Show tr TEME A OTT aya hab HAM I 1 or fa 9 t i i americana AMERI oart CANt VIEW 6 A dublin dispatch atch bay eay e great excitement was caused among the members of and sympathisers sympathizers with the national A land league by the arrest af of anos i r nn an which vp lice quietly ke abon after seven beven ek ail afi in the mornin morning at pt we hia lodgings no 7 i Muesel leat thenn rest basfor was for a La speech made at ai ba balla balia 11 a on the uit it was effected by rapt r mallon mailon a detective 11 4 a sub ID inspector of or ahw he caria of mayhand mnyo Mayo and two or three they allowed the tiie prisoner to make i hayg preparation for fop the journey and then conveyed him to ther the midland and great western i where another body of was waa waiting davitt j hearing of of the arrest boon soon f ter the starting pi 4 tae tao irain ran I 1 immediately ed lately telegrapher ra 6 tot to the 6 agents agenda at or theland the liand eak at all the towns along the r line ilde to give the pris pria oher ohen a recep tian 1 consequently large 0 crowds about cne che stations at MK Ballina sioe who rent theair tue tho ubo ube mir air lr with cheers the afi JUI jul at miti ditl ibar llo H fa about gears of rage age hoi foi a was clerk elerk of the city olty mills mille he is secretary of 1661 theland tholand a ad me league eal ell ue and ind mili nas always takelia prominent part in fenian and other demonstrations he wafred walked behind ithe ethe hearg pi aa mac mae ciri hylis funeral if it hubben habben his his bis ambition for some time to get arrested ab he flag was much elated i ewhen the event recurred mis his balla speech bears a wonderful if blazica to one delivered alered by meagher in 1848 on thursday night and branhan Bre nHan attended the ab theatre datre bohi hoyal where genevieve ward ia is play pley playing ingi aher wilen iuey they patted after j performance pro ily liy lly 0 goodbye good byes dby bye when I 1 see you again yeu ou will be in inbau j ali all 1 af at i Casl quit lebar at hai hal f repast three thred In custody of superintendent mallon malion and hla hia assistant the prison arwas latronce at once conveyed tb tb the i court house the Tha general ab ife ile was excluded but mends and representative P tue 1116 press were admitted majora major majon wyse yee presided over the magisterial gatidis myles mylos Jord jojuan kits hits grown crown solicitor soa za prosecuted hurles harles buries a omal ly voy liy malachi K euy auy defended after consultation the clerk elerk read the information of sub inspector carter of us follow ef awaa iwas kwas at V Toor amore near balla saturday the uit and then and there saw a farge targe assemblage of persons numbering some thousands I 1 saw then and there a person named thomss thomas brennan of daby dab 1 lin said imd speech to tha thu aforesaid assembly a the bame time and place e lace aforesaid and I 1 say x that in the coarsen of sald bala aalde said speech eaid gaid Brennan wickedly maliciously 3 and contriving and L intending to disturb ther peace of the queens Oue queen ens to raise discontent que owe and disaffection amclia among the queens queen z by objects a to feelings of ill aillaud wili will laud land and aud between the dir dlf ol 01 buch such e R to r excite stich auch subjects to bresk break the law and attempt ather wise than thau by lawful means meana an al of of the realm to ture tore bellef aist by 16 laribe the V legal leml 0 the rIghts by law established and excite disaffection among anase duce from their and allega ance certain members of the royal irish constabulary did speak and publish to said ae certain wicked seditious and inflammatory words worda f 11 jk the berald herald a 9 yat 0 ces viscount aisa li ss S sops will sail today to day from havre for the isthmus of panama accompanied by a commission ot of distinguished engineers from france franco and holland wilo are ts toba joing joined by V 0 and been 13 preceded re e ded by y a or of practical brac brae workmen men 0 eded with the necessary impie nien ts anda laki kaki gramme pro of their observations has been drawn up by a committee of the french academy of sciences the government of columbia has issued a decree directing that a member of the cabinet proceed to the isthmus accompanied compa nied by representatives of athe which that ieru leru bilo alic in eom com composed for purpose of r leseda MesA Le sepa eps an a memorable reception and of participating in the ceremonies inaugurating the work which have been r d for A the first of january aubary 11 j next the world will now lyhane an opportunity of forming a definite opinion upon the character of this eliter hiiter enterprise rise ribe stid and the probabilities of its success suc cees in the united states as is well weil known nto sto to lesseps leb Lee sepa the current of public opinion has long favored another route that of nicaragua welchia Is being actively urged by ammen and which counts upon the sympathy if not the actual services of government besides the preference given to the nicaragua route there exis exists tsin an the united states various mothr sentiments equally u unfavorable to io the thi enter enterprise rise of lesseps fea lea many disbelieve in the practicability af pf of eithier H I 1 interests eres t 4 would be Us better served by augmenting the number of pacific rail rall railroads and still others are convinced ahat that no inter ocean canal would pay a the expenses these facts however need not interfere with a general admiration of the pluck and heroism displayed lk played by lesseps bobe bobb non ron 6 As tune hw clock glock oneto enveloping wrape wrap pings of the lincoln emancipation group were stripped away by rep of the city govern merin merit ami 1 ifie then they returned to fanell nali hall where dedication ser vices were held the chief of these were els eis boena poena written for and an a address dress by the mayor the thy p roem poem ra va wo was read by a colored boy 0 of one boston schools the tho Be publican republican io ibay publishes an interview v W wi with oli til congressman belford of colorado after being info into informed 1 nhat that the ute reservation embraces acrea keres in Cb colorado lorado an area equalito equal to the th 6 timatea ates atea off e ats we ver island the reporter inquired ghow grow how many TO any indians are anere in colora dwy ds judge belford three thre al lold and each baclig buck squaw and papoose if the land were divided ded per capita would receive ac aeres acres red A white mant matt in thia this bourdi aryon tr yc take acre acres aud nud and an anine ine dlan than be Eie porter what break in colorado belford agent meeker plowed two and a halt half acres of land out of the and they murdered A him I 1 ili iii mr for doing loj i i i 11 reporter W rhe idge fhe commissioner of tf indian affairs sess in port thab that the miners minera have made se settlements on tho the ute ute Uto reservation 21 belford Jord dord thalia not true trpe the statement Je e m i hilt bilt is mihall wholly without af dation and I 1 am surprised that the should haxe have made it Be reporter porter bava havethe bave have the bhe people of jot colorado given the utes any occasion for the late outbreak belford balford nono none mr himself says the indians indiana are aie without excuse 1 st reporter IT are agrenot nob not removed will there be trouble next spring Dg belford belforti Bel mordi fordI 1 think BO sm this reser valuable mineral final lands will wiil U not ot work them or allow any one else to do bono ab sono al owed alazy a lazy inzy in liz the jhb way of the develop ment of its itskin oral resources and I 1 dont think this nation will long continue be the exception in thu the course arge of f urther farther conversa fo thed theo llcy the government should pursue toward the indiana judge beiro belford mid kid expressed himself earnestly in favor ot transferring ferr ferring lug ing the conduct of ot indian affairs to the war department and remarked we appropriate millions of dollars for their support if we feed fe edhem A hem bem there I 1 is 8 aa siou fsr otheir and buop auty y shou should iilo 6 ue e dl disarmed if they desire td hund hunt for pleasure urey ures they can use the tha bow liow an and ana darrow arrow now they kill game in n colorado for the sake ask of the pelts and trade the skins shins for sharps rifles and with them kill the set tle tie rg everli I 1 s au ah interview with rei del delegate gatt cael can 4 naf 01 n v ery double er to the question acu would ld be the polities politics of utah if it became a state cannon is reported as baym mig fig it would be a democratic state I 1 am satisfied from my own observations that the feelings of the people are aren n accord with the feelings p the lieve I 1 canno tsay h would bp ff eci i should utah be admitted admittedly bt W republicans then it might be a it republican state A feeling of tude to the party that let lot us into vin win A the union would no doubt influence a very large number of adte voters re who are not very deci deel decided d gd in n otheir their political icil views i delegate cannon is also reported AS saying caving S ethere are about mormons cormons altogether of whom about are men and not more than T them haya J a plurality of wives it is over over this small number that all this fuss is made while the cormons mormons believe jn sp polygamy believe that it wm w a la revelation from god thoy they are ard are not going to violate the law of t the country by practicing practising ng if ita none of us lis intend to erthe orthe law of bf 1862 1863 but their Is s no jaw law to forbid our faith in I 1 n pur principles prin there is no lio at coul could id ed that would lead the cormons mormons to abandon their faith we will kill cheri cherl cherish our belief but ag I 1 have said we will not practice it because that would bea be a violation of law secretary mccrary me crary bag hag round found a way to reward the heroic conduct of captain dodge ot of th cua tha pa cavalry valry who kho with his company compary of colored so gallantly went to the rescue of captain P paine a 1 A 64 command at the imm imp nent dent risk of annihilation bythe ute uto indiana indians colonel prince of pays corp swill go upon the retired lists list and captain dodge is lobo lobe appointed major and paymaster to nil nii the vacancy anich i will be created by the resulting g promotions CHICAGO 6 A dispatch from glasgow missouri saye tho chicago chii altor J fc denver passenger aaseng er and express express craan lusan west bo bound la i itar A clue here avi ati t ibis morning ju j bumped pipe olpe d the track while running at a rapid rate making a frightful wreck the engine completely over rolling down i a alive anve root fool embankment and is badly damaged I 1 the baggage carran on down tho the ira tra frack irack ck tho the he express was wag crushed again st the he engine and five other cars cara were thrown rown oss off the track none how 1 ev ever e i r being overturned three coaches including the sleeper kept the tibi track bir we thle express and baggage dars cara anden andon giue glue are almost totally demolished the engineer beck peck mead was bruised but not seriously 1 fireman harry liam Lamm martaha artaba was terribly scald scalded eds and his late recovery is doubt doubtful faig fali the express mes mea mes harry brown was seriously ser ber bruised an and d scalded none dione of the arora ir wb ff a broken rail rall ut uble the switch DEADWOOD 6 the gaie gage cae ot of tile une golden Goiden terra mining Compa nyva A J 0 mailer et al better known as them the golden ferrn ya vs gopher waa wab decided in ania district court by judge moody today in gopher Com pany action was waa brought to re cover about feet of the gop gopher her ber Com oom Comp anys claim two locations were made one inside the liness of tua tha other plaintiff claimed that aa as many locations ag as W was s do eib a bould lye lie tibi tiBT nade aade igop lluy any ony vein predicted upon thedis the discovery first made while defendant claimed that the second lotion etwas was bua buta further development of the then rbt rat rhe she pid property 0 er tr involved 1 Is A 9 probably wai worth rth it rhe the tha the case will be lah tha reno beno court martial today thebes theses the session pion plon was very shott and nothing at interest Tn terest waa brought out reno asked till monday to prepare defense I 1 BAN SAN A man maii supposed to be a member of the recently discovered gang of counterfeit ers was arrested at loa amgeles in to pasa a spurious 5 gold piece counterfeit gold goldi to the amount of nearly was found on his person he refuses to make any statement or give names A dispatch from los angeles baya matlick Mat ilek liek one joo jyo or the gang 0 of f id counterfeiters j unter felters erb ers in jail there awaiting the action of the grand jury made his escape this after noon by picking the lock of vf we the jail door officers are arc in pursuit billings and gauntz two af pf of the mandrel no county outlaws were the menda cino bino near batte county bilin bilin ellin inks WM was mo tally wounded in an to cae after r the br browne bvm e gwai awai escaped but the sheriffs party isip la in close I 1 pursuit washington 87 8 with nafe rafe befera ence to recent pointed comm comments ants of several pacific coast newspapers lt it is stated at the treasury department that thai the reason for suspending operations at the carbon careon olt ala mla was wab because sunn sufficient lelent bullion 6 could not ilot in that vicinity to warrant continuing the i colfi age at carson this accordi according n to the depart departments mentse information was zat aai T w owing t 0 the fact thac that the pilney principal pi p I nev nevada ada aaa mine owners have preferred to ship their thein bullion direct direct to san sin francisca Francis cp tor for ir refining because they th ey were peculiarly interested in a large private refi refinery nery nerr there director Bu burchard rehard bays says the rates for purchasing for tor the cargon mint have havo iq ye bien nixed fixed from time to time at at precisely sly bly the th same agurci figures ai as for the he philadelphia phife hla hin hia and ban san francis fraucis co mints and thal that whenever it t Is la faund gund that a A sufficient quantity of bullion can be obtained to justify operating the carson mint the at carbon carson will be resumed the hill full annuala report of 0 the government govern ment auditor of railroad accounts has now been printed if contains an ef of the tho personal inspection of central and union made by auditor denla peria alid and an au engineer employed by him for fon mit that pd pur rp pifie ase itt it ia imported reported iii in regard to the ci cen e ny trai ra pacific road that nearl nearly tone lone haft halt of thip lu cuppels P P should hou d be a lined willal willae mils masonry onry anstead of timber as that doth both the tho surface stir face and line dk arb are for tho most part excellent showing i that ha care its iq bestowed upon uron them that fread bed and d ditches ark ar k ept clean and in shape that there iare jare mojie posts pr danger baarda crossings thal that whenever needed th the 0 broadi is fenced by the that thata the bridges oh ace tue 11 are getting old ana and emust niu st require extensive renewals tudy that lua tha trestle approaches ta large larg 1 bridges agn m houda be filled and proper magona masonry y abutments built mar oar the tha bridge floors require nidre indre and that guard rafla bb should ouid also be placed on them that the company is building ii lew new vage page passenger enger station at sacra inenio to accommodate thell their increasing local business that the water supply Is ane one of the moet moa serious difficulties that the com corn pany puny has to contend with that the engi engine house |