Show IMPURE WATER AVATER IF ir the users of well water were more careful in preventing the seepage of 0 impure surface vater vaten into their wells doubtless doub thess many cases of 0 sickness and death might wight 1 de ne avol avoided ded the danger from drinking impure water is forcibly brought to our mind by reading in an eastern exel exchange kange range of certain fatalities traceable to this source A gentleman recently bought and removed to a farm three miles north of stamford conn in a little hamiet hamlet known as roxbury soon yoon afterward he and his big two children were buried burled on investigation it has been found that the well weil water had been poisoned by drainage from the barnyard ahdout and out buildings comment is unnecessary the fact speaks for itself that the same conditions or nearly the same saine conditions exist in many homes in utah there are certainly reasons reasons to fear and though we have an apparent advantage over the In inhabitants habitan of many ather other places III in the natural dryness of our soil the irrigation in vogue here may bethe be the very means of conveying IMP impurities uri url ties that thai exist upon or near the surface into our wells that there is danger to be apprehended from this cause is evident from the fact that the water is much higher in many wells durino during the season tor for irrigation than at an any other time the porosity of the soil is further proved by springs breaking out in many places during daring the irrigating season and by some land tand that used to be very dry being rend rendered ered cred almost or quite too wet to cultivate because other land lying higher has baa been irrigated thoroughly or is traversed by a canal this is especially the case I 1 where there is a of clay or hard pan with a loose porous soil on the surface we have no jno desire to work up an alarm alaan on this subject but we would like to impress upon those who use uso well water and there are many in this country who have no other recourse to avoid throwing out oat slops near their |