne of arizona is here he gives the apache indians a very bard character he is vehemently opposed to moving the indians to the port fort sill bill reservation I 1 e says they will start with killing old geronimo ni mo at their head after one of their corn whisky dances mr payne is accompanied by one J B shepherd who tells tellis stories worthy of his great namesake the famous jack mr shepherd says that in an indian fight he lost his guu gun then drawing huisjack his jackknife jack knife he be killed 11 indians and would have settled the indian question had bad not general crook stopped him now that the salt lake election is over we can breathe more freely in chicago according to some of our local scribes it see seemed medas as if the fate odthe of the republic depended on that election ejection it irmay may not be out of place to v view I 1 ew so some me f features es ture s of that ele election c now that all is quiet here is an advertisement which ap appeared ared in this mornings chicago tribune 1 I a SALT LAKE 9 at last in the hands of AMERICANS and an inviting field for eastern capital capiral and tn astern people under liberal rule salt lake city is destined to become a magnificent cit I 1 am investing for several chicago parties can make loans from I 1 to 8 years time at 8 9 and 10 per cent secured by first mori mortgage gage on inside pro erty eriv nothing is entertain entertained ea but bat what la Is choice have hare alro alo some ad money mortgages drawing 10 per cent 40 per cent whole value ill buy and sell dell property in purchasers tg name taking for my trouble on te asdall per cent of net profi when stile is made JOSEPH P BACHE references mccormick har mach co chicago McCorn mccornick iok co bankers salt lake city it jis is revised somewhat as compared with a former one from same source it will be noticed that the word Is in capitals and in quotation marks suggesting to us that the word is a misnomer as applied to the liberals in salt lake it will be noticed also the phrase 6 clerk of the supreme court is ornit omitted ted after the name of mr bache it will further be noticed that one of the micks has been transmuted litto into mccornack McCorn nick lck giving the name an american flavor mccormick means son of charles 11 tout but what the other means meang professor mackay himself the gaelic philologist could not tell machnick or nichols would be beson son of nicholas and would read smoother by making nicholson of it cornick has hag no meaning in the sense if f written carnick it would meah mead the friend of nick as carlisle means the friend of gilill if it read car knock it might mean the fort on the hill though the car in this sense was originally spelt cahir but it has been anglicised into car in names of places if mccornick means the son of nicks friend poor nicks friends are few for I 1 believe there to Is not another cornick in the world if it means son of the fort on the hill the fort was very nonproductive and like mountain might as well have produced a mouse during the salt lake election campaign the chicago tribune pub dished a long special daily from its utah eor respondent dent from its laslie issue of feb 10 1890 the following excerpt is taken the to feel ashamed of themselves if they got get beaten tomorrow they do not deserve any sympathy v if they lose loae the election some of the leading liberals went to early in the winter to senator edmunds whom they told they wanted to carry utah I well 91 replied the senator why dont you yon do it you have all the law that is necessary apply it and go ahead if that does not mean coulten anci ancin kInd encouraging anarchy on the part of senator edmunds I 1 cant cane say what else it might meau mean rhe foe I 1 liberals did that law with a vengeance and to show how they did it here 1 ii a statement from captain bonfield on this head it was published in he evening jews of this city i ii 11 its issue of pet feb 15 1890 ex inspector john bonfield has pst just returned from salt lake iske city and he he was seen this morning at his office ov bv an evening N news ewa reporter who called to have a talk with him about his bis recent exploits in the mormon col cot amous the famous detective was in a pleas ant mood and readily consented to relate his story he said the recent election went against the mormons cormons as the result of the most shameful frauds and that the gentile triumph was a triumph of boomers and speculators who sacrificed everything in the nature t ure of justice for their own purposes the utah commission to is supreme out there said mr bonfield and under its operations 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