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Show Ms. SUSC THE THUNDERBIRD PAGE 2 w1 Mg rfirinfrrr THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1989 mmw mm (smmrn &&& Researchers to address AIDS issue aMsa it o m o o mm a&sii iWf massssssse m mB QTCS1MK v WB8D SAear Qiite' 27 NORTH MAIN 586-27- 81 CAN GET YOU A FULL SET OF NAILS W BRENDA TURLEY OR 10 VISITS TO OUR TANNING $2000 BEDS. MONDAY SATURDAY ONLY AT SHEAR D'LITE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT AT 586-27- WALK-IN- S 81 WELCOME KATHLEEN MIDGLEY Fundamentals of Language (ENGL 271) and 6. Structures of English (ENGL 272) will be combined to make one five hour class instead of the current two classes, said Rodney D. Decker, dean of SUSCs School of Arts and Letters. Sophomore Composition (ENGL 202) and Expository Writing (ENGL 211), and Introduction to Humanities (HU 101) through Wilderness and the American Mind (HU 105) are all changing hour classes. from three- - to four-cred- it in advance. Deadline is they must be paid-fo- r for noon Friday Monday issue; noon Wednesday for Thursday issue. Those who submit ads are PERSON ALSD Rich: Theres more than one way to access your humble abode. The key is the easy way and when have I ever done anything easy? P.S. Abe says Hi. Sorority W. President: Being a true Pnma Donna would be a dream fulfilled. Please let me join! A hopeful candidate. Nerd: Ill be waiting with my candles and lethal elbows on the next rainy night, ooh ooh ooh! Dimples. Hey GQ Fashion Consultant We know where you were last weekend and we know why you were sore. Just remember you cant play pool on slate tables. Cat and Mouse. Does Hey you with the Malibu Barbie From her? who someone know about Betty cares. Keith, Love your towel. The wet look suits you. You ought to do it more often! Cat and mouse. We said that we wanted to go for a we didnt mean it literally. Kaycee but spin, and Nicole Eric (In Utah) (Outside Utah) Based on quad occapaaey asd space available. PRESENT STUDENT SRI RENTALS CARD AVAILABLE. AT TICRET WINDOW. ELK MEADOWS SKI AND SUMMER RESORT member has made numerous presentations about AIDS to medical and community groups. In 1987, she received a special award for work with AIDS from the Salt Lake County Health Department and the Kristen Ries Community Service Award from the gay community of Salt Lake. Murray earned a doctorate in microbiology at work in virology and BYU and did epidemiology at Baylor College of Medicine. He participates in a number of professional organizations, including the American Society for Microbiology and has received several research grants from the National Institutes of Health. At BYU he teaches numerous seminars and education short courses, many of them on AIDS and antiviral research. post-doctor- al SUSCs business department is deleting classes Shorthand II Alphabetic Speedbuilding (BE 205) and Shorthand II Century 21 Speedbuilding (BE 215) from the curriculum, said Harold Hiskey, dean of SUSCs School of Business, Communication and Technology. Elementary Keyboarding (BE 100) is changing to a hour class because the teachers feel necessary information is not being taught. three-cred- it Representing a leadership development committee, Special Projects Assistant Lana Johnson asked the council for support of a leadership course. Mark Barton, director of admissions and records, said the interdisciplinary course will be aimed at those students attending SUSC on leadership scholarships, as well as those students interested in leadership. Classified T hunderbird Classifieds must be submitted to our offices in Library 103. The cost is 50 cents and Call now for reservations: There are many issues, such as these controversial bills, that must be addressed, Johnson said. Ries is a graduate of Womens Medical College of Pennsylvania. The Holy Cross Hospital staff Deans make curriculum changes SUSCs Deans Council made curriculum changes in the schools of Arts and Letters and Business, Communication and Technology during the councils meeting Monday. 586-796- officials. in-dep- th BY Applications are now being accepted for Head Residents in Juniper Hall, Manzanita Court, and Oak Hall. For information, contact the Resident Living Office located in Juniper Hall before 3:00 p.m., Jan. 30, 1989 or call positive for AIDS be turned over to state health AIDS researchers Kristen Ries and Byron K. Murray will offer Thursdays Convocation discussion on AIDS audience an (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) as a disease and as a health and social issue. The program starts at 1 1 a.m. in the Centrum and is free to the public. Ries, a practicing Salt Lake City physician and clinical instructor at the University of Utah, and Murray, a professor of microbiology at Brigham Young University, are the guest speakers. The program will include a report on AIDS in Utah and an open discussion with audience members, according to Convocation Coordinator Lana Johnson. This program is planned to educate students and residents about AIDS, she said, so that they can make informed and appropriate decisions about this serious health and social issue. bills have been endorsed by Two AIDS-relate- d a legislative panel, Johnson said. One requires blood testing of Utah prison inmates, and the other mandates that names of people testing Golfers Dr., Those wild mischievous eyes are a mystery. Youve got me cornered, is there a clue? Eric J. I think about you always and live for the times that Im with you! Luv ya! Lisa. reminded that no ad may be placed on behalf of another without that individuals consent or the advertisement and payment will be forfeited. The T hunderbird prohibits discrimination in race, color, creed, age, religion, sex or handicap. DG This is one fish that would jump at the chance to go to the dance with you. JW G3 Melissa Richmond, Happy Birthday, Love the Beta Sisters. 162278 to choose from all subjects Order Catalog Today with VisaMC or COD rwmf fci.gl iMmh-- 800-351-02- i Or, rush $2.00 to: Twins I 7:00 PG 9:15 R raiii 2 7:00 9:30 R maii & 3 206-S11322 IdahoAve Los Angeles. CA 90025 Custom research also available all levels c c c c aiinouhced STARTS FRIDAY 3 3 (jfiD3U TsriPOimniLY F 477-822- 6 Research Assistance c TO DE 22 in Calif. (213) c TEQUILA SUnniSE c Michelle Sc Candy, Making you call is kind of low, and were sorry were so slow, but despite the wait youve got a date. The Mira papers c 00IEGQS To the Beta Class. We are happy to see you as actives now. There are only good times ahead! Love, the Alpha class. Hey, Brutus. Happy 22nd on the 27th! You Lutheran boys start much too late: Hoping for a great time in the wicked city. LDS Temptress. War is coming in Feb. & were Cedar Citys defense check it out Wed. in OM 308 The Medieval Club. Treasure desuramblers. Yes, I am still here and loving it!!! Mike A. Scout, Thank you for warming my life with your smile. Love, Dill mm C 093333K |