Show A topic FOB tor BREAD B R EAD CONSUMERS As vo we live in an age of investigation it would appear that thab the ithe science of fermentation in good is fasi fast becoming one of the lost arts For vor the past eight or ten years yeara the cheuse th euse use of yeast fermentation in bread broad making has been largely supplanted by different chemical compositions sold under the name of baking powders all ali warranted chemically pure of course at first but one or two firms monopolized manopoli zid the manufacture of these powders but aa as is usual ii sual suai in america others soon eoon went I 1 nto into the business until how there a local druggist in our 0 u r eastern cities who does not make his bis own baking powder As articles of food are constantly being analyzed by eminent leminen i t chemists and their parts fully exposed it laid within the province provin co of professor henry mott cheb cheu chemist list of the united states government for the indian department depatt to analyze of these powders and he publish the result aa as regards fouron four of the most generally used bran brands ds at the sanie eanie time re minding the public that the ingeniously y attached label warr wart warranted warranted anted chemically pure is absolutely without when considering uhe the wholesomeness afan article and says arsenic may lie be so igo labeled with afi ail affecting in the least it deadly poisonous character the best powders says professor amott mott are composed corn of bicarbonate biear bidar bonate of potash cream tartar tartaric tar tarie tario acid carbonate of am ammonia monia and bicarbonate of bf soda boda held heid together jether to by a little starch the injurious powders are composed of alum and bicarbonate of soda and often con boil tain terra alba white earth eaith insoluble phosphate of lime limes etc etc the effect of alum when taken internally ter nally has been shown to produce dyspepsia vo griping and a single meal of bread thus adulterated teratha ter atea may not so affect theester the eater enter but tits lits its ita constant use or later weaken and destroy alid the constitution of the orpo ader examined ty by professor mott t the he component parts of othe the follow following wg celebrated and widely used brands are afe given ilven as follows dooley Doo leys leyb Is at standard sh fard baking powder bowder burnt alum 2645 per ier ler cent 6 of cent F of ammonia 31 percent cream tartar none fathi starch 47 07 per cent total seo i baking powder burnt alum 2003 per cent of soda 2280 per centia ladrini tartar none starch tota total charm B powder burnt alum bicarbonate of soda 1 talt tait Aenone starch to total cal an andrews drews milwaukee 8 powder burnt alum 22 2255 2255 at bicarbonate ot 0 soda 2179 21 79 cr cream eream e am t tartar ar t ar none starch total all ail alar the above are war pt itAn the face of the verdict of sug b eminent chemists a and nd physicians as caia carpenter dundas d s 1 Lii lil ebig pet pereira elra eira Parke perked sand and ar others h rs that dangerous 1 results have occurred from the use uise of burnt burn alum even when taken td the extent of ten or twenty bains grains if it whilena whitens thet the bread it accomplishes object to the great detriment t of idaa ilive q i nd even supposing ab he component parts of these pov povl tera iery ware chemically pu pura pure f alg as lalit aed and the one part of the com corn position exactly neutralized the other leaving t he the component compo tient parts of the flou flour run unchanged n the process of baking still these are y holly wholly composed of nii nil mineral heral and t tuey they p are taken into the system along sll sli orl g with the bread in connection with this is 19 ib lb the fact that the most of the small bread made from yeast powders is eaten in a half raw sta state PO I 1 where baked in detective defective stove ovens and cannot in consequence be properly in salivated by eaters of weak and debilitated digestive organs or hence the prevalence of that disease dyspepsia so common to americans more particularly the la boxing class classi who maw malm bread the leading staple stapie article of diet besides ane ue use of or yeast jowders is expensive wig when u taking hito into cop bat that hat a handful or two of hops selen tynca Uy and understand angly managed with the help of a few lew potatoes wilf make melke two or abr three 6 b hundred rounds pounds of good wholesome bread with no mineral in its composition tion except kaity salti balt bait and compare comparet th e expense of yeast powder at least five 20 26 cent canard every loo lbs ibs of flour the tho tb e Is apparent t not abne one of these powders could bo be sold in england En glands for aa vs soon as they would come within purview arview of the icho lancet a paper P published in the interest of the public at large jarge exposing fraud in the adulteration of all articles of food they would woul d ea ebe conde condemned finne d the only excuse that can be fiade made forthe for the habitual use oft of these hiie yeast powders bowders is that bread can ve be made in a a much shorter time betat but at the expense of the health of ibe consumer n lr i the english have laws for the pro protection of their citizens against thebe these frauds frauda why not america it if a oey fey independent scientific journals would take up the subject and inform the public of the real contents of the little tin box which may be found i in almost every kitchen here an abid arid d elsewhere I 1 where ebere it would bathe be the mean means either elther r to tb cause the ma manufacturers to corea correct their products br or drive entirely 1 out kuttot bt the twe market 11 the favo favor r of spee for the above subject at ai convenience I 1 am very respectful ly A robit feb |