Show MORALIST MURRAY U the above heading the omaha i herald oi of ja jan n 27 has the following stinger r murray as a everybody knows Is governor of atah utah lest anyone should remain ignorant of this historic fact murray has rushed into magazine print interviews and sensational lom loO messages there are arc several other governors ove orse in these united states besides beslaer murray but he lle Is s the only genuine murra murray besides being governor of utah he is also a stem moralist this murray is indeed its in the latter capacity that he excels ills his efforts to convert the wicked mormons cormons to the path of virtue are among the grandest spectacles of unselfish devotion to a righteous cause on record mr dir murray farra y does heroic battle against the twin relic he wants the mormons cormons t to 0 pay a the tax es and the gentiles to e of offices flees and thus polygamy will go Inthis in this the governor is probably right such an arbaug arrangement gement would effectually drive out the mormons cormons Mor mons including t the ne twin relic and leave the office holders masters of the situation and the territory but this is merely a matter of secondary consideration with armur ray what he jle is mostly striving for is the tile morality of the territory entrusted to his executive care and for fora a moral task the governor is in the right place beyond doubt some years ago mr murray had the pleasure of bein being united states marshal of kentucky in that capacity his moral proclivities had not a fair opportunity port unity to come into play ulay but what little there was of it mr murray full fuli fully employed reform like murder will will out in short mr I 1 murray while marshal of kentucky contrived to collect certain sums of money belonging to the united states amounting to many anany thousand dollars and fearing for the safety of the money in the hands of corrupt washington officials kept it in his capacious pockets to this day an agent was sent out to investigate the facts and disagreeing with marshal murray as to the propriety of reta retaining luin inin or forwarding the collected I 1 funda tre the moralist of these latter days was forced to resign ile he would have been prosecuted nas iks a common defaulter but for the better second thought of the department of justice and me the influence of certain friends who saved him for a nobler duty that he should have been appointed governor of utah after such a performance was only too n natural a the mormons cormons need a man of s sublime u to liml e moral sense and they have him it is to be feared however r that they will not have him much longer mr springers committee is likely to engage gov murrays Mur rays attention for some time to come to the neglect of the moral oversight of the utah saints murray must go |