Show bucki bueki ninis LINIS annica anniea halve MALVE tile tyle THE BEST salve in the world for cuts ats bruises sores ulcers salt ith rheum eurn euver fever sores tetter chapped hands chilblains corus corns ind nd all 8 skin skin kin eruptions and positive positives cures piles or no pay required it is 6 guaranteed guaran teea to give perfect satisfaction or money price 25 cents per box vor for at Z C INT I 1 ajr store EDW Y E F 9 NEW 1 BOOKSTORE BOOK STO STORE R E same old stand ye 70 to couf conference visitors kont ONIT FORGET forgea T TO CALL AT DWY DIVY ders da jj ers bookstore book store posit positively ively the cheapest place to get set you yon r books boots and stationery blank books records ite ISe cords bibles albums blocks toys dolla dolli base balls bate bats play books farces Ite recitation citation books dialogues Dialo gued speakers garland histories travels and cheap publications headquarters for all kinds of SUPPLIES school books maps charts globes blackboard slating at wholesale AT 4 M dw D W ae S STOCK ALL FRESH AND het HEW websters sew new uny uni I 1 abridged t dictionaries 8 wit wib im I 1 DANGEROUS ll 11 J G E R OU ka substitutes SU 1 1 volt folt kilo ACIO several inferior and dangerous substitutes atutes s 11 for the genuine acid 11 a ii aree fe being offered for sale and we c hereby caution the dealers and public against buying or using them as chev wid not produce tile the same effect upon the thil system as the ell eli genuine eit nino 1 llo ifo raford s 11 and the in some of them are dangerous dan gerou geroa to health some ot theo thee these 11 substitutes 11 or imitations imitation are lie dimply dilate phosphoric rio rie Acid which interferes with the tile digestion while TV hile bile the genuine not only causes nor no trouble with the digestive orz org organs dans gans but lut mu ma serially terl teri tei tel ally aily assists in their action one preparation that is being of derel ferel for sale by the gallon contains meta or arpio pro acid are declared i the iii lii hinesl hesi hest autho be the nine mie prepra lou iou aliso imo iso r stains on taini iii chlorie ili lonc acid id which n hi h is Js a coni compound pound of 04 chlorine hors Hois fords forda contains conta coata lus ius neither ot dt thebe ili ill in T riese ilese I 1 aro are liable ta 0 o be e gonn found 1 at noi nor leen heen nwe nse 1 l f elzen clien CALL for 11 and TAN tahe TAKE E 0 othell NE nevelt VER SOLD DT IN dulk BULK ord odd ort A wini WHISKY HABITS elred cured with double of gold we ehul chul challenge lenge In rl il R tion cures curea 1 Book afree the lestie LESLIE E KEELEY nufa nuna cco |