Show THE FRENCH DEFEAT fran 31 will zet set little sympathy f from rom ot other her nations in the defeat which she is now suffering at the hands of the chinese her course in connection with the chinese ever since the tonquin troubles commenced has been so arrogant anoint and so little regard has been paid to the rules and proprieties of civilized warfare to say nothing about the respect to which such a powerful nation as that of china is entitled in the repeated onslaughts of the rapacious french upon the submissive mon gols that the general verdict of the world over the recent reverse in the hie title of war will be that it serves the french right the french frelich have hase has hav e sneered at and ridiculed tile the chinese for tile tue lear they have and we the meekness with w ith amun mey they have submitted to the in sablou sablon ot ol their eni empire pire but it now seems stems that they tiley have presumed a little too much on tue non nou disposition ot ol their opponents it now appears that the cal Cai chinese liese ilese have had a purpose in submitting to the a sessions of enemy until the arg ara army of tac tae latter tatter advanced to a position in which they could be resisted to the die best possible advantage c and the resistance then off offered ered w with ith such tel tei telling ling enn eff effect act was evidently a complete surprise surp burp nse not only to the french army but to the french nation their present humiliation and chagrin must be f fully u equal to their former arrogance ano gance and braggadocio therease there Ther eare are probably no more effective warriors in the world than the tile french while they are successful they are arc dashing impetuous desperate but when once defeat overtakes them a sort soitos of hari karl kari spirit is apt to take uke posa possession essio of them thern under the tile influence of which they are as likely to injure one another as the enemy ane principal destruction in and about paris pans during the franco prussian war was caused by the french people themselves the communists who vandal like deb deh troyed without discrimination As a nation they are very mercurial up one hour down the nex next easily elated and verv readily panic danic and de moralized moralizer zed and if tie tae tle reports that reach us by telegraph are to be relied upon their condition is approaching the latter phase not only in tonquin but buc in pans paris also where the excitement over the despised pig pig pis tails talis turn lurn turning iii the tables upon them is intense the e resignation of the tile ministry at th the anc critical time when the tho defeat was announced noun ced made it almost appear as if another revolution for chica that nation iss isso asso iso notorious were about to occur but the tue later dispatches seem to indicate that president grevy is getting the government into working gorder order again Tri yil indeed deed it is now reported that the chinese government has concluded to accept al ferrys ferlys Fer rys proposal for peace though we think this rather doubtful doubty ua we vc think it more probable that the chinese while flushed with victory will press on and endeavor if possible to drive the tile french entire entirely irom their domain and the world 2 generally would lind tind little cause for re aret uret if they were to do so forthe for the provocation which the french had for making war upon china was but slight to with and ami it has been pushed to an unreasonable extent without justification if as is is asserted the chinese cli CIt inese have havil european officers it is not at all ali a improbable that success will continue to attend them now that the tide has turned though not a lighting fighting nation it Is aresu presumable mable mabie that the chinese have learned something in regard to the art of war through their intercourse with other nations since the time of their former invasions when a handful ul of europeans could rout their hordes as if th eyvere so many sheep the tins probability is that some mighty chal chat changes will soon take place among the ruling powers of the earth amona and it t is not unreasonable to regard the present war clouds which are hovering in various quarters of the earths horizon as shadowing foreshadowing fore them the latter day saints will look with interest for their development the parliament of the island of jersey has hato a bill to expel jesuits |