Show EDITORIAL hiotes ozes OTES read read reah the tse tab 1 e governor dov dox ernoes proclamation Hohas he hab has appointed the dinst AS the day for a special election to fili fill the vacancy in the legislative isla tive assembly i weather report hrom from california ata state slate tb that the abb vp to the present pre ent time la 19 double of the amount that fell feil bastear la stear to the same date datt this and inure we believe nasr ma be said baid Cana dads seri seni seriously oual lycon contemplating tem plat piat the construction of a line of railroad across the Vo dominion and reaching from the atlantic to the pacific good the more transcontinental c roads the better bettor for the general public A new now mode of gati gathering ferIng honey has been boen tried tiled in germany by means of a emsil email elec electric trib apparatus with wire the bees sees are made to fall to the bottom of the hive where they remain motionless for several hours bours better than burning bul aul chur i ii A the new now zealand parliament has passed an act adopting manhood suffrage age thib thia will make voters of all the male population over 21 years of age without regard toi tol to race c olor color or property the next step id iri the direction of progress will be to endow the women with the elective franchise the a supporter of the thip republican party thus a criticism of tle the president presidents message the message aos age as a whole is more diffuse than weighty i and more closely rosem resembles the results of taking faking stock by a tradesman than the weil well dictated summary of A a statesman should do I 1 ct Bilek yome Pome pomeroy Toyone one of the most active ot at 11 it is said eald has be beckma come disgusted with It its slack lack of success and has haq dropped the movement amount ing fag thai that he will go it I 1 independent there are but few bricks left in the greenback structure the world moves pinions opinions change chango and abd prejudices prejudice i rade fade fade before the rays of progress A son of the late lite gov wise of virginia who ja a lawyer lawyel recently made a motion to admit a co colored lared lawyer to practice inthe in the highest court of that that state twenty years ago his father ordered the hanging of john brown the interview interview with Can cannon cannons nonas aa reported in our press dispatches shoud ber bel taken with several grains of salt tae the professional fess ional interviewer gives the real sentiments of or exact la language n of his bis victim but finklea sp in hla hia own views and puts into the mouth month ot at the interviewed many things which originate in the ima lma gl nation of the interviewer interview ef the bust bustness business ness la Is principally a ham bug Dairymaid irand frand milk sel bel seller beller ferr lerr be plure flure aff to scald frequently gofir your cans and tans ns ana and cream receptacles many cayes eaves ol 01 disease have bave been traced to the use of milk kept in foul milk cans germs germa are generated when these holdem are not kept thoroughly ca clean e il n and dind thus thit that iff fluid ald aid which is one on d of the i beat supporters of life issom is sometimes betimes mads made e a vel vei vehicle fible to carry the germs of deith death I 1 the omaha sterald of dec ath baye saye 11 astock co company m nany pany bas baa been formed in denver nam named edthe uhe gree ley eort foit collins aua ana luil lull au road co the proposed route will be from greely to fet pest collins and thence to the west line odthe of tue tae coh col orado by cache la poudre pasa easa which is 1500 feet below belov t timber J alne aine the objective point being spine elty city in utah ollor on or nar near the fhe union come pa with the read |