Show FROM DAILY QT oct 2 27 sl ln ES chanze Change ilau liau af pf p tl tithe time the utah central cauway wll wil make the following lowing changes in fu its ti time me card pard edd eff effect ec Z tomorrow to morrow october ath the pacific express will leave salt lake city city at 7 am instead 01 am tha theat at lantic express will arrive arriva in u salt lake in instead tead of A valuable work eone pone rone ro of the best books which is being heing offered to the thie public at the present time is entitled the golden gems of life lite it Is s intended for the hoing hom bom circle irple tt treats treaty oa ont oni 4 subjects ili iu which both bid old tind sand pd you ns married and win sin winie single singie le male and nd lemale female ld in every condition bf 0 life should be jt it is a pure jure bogk its sentiments are lofty but bup bu couched in insi insl simple mple language lankus e its morality rail rall is without tsia talo its ita its advice is timely and sound and ana its tendency la id to elevate and renine refine the duties and rd relationships lation ships of the family are ane touched upon with deli delicacy gacy pacy and yet mith with force and the husband and the wae the parent and lae lad fae Iad child will nind nina in ig ia lt paes tha the tha ex expression of thoughts which k nn entering nto into practical me ille will benefit th tha 1641 individual vidual and purify society th the work is clearly pi printed buted r pa on oine fone 4 fine ind pap pen ven per er til numerous engravings g ar linc line finely y executed ici jt it is beautifully bou bor bound bourd A and Is s worthy of a place in any library jrnest S penrose ls Is agent for this em of ol a bookin book in the eastern counties from efte he morth worth western states mission this re received delved a call from elder john assist ant president of the north states mission Miss ibn who has just Tc turned returned from his bis field of labor in which he has been operating for a little over one year that time hw hf had aad the personal supervision of the twel mission Elder eider Palmer being absent atheme ile he reports having got along well weli and suffered no personal per violence at the hands 0 of f mobs altho aitho although h threats were exten extensive siv e an and d severe rhe the newspapers papers vere vare very partisan and advocated that almost any measures would wo u id be justifiable so ion lon long iong us as the result desired could be attained the expulsion of elder eider booth from that part of the country brother booth persona personally ba baptized t ai ed twelve persons thirty nive five ve elders eldens have been id inthe the mission during daring he ha past summer ery one ona of aiom whom Is a zealous worker wor arid but slight sll sil hr 1 exception except alk aik observe the be word varl I 1 R hi y g k P 1 fron ird frontale 9 rail tall all ali sow log rin nin 1 b beverage bevenage coffee alkali ah kAlI abt nav d drinks 0 b a ecoe etc td 0 mob blob violence against the eiders elders J s very veny ven ver frequent in the Indiana confer alicei but there thene la little ittle arnd or no tation of at that kindled kind minnesota the ehe antl anti api polygamy y ig amy plank t in n the Republic republican arl ati platform has greatly hindered of b popular po hatred atred against aga ns them NO charges are arc PF preferred f e d against the brethren the rhe h 1 legations being of ata a ge geh geA rai fral ral iral J thi xii si referd reference neel to th ibm in the commod flaw law rule ruie ot of holding w anian an innocenc Inn ocen until tr troyed r oye oyed d guilt alar is reversed ever sed seo and tho thi elders eiders or mor ons 11 gen gei feralli erali are held heid to fo bo b gally until hey they prove th themselves ern enn I 1 te innocent ril rii locea elder elut ro booth speaks sinthe ostrom of the tho kindness mani roam festad to 0 tue elder eider by the shelby sheiby fatal and the saints hf john I 1 ale aie lesture pa on the mountain blea meadows 4 tragedy last night might the twelfth ward assembly rooms was not only packed in every part but hundreds liland reds were unable to ab gain umit admittance to the therall hall hali showing thet the Iti intense tenso tense public interest in the subject athe the mountain meadow massacre massac upon which it had been announced that elden eider C W penrose would treat that gent gentleman leman ieman entered upon the tasi tasu before him precisely at 15 minutes past seven and concluded at 20 minutes to ten tn lie he spent aid nd time in preliminaries but at once onee plunged into the tha subject before him he began by giving an account of the horrible tragedy and de bribed ascribed the detestation with avrich at wab was viewed y the entire mormon peoples peo people pleas as a body he then proc proceeded proe deded to state the guilty parties vere that thit brigham young was not only entirely iree tree free from being access accas sory to fo the crime before bri ori after the fact buttock but took the only steps within his bis power to prevent its commission that none of the thy authorities tb the e church had anything to todo do with jt it in any shape i that the church as a body was as clear of that deed at as any community anthe on the most distant martof part pant of the globe the tha lecturers ens own remarks were limited compared I 1 a re d with the overwhelming mass of testimony he adduced to sustain the several positions he assumed it consisted of a wide alde variety documents of anda and a number of published works the whole comprising a phaen lin I in of evidencia evid enca enco probably as stron strong gr convincing aud and complete as was ever presented on any subject subjects he not only stained sustained bu his points in the ordinary sense ense of the term but absolutely proved them une of the tha chief peculiarities of the evidence used was that a large amount of it proceeded from decidedly anti mormon esfand esl and front productions intended to militate ag church i we have not given a synopsis oi of the lecture because ot it could not be conveyed by that method Before Jong however irwill it will wiil lwe lwe ejr eat hect ep associated s 0 c lat d with mr en roset rosal eks ekl d e 1 1 v r two weeks previous brevious on lood blood 1 atonement t i be given to the public in f full fuli ullo i n f I 1 yil M |