Show BY amerl AMERI AMERICAN C AN washington 21 la in the cameron oliver suit today thomas M oliver testified that in 1850 in new oriean orleans ss las la and aud ralef Balei gb N C he was doing business as a merchant tailor and clothier in the earing of 1850 he p went to new york to buy goods he met the plaintiff Mrs Oliver at bornes Oa Oi masonic regalia establish mont in that city where she worked he visited that city a again 9 ain aln in the fall of the year and visited the store and found her absent he hd visited new now york again in the spring of 1851 while in the city at that time in company with other gentlemen be he visited an assignation house hoube whilo waiting walting in the parlor for the girls girla to come in plaintiff came he passed that night and several other nights with her she told him that she had been seduced while empio employed ved at Oa bomea by a man named johnnie platt under the promise of marriage that she had a child by him which was born alive but afterwards died he took her south bouth v to raleigh and afterwards to louisville V he lived with her in dlf dif terent different places from august 1831 1834 1851 1854 to june 1860 at which time he left lefi her bar on june rb 1660 1860 he married his hia present wife he never lived with the plaintiff in his mo therla house while in louisville his mother had nothing to do with her no ceremony of marriage was ever evor performed between him and plaintiff by his hia bookkeeper he st had denied publicly and repeatedly to several persons persona before he left plaintiff that she was was ever his cifes wife and at no time did he call her mrs oliver or allow her to be called by that name with his consent ad jonreed journ e d S NEW 21 the tribune it interviewed mitchell holl of oregon yesterday he ile said we shall carry the state next year without the Bligh slightest test doubt the democrats have got into a family quarrel that will be fatal to them they are in a great ste stew over tha tho recent report on the executive expenditure and in a bad condition to make a fight aly sly preference is decidedly for blaine as the next president aud and no mo is that of most oregon republic i cane cans congressman page also here hene a few low days gave an encouraging ac be count of the republican prospects in california 11 we shall certainly carry three of the four congressional districts in september and have strong hopes of carrying them all the party is united and in excellent condition if the kearney movement amounts to much in san ban franeisco francisco frane Franc isco laco district we shall carry that also this movement hurts the democrats badly we estimate that 75 per cent of kearneas rear Kear neya folt lowers come from the democratic party the present prospect is that the california delegation for fon the next national convention will be unanimous for blaine it certainly seems as good aa as settled that the next nominee will be either blaine or grant no new man will be taken the party will not try another experiment in that direction if california had been represented this session randall might have been defeated s sak sas bas BAK 21 H S tib bey boy secretary of the commission in charge of widening dupont street has been arrested charged with frauds in the management of the affairs of the commission to the amount of upwards of it is rumored that further investigation will disclose much additional y v peculation ret det the U B S steamer ataska alaska will leave for sitka bitka at midnight A fire in the laundry of the palace hotel last night was soon extinguished loss 1000 roex no excitement cit ement many guests not knowing of the fire until after it was extinguished the steamer alty olty of pekin has Z arria irr ivd ed with Chi naiden she brings hong rong kong dates to february ad sud shanghai to february previous reports are confirmed of ll 11 yung chays success in ton za quin 1 n Allowing or exaggerations his prowess seems remarkable and rod his personal sway over the inhabit ants is wholly unprecedented donned V wherever he moves volunteers nock flock to his standard every expedition against him under chinese officials has failed it ift is now rumored that his designs are more far reaching than at first announce y ed bince since it has bas already reached a v rt k 1 point of strength and influence more than buff sufficient lelent to secure the ful fui ailment fulfillment of his original plans the rebellion in hainan is yet but ultimately they must yield or be exterminated taj the resistance thus far has been desperate the rapid development of the vernacular presa press at shanghai and hong horig rong kong excites comment and it appears resolved to rival that of japan yokohama march 5 in inconsequence conse of the general curiosity respecting the origin of the concluding clause of the new now treaty of japan with america minister teras Terns hima bima the minister of foreign affairs has written a letter to the boklo gemes announcing that the whole treaty was ivas authorized by him this however does not solve the real problem the suspicion being that the treaty was first framed without the objectionable clause and that Tir ashima privately urged its addition upon the washington state department do without consulting all the mem bers of the japanese cabinet this extraordinary course is ascribed by some to the timidity of the foreign office by others to the intrigues of a faction secretly working in british interests though without dir operation cooperation co many excited discussions upon the subject and the course of Teras hima bima in proposing the nug bug nugatory atory clause rigi nally and now refusing to give a full explanation is severely reprehended ed it is the undoubted wish of the majority of the cabinet that the united states will seethe beo bee the impropriety of the final clause and take measures to annul it but bub in the present state of our political antagonism such a wish cannot ibe officially formulated the feeling of american residents is strongly expressed of a deep sense of humiliation at finding the united states subordinated to the will of european powers by this mail mall strong re representations presen ta are sent out from british financiers discreditable to japanese solvency open declarations are made that national banks are multiplying ti indefinitely and that the country is about to be flooded with new issues of paper currency the truth is that national bank drea grea creations stopped this month in accordance witha with a pledge given by th e finance minister last november but derided by british agents the total issue of national bank notes is paper yens when at par one oni yen eyen equals one dollar but now owing to the intrigues of speculators the dollar is at 25 per cent discount this action of the english bankers and merchants is attributed to the conviction that japan purposes applying for a heavy foreign loan joan and a desire to impose difficult conditions but in fact the minister of finance authorizes your correspondent to say for the information of all who may be concerned that no foreign loan is contemplated and the present policy ol 01 the government is totally adverse to such a step da do geoffry geoff ry minister of france returned to europe february the french residents unanimously declare that he was recalled for arbitrary kir interference with the liberty of french subjects in japan but no such statement has been ventured in print gen legendre for many years adviser of the highest officials of the japanese governments government returns to america by this mall mail preparations continue for grants reception although he is not expected for many months three of the most powerful ancient are appointed to receive and attend upon him a distinction hitherto vouchsafed to no visitor A minister resident lasp is ap pointed from japan to corea lieutenant general Ja Jakas kashima hima of the japanese army starts next month on a visit of military inspection spec tion throughout europe the annual industrial exposition at kioto opens march A japanese merchant has been condemned to 10 years hard labor for opium smoking and setting an example to other japanese A rights demonstration ia Is inaugurated by a it lady in a southern province who protests against paying F flages flaxes taxes unless allowed the privilege of voting her letter is pertinent and logical oven even kin tin japanese estimation fit olt it is referred d by the local authorities to the central government and awaits decision in tha capital the Ja minister in england gland giand is ii about to return to japan also rinzo kinzo the secretary of legation tomita the late consul at new york goes out as charge d af faires news is received officially that the legal advisers of the british foreign office disapprove the action and decision dec doc lalon of law secretary wilkinson in yokohama in the opium suit of the customhouse vs hartley by which judgment british subjects are permitted to import opium U notwithstanding baing the prohibition hibi hibl tion by treaty NEW E YORK ORIC 22 ali AH the tho journals regard the proceedings in the ben ate yesterday as indications of a lonz ions session the tribunes tribune 8 washington correspondent says of the highhanded high handed banded actions of the democrats in the house there is little hope that any republican whose seat is contested no matter matten how slight the pretext for lor contest wili will be permitted to remain the same authority says referring to the small and uncertain majority the democrats now have in the house a republican member said this morning in conversation conversations glit if all our members would refuse to pair w with ath the other side we should eave have a majority in the house a good deal of the tile time but a good many of ot the republican representatives are so mild and fair that they are forever leaning over to help the democrats in that way 11 A leading demo democratic erable cralle representative said sald baidin in conversation yesterday he thought the democrats had got out of the nationals in this house about all they would he did not expect to see any of them except ladd and wright vote voto with the democrats on ov political questions the kerald herald says of the southern papers which are rejoicing at the demo democratic cratto return to power the style in which they refer to that event is neither statesmanlike statesmen like ju id duclous nor becoming head Is ines lines such as capitol captured s in at last and our victory ma may suit the other side of mason alx ons line but they seem to betray a spirit which finds no favor limong men of any party in this ibis section of country the political literature in a large number ot the bou Boa papers just now calls for a war era which no portion of the country has hits more interesting inte forgetting than the south 80 uth the tribune vi abune bayst only confederate brigadiers colonels and I 1 marahs Ma ala sla jahs aseem a seem beem mohave to have any chance for getting ettin office ce about the capitol n nowadays now 0 ada a a days sq no doubt the new de democratic socratic assistant messenger whose duty it is to hoist bolst the stare stars and stripes over the senate chamber will be somebody who spent four years trying to shoot down the flag nag and men who defended it much feeling is created in theatrical circles herd by the shooting of porter at marshall texas A meeting of managers and actors was held today to day to devise measures for the relief of th the 0 family and to provide for the reception ibn and burial of the bod body several companies offered their theli services for a be benefit neilt I 1 most rigorous rules are arb being enforced against vessels arriving from the mediterranean sea bed red sea and sea of azof to prevent the infection reaching here yeste yesterday day anT ani an tallan italian bark from trieste with a cargo of rao rags was refused entry enna and the vessel was ordered to gua ra ntine 6 memphis az 22 A storm of the severest nature swept over memphis just after midnight it came from the southwest and contin continued aed for three hours durin naring daring its progress lightning struck he the memphis cotton cottor and woolen mills situated in the southern portion of the city which were entirely consumed the mills were valued at and employed a foice of who are thrown out of employment insurance WASI wasl washington LINGTON 22 the war department part ment has ordered the 18 thIn fantry from Atlan tato protect the border borderi threatened by sitting bull ball colonel walsh commanding the canadian mounted police writes that sitting bull and his 2000 are well armed and equipped and are showing a very ugly and insubordinate dla dia position disposition ST LOUIS 22 brown manager manage r of the western telegraph office in this city was summoned before the grand jury and a demand made that he should produce for the use os th the ejury jury all telegrams sent a and nd received during several months past put by john S phelda governor of the state jas tas 0 niblet police commissioner of this city and A B wakefield alleged to be at the head of cheso the so called gamblers ring here mr brown stated to the j jury uri urk he hb had been instructed by his superior officers and advised by counsel to say thure are grave constitutional as well as legal points involved in the matter mitter that all dispatches passing over the wires are regarded by the company in secret as are letters which pabs paes through the malls mails therefore pi he must decline to comply with the tho demand domand of the jury he further stated hiate d that the telegraph company is anxious to have halve settled the question n whether it can be compelled to furnish dispatches sent to other thee 0 parties to grand grind j ulies cou As committees etc and respectfully requested th that at the jury would take such action in thib this case as would result in a legal decision of the thesues ques quel tion the case will probably come to a speedy issue the cause which brings this condition of things about ia is the investigation ti by the grand jury ot of an alleged gamblers ring here and the conduct of the police commissioners I 1 in n connection therewith another terrible ji Ir rairie airle fire has occurred in lincoln county ansas burning the house eind and all ail the property of mr montgomery living on bitter nitter creek doing also alio much other damage A little sori eon of mr montgomery 12 y years ears old perished ia lit th the e flames awes ames and mr Al montgomery and isaac a neighbor who attempted to sayd save him were so 80 badly burned that them they died in a few hours 22 21 the senate by a small majority adopted a bill to settle the state debt at 40 cents on the dollar and four tour percent per cent inter est subsequently 15 u u en edward edwsrd ward kelley bf or new ner york cn chairman airman of the committee committees sent T telegram refusing to accept less les than 60 cents and six alx per cent settlement Is lb new despaired of marsham texas 22 the case of cur I 1 forthe murder of B C porter was called today to day defendants counsel attempted to secure a postponement but hut were where overruled two witnesses were examined showing the killing hilling to be entirely unprovoked the prisoner was remanded wIth without ball bail CHICAGO 22 journals journ aps aVs washington all the of leading democrats to get republican leaders in the two branches of congress to consent to some modification of the federal election law have come cume to naught republicans decline absolutely sol to yield a single point and express a willingness to go to the country at the next election on this direct issue falling failing here the democratic leaders have turned their attention to the president and members of the cabi cabinet hief fief and are asserting today to day that the president has indicated a willingness to compromise and not |