Show BY BT join JOHN TARR DELIVERED salt lake city monday and tuesday t iseal semiannual gemi semi annual 1 conference oct 6 and REPORTED BY JOHN DIVINE IF THE H congregation will endeavor to preserve as much order as possible and p prevent the crying and disturbance of children 1 I will wui try and address you for a short time last evening I 1 made bulte quite a lengthy address in th this s hall but bu L we iye ise had bad very good order there was no whisp whispering prinz ening no talking nor disturbance of any kind it requires in a large congregation like nib nis this thib quite a an exertion to speak so as to make the people hear I 1 1 am told that the people could not hear half of what was said by several of the brethren yesterday itis llis wrong for us to have disorder in the house of god a place where we meet for instruction last evening I 1 talked of some matters of considerable importance to the priesthood of which there was an immense number present they nearly filled this hall I 1 wish to continue some of these remarks for it la Is necessary that all of us should be instructed 11 in the great that god has revealed for the guidance salvation and exaltation of the saints of god and also for the benefit of the corid world wherein we live there were very many promises made to eminent men benun in generations long since past bt these generally ene rally raily had reference more particularly y to the benefit of the world umi uki mankind womankind onan omen oman kind than to individuals althere were certain great principles evolved avol ved in the organization of this earth eaith and one was that there might be a alace place provided whereon the children aiace 0 of our heavenly father could live and propagate rop agate their species and have bodies nes tes formed for the spirits to inhabit who were the children of god for we are told that he is the god and father of the spirits of all flesh it was requisite therefore that an i earth should be organized it was requisite that man should be placed upon it it was I 1 requisite that bodies should be prepared for those spirits to inhabit in in order that the purposes of god pertaining tamn tawn to his progeny might be accomplished complis hed ann and poleny t that t those I 1 spirits might inight be enabled through the medium of the efer eier everlasting lasting gospel to return unto the presence of their heavens He avenI 7 rather as gods among the gods there have been different agencies at work throughout this worlds history lucifer has been and is one of these eccles agencies en cles cies there wag a garden planted e and adam and eve were placed in it and there they had communion with god there was another being there whose name was lucifer who is called in ln some places 11 the son of the morning job speaks of a time at the creation of this earth w when hen the morning mornin stars sanz san together and all the sons of god shouted for joy job 7 As it was necessary that there should be a god a man an tin earth and a heaven it was also necessary that there thene should be a devil that man might be tried and by trial be instructed ted indeed in the economy of godat god it was wag not only necessary that man but ithe savior also should be E perfected by suffering it is written for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory glor to make the captain of their salvation alv tion perfect through sufferings hebrews it illo ilio lo io it was further necessary that there should be a redeemer according to the plan which was devised from before the foundation of the world and also that man might be a free agent to act and operate for himself to receive the good and reject the evil ar or reject the good and be governed by the evit evil and there were certain rewards promised to those who would obey the laws of god and keep his commandments and certain punishments inflicted upon those who would not satan has made very zeat geat great ravages among the human fam sam samily family L y in trying to accomplish his purposes for sor he lie lle has been the enemy of god and the enemy of man and in ages past he wrought upon mankind until after a certain period he had contrive contrived e d to get t the great majority on h his Is side e nevertheless they had the F priesthood ri among them in those early days as we have among us today to day after adam there were Se thusel eh lamech and a great many others until we arrive at enoch and noah who operated ted especially in be half halt halfon I 1 the I 1 interest rest of the human family they preached the gospel as we preach it and taught the same bame principles that we teach they gathered the people to a zion as we gather them and when they had been gather ed together they had enemies as we have who arrayed themselves against n them but enoch was clothed upon s with the power of god he walked with god lor for years and we are told be was not for god took him thatis that is about all au that is said about him in the bible but we have other In information format on many others walked with G god od and there was a city that the people were gathered to a zion they walked wi with god and they were instructed of the lord but it took at any rate years to accomplish Ns this object furthermore in the latter days thera there as ta be a zion guilt imp but in thes these e da days davs we are told that the lord will cuis culb cut his work short in righteousness enoch in his day had his messen messengers ZO go fol foi forth th among tte the toe leopie people and when they gathered it in induced need the rage of man and great armies assembled against against the saints but enoch prophesied s ed bythe by the power of god and the earth shook and the mountains trembled and the enemies of the saints in fear fled afar off by and bv when the time came for the of the purposes of god and before the destruction of the wicked wicked enoch was caught up to heaven and his hu zion with him and we are told by latter r revelation ev in relation to these matters that a zion will till be built up in our day that great trouble will overtake the inhabitants of the earth and that when the time arrives the zion alon that was caught up will descend and the zion that will be organized here will ascend both possessed of the same spirit their peoples having been preserved by the power of god according to his ills purposes and as his children to take want wann art in the events of the latter lays we we are told that when the people of these two zions mons meet they will fall on each others necks and embrace and kiss each other As they in that day were placed under the guidance of the almighty so are we As they had a work to perform associated with the welfare of the human family so have we As they had the gospel to preach so have hase we As they had bad a zion to build buila up so have we As they needed the su support of the great jehovah so do we As the they were dependent depan dent upon him in all ehg their r movements whether in relation to earth or heaven so are we the work in which we are eng engaged paged raged is one that has been introduced by the great elo helm heim the god and father of the human family in the interests of ills liis children and wherever and whenever these principles have existed this same being that was in the garden with our first parents still goes forth and has gone forth as a raging lion seeking whom he may devour seeking whom he may lead astray seeking whom he may deceive seeking whom he may dl vert seeking whom he may lead down to death and in these latter days god has introduced these same principles with the same object in view he has revealed the same principles of heaven and as a heretofore in the tiie interest ot of h humanity uril anity who was enoch was he be a man of god yes who were the elders with him were they men of god yes and they received their instructions in in that zion alon that was wai then built up and more or less directs directly from godfoy enoch walked with gog goy god whom was enoch operating for for I 1 god his heavenly father lie he was wad there as jesus was on the earth in his time as he said not to do his own will but ehe the the will of of his father who sent him and whom did those people operate tor they operated for the welfare of the human family who would receive the truth and be governed over ned by iti lt I 1 and whom did jesus and his apostles in their day operate for forthe Forth ebene beneat benefit of all the world jesus himself appeared as the redeemer of the world and he commissioned ills his ap apostles astles to preach the gospel to every creature saying he that believeth bell beli eveth and is baptized shall be saved and he that be not shall he be damned what is this salvation and condemnation that would take a long time to tell suffice it to say that there are bodies celestial bodies terrestrial and bodies one glory of the sun another of the moon and another of the stars but straight was the gate and narrow was the vay way that led unto the lives and few there were at that time and few there have always been who have gone in thereat and what was it that they sought it was the celestial kingdom of our god that they might conie come forth in the first resurrection and be one with the father and one with jesus and belong to the church of the first born bom whose names are written in lri heaven and become gods among the gods and participate in all the glory of the celestial kingdom buffed but few there were who found the narrow path it is so today to day were the apostles of jesus commanded to preach the gos goar pel yes are we commanded as they were yes what was the position of the apostles they were simply messengers sen ben rs of life and salvation to a fallen worle worie world d what are the first presidency the twelve the high priests the seventies and the elders today to day what are they bearers of life and salvation to a allen ailen alien fallen world the messengers of god to men the legates of the skies commissioned by the great jehovah to introduce the principles of eternal life and gather in his elect from the four quarters of the earth and to prepare them for an exaltation in the celestial kingdom of god and what becomes of those that choose the other path thel thee they are still gods children and ho lle feels eels interested in them what what will ile he do with them they will be judged according to the deeds done in the body and according to the light and intelligence which god goa communicates to them then there is another glory a glory those who enter into that glory will also be judged according to their deeds and be rewarded according to their acts we are told of others who rho will suffer the wrath of 0 god and in the revelations given to us we learn that eternal punishment is gods punishment that everlasting t ing ent is gods punishment ashment ish ment t for he is eternal and he is everlasting we are informed the cities of sodom and gomorrah suffered the vengeance of eternal fire we are told too that the inhabitants of the antediluvian world who were destroyed because of their wickedness were iyer shut abut up in prison ata bid ni they re there for a long iong long time how long we read taz thal that jesus who was put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit went and preached to the spirits in prison that sometime were disobedient when once the long suffering of god waited n the days of noah how long iong ion lon had bad these lui ini people been there at a rough guess abo about at 2400 years it was quite a painful ordeal to go through M it is one ond that none of us would like e very much it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god a 2 fearful thing to violate his laws law wo we have gatherer hero here that we may learn those falas laws the laws of god the laws of life und and prepare ourselves under ills lils guidance for an inheritance in the celestial kingdom of god but are all the latter day saints lolu going into that kingdom no I 1 how 10 I 1 v Is s t that at it Is just as jesus declared it Is 1 s not everyone that mayeth lord lord that will enter into the hin eln hindom kingdom kindom dom of god but he that boeth the tho will of the father who is in heaven beaven 11 did jesus cometo coma come to do the will wili of ills his father in heaven lie he did and ile he expects all who aim at celestial glory to do the same and if they do not brot they will not get et there he says manx many will say to me moe in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works I 1 I 1 and ile he will say unto them I 1 depart from me lne ye workers of iniquity I 1 know you not you have not lived as be cometh saints oh say some that dont mean the saints no it dont but it means meads many who profess to be saints dp the world profess to cast out devils to heal the sick and to do many mighty works they do not do the world prophesy in his do the world prophesy preach sr in n the name of god they preach in his name many of them without having the authority as jve we have heard at this conference but they do not prophesy in lils lifs name and they do not propose to do many mighty works in his name but many of our elders do elders who magnify their calling callin and honor their god on the ot other herland hand there are elders who are zire careless wayward and rebellions against god amt ami ills nis laws woo seek to trample under foot the principles that ile he has revealed who seek to set themselves up to guide direct and manipulate the affairs of the church and kingdom of god and yet these theme same persons know nothing but what they know naturally as do the brute beast to be taken and destroyed and we none of us know adyth anything in only as god instructs us we are indebted to him for the introduction of this thia work and for all the information pertaining thereto it has been man nor set of men nor organizations of a professed spiritual or temporal nature that we have received Intel gence gance pertaining to the things of god the church of af god dod or the kingdom ol 01 of god it has come directly from the Lordi through the gospel of the son of god which brings life and immortality to light and if if men think and we every once in a while meet with s such characters they know better than the lord how to manipulate affairs they will find out their mistake the lord will say to them depart from me I 1 never knew you for it is not every r one that sareth lord lord that shall enter into the hindom kindom of god but he that boeth the will of our father in heaven hence there is a great work for us to do there Is something comprehensive in it it Is indeed the dispensation of the falness of times spoken of by all the holy prophets since the world was it relates to the interests of men that now live it relates to the interests of men who have lived and it relates to things that are yet in the future it is a thing in which the gods in the eternal worlds are interested and all the ancient patriarchs and prophets that have lived upon the earth are all interested in the work in ill which we are engaged there is a priesthood in the heavens heavens and we have the same priesthood on the earth but there should be a closer bom communion munion between hood on the earth and the priesthood in the heavens it is desirable that we should bebrow be brought ht into closer proximity we want to be advancing as enoch advanced after the appearance of jesus upon the earth there was to be a certain power who would make war with the saints and prevail against them and it is said they shall be given into his hands until a time and times and the dividing of optime time daniel daniel dantel vil vii 25 but in this day we are told that the saints of the most high shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom for ever even 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