Show correspondence CORRESPOND EINICE luli itei belief beliey yee ree SOCIETY conferencing con COA mience BLUFF march 25 issa editor deseret the relief society of bluff met ii it confer luce tuce at 2 oil on saturday Sat afternoon president jan jane e M A 1 1 V alto aito presiding present on the stand Wres president ident jad jam 31 walton counselors aiston niel alej so son al J haskell angeline hyde 31 5 B adams Ada insi inri mary jones and two sister from mancos sister roberts as an sister dunton also bishop nielson an after the usual devotional ex exercise erciso each on the stand was called upon i v speak which caused the time to it spent very interestingly the spirit 0 6 the lord attended all as they bore ther testimony to the truth of mordou Mor moir isau much aluch good instruction was received rec ree elvedi and every one went home with ren elrea evrea energy and spirits feeling in the grand hereafter people will not be judge according to the clothes they wear but khy the good deed done doue while permitted to dwell here on the earth The DESERET NEWS is ever hailed with delight out in this remote country ever praying for its welfare we subscribe ourselves your sisters in zion JA jann JANE E M WALTON wanton president inane HASKELL secretary OLI AND AN NEW new bysted OF billing MILLING no 3 3 3 minn MINE ALMY UINTAH co wyoming april 1885 editor deseret leus jeus in the semiweekly semi weekly NEWS I 1 noticed an extraordinary statement from frow the pen of mr nir mcallister to the effect that in the process of FLOUR MILLING the consumer lacked Jacked 12 out of 15 ingredient of which the wheat berry is com rom composed posed such a statement is cal mislead to the bread consumers and brina discredit on thes then leadill in illers such might have been correct jn some exceptional cases a few years apo ago 0 o under the OLD PROCESS of flour milling where the boss instead of going into a ill lil nice cc warm arm mill on a frosty winter morning and finding everything going right would enter an ice lee icebound bound mill of the old breast wheel style with a couple of half starved mouths auth trying cut her loose alit ailt and alli knock c k SL her er to pieces at the same time the of milling means nicely turned iron shafting and pulleys with belt gearing in place of wooden shifts and cog gearing rearing with two oa three gl ashing around with sledge barn baru hammels to keep them wedged and assisted occasionally casio caslo nally by two or three millers making frantic efforts to start the break down the old process or system that required a man to lump jump on tile the burrs every 21 or 26 G hours and slash them dil all over with a pick bo so as to grind up 15 bushels of wheat wheal au an hour and make 21 bushels of flour to the bushels of wheat ib is V AST FAST BECOMING OBSOLETE the idea if making such flower eith either cither er for home consumption C P or to ship abroad is played out the quantity that every mill ought to grind by stone process i is the quantity that can be ground without being heated whether U Is bushels per hour if every tery miller will observe this as a guide gulde he will do the best work w ork that he is able to do speaking of asit esit letting le lle I 1 mean t ahse a t e grain should not be heat heated d 1 b ini irl an fn tion so as to start the juice or fa oil oli of the grain if the tile rain started by friction that friction produces heat and that heat dries and the grain juice and the theIr virtue tue of the flour is impaired I 1 the steam that rises from the hot run is the vapor from the essential oils of the grain and if this be lost in the bread any of cooling will not repair the damage blood heat is as high as can be w warranted ar without impairing tile the prod product u ct it maybe may be an ambition with some millers to grind fast but the old adage is haste naste HASTE MAKES WASTE one of the great evils of the old school process of milling milU ir is low grinding and its evil effects are only second tot to those prod need by fast grin in in a I miller that runs a heavy mill id ii likely to look for a medi medicine cuic chic to doctor his ills amr fur bread caters much prefer the tho fall lifland life ilfe aud and strength of the grain and grain 1 mitt once killed by over grinding and geatins gating eating will not be brought to life ilfe by the best medicines flour milling under the new or pat I 1 tat tnt process means that the chop shall shail roll instead of slide between the bars or in other words tile the substitution 0 of instead of grinding grandin it also meads what could not be a accomplished with the defective machinery ol 01 the old school system namely tak in inthe anthe the whole inside of the kernal clean out if anc hull leaving nothing but cleat clean bran and what is clean bran 1 1 1 SIMPLY WOODY llull bir bar 11 process of high grinding grinkin and gr 11 1 reduction the which contain the gauton tho the most lm am Port lilt arit factor as a flesh forming grin principle is rem reo reground round purified an and returned to the reels and graded according in to its market value thus the consumer gets just j what he pays for this me means ans also that the miller by this new lew or patent process may realize from 15 to au 1 2 0 o cents more per bushel of the product than by the old style and showing a good satisfactory balance on the right side of the led ledger ger at the years end in conclusion slon I 1 do not wish to be i milder understood stood is as being a practical miller thou though gh as it A PRACTICAL BREAD MAKER maken I 1 have devoted nd little time and study to the theory of flour milling and the two are branches closely connected one thing I 1 am pleased to note the rapid strides the leading millers of diah riah are making in the way of improvement in this branch of industry two 01 t our most extensive and enterprising merchants of evanston wyoming use the roller mills four hour of utah exclusively in fact there is scarcely any other other than utah flour to be got in this district this same flour I 1 have used for over fifteen months and find it makes the best bread of any nour hour I 1 have used in a iong ions experience under harness as a 21 commercial baker very respectfully alx allix CROLL eroll scandinavian publishing COMPANY A STOCK COMPANY FORMED AND two tao tro DANISH newspapers MERGED INTO one onh at a meeting held on friday evening april ad issi 1885 by some borne of tile the princia principal scandinavian business men of t this I 1 ils lis city at was decided to form a stock company under the name of the scandinavian publishing compan company Y for the purpose of promoting 11 scandinavian literature the capital stock of the company was put at divided into 2000 shares 5 each and a general invitation was decided to bu be extend extended to the people throughout hout bout the territory to subscribe for stock arran arrangements cements were made for the purchase of the two now existing scandinavian d din newspapers blk elk uben and utah posten of which the company intends to continue the former an executive committee COM cittee to attend to the interest of the company pending incorporation was formed and consists of the following gentlemen A W andrew jenson J C sandberg J sorensen and P W madsen C A r F sec see secy I 1 Y expressions krom THE PEOPLE THE SOCIAL riL pil PHASE sj OF AN AX IMPORTANT QUESTION editor deseret news mews there is a social side to the PLURAL M PROBLEM which certainly should attract some attention from those who are endeavoring to subject me saints to legal prosecution for polygamous cohabitation it is ver vei vely y noticeable that the majority of the tle lie cases for which prosecutions have been commenced corn fenced are not for marrying wives in de defiance flance of the law of 1862 after its constitutionality had been declared by the supreme court but for cohabitation with wives lons ions since received into the poly foly pol poi afflic households some of these re relationships latif were commenced ten twenty and even thirty years ago the husbands since hince those alons unions have in some insteness become grey aad and the wives toothless As to the so called criminal act for which these veterans are arraigned NO WITNESS could perhaps swear to its commission during twice the period which the land allows as a limitation to the legal proceedings now taken it ia is not with a view to questioning the iesu lesu lity allty or illegality of the curious curious line of festl testimony mony which is adopted and deemed sufficient by the federal officers cers cors III in these cases but to suggest a few social considerations that this article is written MARRIAGE whether of the or poy order is based or at least east supposed to be based on the ex stence of a certain decree degree of affection between the contracting paries and that this sacred feeling is strengthened and matured by iong long ion lon association in the marital condition la is also well understood in ili some of these liou ilou households sebol ids families of children have been reared many of whom are intelligent educated progressive gres sive young men and women and ornaments to the community where they reside the tile writer is well acquainted with some of the youths who are THE OFFSPRING OF SUCH and he ventures the assertion here that the very highest conditions of affectionate relationship exist between them and their parents their brothers and sisters and also their half broth 1 ers and half sisters in the poly amic relation he is also aiso acquainted with some of those gentlemen who have been seized and arraigned under the edmunds law and lie he knows that they are men not only of profound religious principle and conscientious conviction but that they have kind and loving natures and that they are men whose feelings would be more intensely wounded by A separation from their loved ones by the most stringent servitude under th the c regulations of a prison without such s separation efie tie lie knows this through assoil association aaion with them in foreign lands when missionary labor called them to be separated from their families for a time the loy joy which oer spread their features on receipt of a LB LIST T pim fim FRO from m il mur mue told a tale 0 i i loe ioe which hours of conversation have revealed to suppose that these i relationships clation ships have existed for years without affection is to both accuse and applaud it would be an act of the most repulsive and condemnatory character to live ili in the marital relation and rear a family when the parties to the union did not bave have their hearts welded by affection fec tion again to suppose that parties live in this relation and maintain all of the responsibilities which it involves fora quarter of a century or more with no other incentive or sustenance than the religious requirement couched in the re revelation Mation on plu piu plural ral rat marriage r great as that is is to attribute A DEGREE perfection OB 07 to them which perhaps has never yet been reached in our weak probation atrue true the original motive in informing formin such relationships was to obey the command of heaven and without such a command the thought would never have been entertained out do not tile the congeniality of the parties and tile thel love iove which springs from such near associations soon lighten the burden of lifes duties and give to the marital condition that zest and happiness which constitute matrimonial bliss isit any ans less the case simply because the union is A PLURAL ONE are we not to expect that the same feelings exist perhaps in an intensified degree in a case of this di as in those cases where one woman claims and receives all the attention of the husband and holds him bim by legal ties as well as bonds of affection there is something so sacred in love that the idea of ruthlessly tearing its bonds asunder is revolting to every noble nobie nature to break up a family to d deprive if children of their natural pro rectors sto to wilfully make wives widows and children fatherless is certainly A MORE HEINOUS CRIME than to follow the tile heart beart and conscience into a relation of honorable wedlock sanctified by religious conviction and fortified by every bulwark griat endearing family relationships can rear in view then of these self evident truths can any one blame the mormon mon community for belne being aroused to indignation at the efforts nov now being made to DISRUPT THEIR pan FAN FAMILY illy llly arrangements I 1 MEN TS Is it any wonder that friends in a common cause seek to shield and shelter those whose happiness is thus invaded that women whose jives have been spent in ili the happiest conditions of wifehood and motherhood through poly gawle relations sho should uld seek to save themselves from front a severing of those heavenly ties upon which their very existence and that of their little ones may depend and I 1 would ask the officers of justice and the great american public what they expect of these people do they desire to see the spectacle of A UNIVERSAL abandonment of these worthy wives and mothers do they want the offspring of these marr marriages i 1 ages to be castoff cast off by the parent ha hand na that should rather be compelled by legislative enactment to protect and provide for them it seems from the system of dealing with these cases that it is regarded as criminal to supply any kind of support ort to those dependent on husbands and fathers in this relation Is not this indirectly putting t A PREMIUM ON DESERTION and all its consequent misery and des Is it the design of this great sovern ment to drive all the ats nm away avay from their families break up the tiiu tie of marital relationship formed forin ml and cast these helpless women und awl their children on the world this looks like the tile natural i re alt of such severe and aud radical ud as those chose now being carried out it seems to mo me that something ought to be done before distress and destitution strike the helpless and dependent an and d involve the country in the consideration of the important question of how to support the mormons cormons Mor mons instead of how to destroy them I 1 philanthropist SALT LAKE CITY april 2nd and 1885 i AA AN extraordinary enta INTA STATE E ment 31 mr r mcallister cifes cles eles illa ayi Ati authors thors editor deseret news A letter in last friday evenings NEWS E ws from mr 2 fr aiex alex croll seems to p that erred in stating that by y the he t usual process process of converting convel ting wheat into nto flour it is deprived of twelve of its ts essential elements and reduced to a starchy substance containing only three elements carbon oxygen and it hydrogen drogen the rich supplies of silica sodium sulphur phosphorus calcium nitrogen and other elements that are found in the bones teeth hair ails nails muscles and blood are gone one i n in the article from which this quotation is made published in the NEWS of march I 1 disclaimed originating origination 9 the tile statement statements 3 contained therein therefore friend crolls carolls controversy must be with scientists from whom I 1 culled the idea I 1 am not inclined to cavil with mr C for jor alluding al ludin iudin to the statement as extraordinary it appeared precisely the same tome to me upon first reading it but further rc re search among amona ga a large larl ge number of scientific writings substantiated the extraordinary tra statement to bo be a stubborn fact and under that conviction I 1 repeated it in the tile article alluded to I 1 do not think there is the statement reflecting discredit on utah millers or misleading to bread consumers sui sur ners the utah millers as a rule make as good flour as any other otnel mil utah wheat is ii unexcelled it may safely be said their flour is better than can be made in some other localities the fine white bread consumed by utah people is fully as good as the |