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Show PACE 2 THE THUNDERBIRD Z'LJ MONDAY VTJ NOVEMBER CJ 2, 1987 NC7 Senate ASSUSC senate is currently spearheading a project to find out possibilities of paying student employees every two weeks instead of once a month. The SUSC student employee payroll system is presently set up to pay students on the tenth of each month. One drawback to the current payroll system is if a student starts work early in the month, their first paycheck from SUSC is received. According to Roger Wareham, Student Service Center director, SUSC was tapped into the Weber State College computer system which only paid their employees once a month. But on January 1, 1984, SUSC withdrew from the Weber State College computer system. The payroll system was never changed; once a month payment was continued, Changing the system was never an issue, said Dorian Page, SUSC controller, the idea was never even brought to the administrations attention. The major worry of the administration, said Page, is that paying students twice a month would cost more money because of having to run paychecks more often. The administration would also loose a large amount of money from interest on the funds if they paid employees every two weeks. "This shouldnt matter, said Wareham, because the money is the students in the first place. The administration, working directly with Wareham, is examining students views on establishing a pay period. Because this issue is concerned with students, "said Wareham, we want to find out exactly what they want. Changing the system is not a new idea, said Sterling Church, SUSC vice president. The idea was brought up one year ago, but at the time, it was not feasable because of initial costs. Church said the next step to be taken should involve Monica Moe, ASSUSC student body president, writing a letter of concern about the payroll system. When this concern was brought to my attention, recognized its merrits, and intend to support it, said Moe, but it is going to take student imput for my recommendation to carry any ANYONE INTERESTED IN HELPING WITH THIS YEARS MOTHERDAUGHTER WEEKEND PLEASE CALL 586-074WE NEED TO GET OUR COMMITEE TOGETHER 5. WRITE NEW WORDS AN D MUSIC FOR THE THUNDERBIRD FIGHT SONG AMD WIN $150.00! Preliminary Judging: NOVEMBER 17 Final Judging: NOVEMBER 21 CONTEST RULES AND INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ROOM. ANYONE IS ELIGIBLE. "STROLL IN THE PARK" NOVEMBER 14 GREfiT HfiLL I I weight. Moe recommends that any student who is concerned with the payroll system or has an comments write a letter voicing their opinion and oring it to the student government offices located in the Student Center. Non-Tradition- ai Family Fun Nite fi Success The first ever Family Nite held October 26 was a success. Approximately 50 people participated, enjoying an evening of games, refreshments, and fun. Winners for the Kiddie Costume Parade included Amanda Adair, Brian and Melissa Butler, Patricia Clyde, and Richie Eubanks. The fastest bobbers in Southern Utah were Charles Hughes (9), Krystal Garcia (2), and Amber Adair (9). Bobby Flow and Ribbie Gray are always looking for new or stop into the ideas for activities. Contact them at 586-776- 6 ASSUSC offices located in the Student Center. fiSSBSC Survey is conducting a survey on the type of concert you would like to see in the future. Your opinion will help us decide the type of music and groups to come to SUSC. Please check three selections and place in the suggestion box located in the foyer of the Student Center. ASSUSC Please check three: The Hooters The Beach The Jets j l The Judds Howard Jones I Miami Sound Machine C Kool and the Gang Alabama Other, specify. lease Return by Wednesday, November 4, 1987. FEATURING: LONDON BRIDGE J S7.5Q PER COUPLE 9:00 PM SEMI-FORMf- iL 1:00 fiM |