Show jahe ase TSE TOOELE AGAIN 1 fuh euh THE fui election case fa Is to come up before the third district court i tuesday dby day march jtb at 10 the clerk and members of the A cou con county n aty court are arb ordered there and then q to tb ap appeal appear peal and show la in what man manner rier they have bave complied with the writ of mandamus manda mush mua nie rie requiring quiring them to canvass the returns of the last ele ole election atlon in that county it is to be hoped that there will now bo be a full and fair investigation of the doing of those officials and particularly ol 01 of their nefarious scheme to thwart the wishes ot al mst the entire body of the people of that county as expressed at the polls A more barefaced and impudent attempt ta render abortive it the he votes voles of an overwhelming ma joy J jo 1 t y was waa seaver shaver never made in any part ot of dihe ha united states not excepting those portions of the south which figured moah moat prominently in tha presidential election fraud refusing in the first place on the most flimsy of pretences pretenses to make any count at all they were compelled by order of the district court which was sustained by the supreme court to proceed with the canvas finding the terms of the law fully complied with in the thle returns from every precinct which v voted the peoples peopled ticket and many irregularities and fatal defects in jhb returns from the precincts supporting their own cause as well as aitho the clearest evidence that figures could afford that they were in a hopeless minor minority itys ityl these contumacious officials without assigning any reasons vor for their action threw out all the returns but those from two precincts which they counted so as to hand over the offices to candidates of their own party in their report to the district court they have given the result of the count from those tw two 0 precincts alone if we understand the present requirement qui rement of the court they ivil now have to appear and show cause why a complete count has not been made and why the full terms of the mandamus were not compi complied I 1 ed with the whole election returns should be produced in court and this matter bo be searched to the bottom it is for jhb general interests and welfare of the whole territory that the election law and ita its workings be handled judicially and that if it it leaves any opening for rogues to tor enteria en terin and defeat the will of the tho people it may be pointe pointed doub dout out and stopped up WO want nothing but what is fairald parties concerned no matter how badly the so called liberals have ruled tooele county no matter how much they have hae depreciated its credit no matter how much they have defied the wishes of bf the bulk of its ita citizens if they have a majority of legal votes in the returns which they are trying to get got rid of let them be installed into the positions posit lans lens they are striving so bard to obtain but if it can be made to appear that the voice of almost the entire county has been uttered tittered most emphatically against them let them be made to retire into that oblivion from which i they would never have been rals rais raised ed except by the tle most palpable frauds at the polls and let the men whom the people have chosen be protected by the court in their undoubted rights we do not believe that the Court courts alof of this territory are willing or can be influenced to play into the hands ef of a few unprincipled men who are evidently striving to made void the wiit wilt of the people expressed d in good faith at a fair and free election tion we look for justlee justice and claim it from the properly constituted authorities ia if a majority of the legal voters of tooele thoele county have cast their ballots for the men whose names are presented to the court a as a el elected ec wed cad ive lve we will approve the action of the courbin courtin sustaining them but if aa as we we are assured there aas has been a criminal and malicious the acting officials of thab that county to deprive the men actually elected of the offices to which they are legally entitled wc we hope the tle court will not only away the gea and chicanery of the i offending officials but take s such buch achs acha action in their case as will prove a warning and a deterrent to others in all time to come i |