Show THREE CHEERS MORE FOR 4 i I 1 THE perpetual agitators in lii this locality tyyho who have stood in with Governor murray in his efforts to bring brin ab about ut the political enslavement of the people of utah have a forte on every conceivable cel cei vable occasion they have been in the tho habit of bf getting up receptions and ratification i meetings at which it has bee been n their custom to indulge in the most inflated spread c igiel siYi ever exhibited in any part of the world dwelling with great bombast upon their own excellences tickling each other fulsome flattery in doses sufficiently large to sicken sensible people while they denounced in the most vui garand hrand arand extravagant terms the tho majority of the people of utah especially when steam td tad up with strong drink as on the occasion of the latter iatter pan pah of the proceedings of thelast reception given td tile the governor in the opera house at al one of these mutual admiration veessa fervent admirer of the governor moved that three cheers be given for murrays Mur mays rays mathematics 21 the motion met with a hearty response the enthusiasm being unstinted and uproarious murrays Mur rays mathematics mathematical have no wo more re element of principle than the idea of the fellow who said sald he had bad no scruples 10 a dram the governors ldes ides of the manipulation of figures Is as notoriously known doose so to loose that he llad had no scruples ill id certifying that about 1 1300 goo votes constituted a greater num berst birst berthan lihn over because the tho latter were cast for the choice of the majority of the people for delegate to congress ress it was this to a falsehood that the unscrupulous crowd so heartily endorsed 1 we have not said that the governor Is guilty of the charges laid laljit at his door regarding the moner money of the government to his bis 0 own wn use while marshal marshai of kentucky although the burden of probability al pears appears greatly against him but why should he and his small smail circle of frien friends dg here make so much fuss and ft f fathers about these dama damaging in allegations should the charges to ho fully sustained the denouement would be strictly hr lit keeping with murrays Mur rays mathematics 11 ifor if mr murray could oho who blinded to the political rights of tho th 11 mormons cormons Mor mons or thadeo aple PI e A P party a arty i as to certify that the small 1 ini minority hority candidate received the greater bambi number of votes because ho and his unscrupulous clique were leagued up on that side of the political issue what reason is there in believing that he would not do the same lri lir any instance where ais vis clivia 0 a interests teresta In were involved if he hee imagined he could do it with safety af ty in our opinion the crime committed against the people of utah byelich by eil ell H murray when liean capacity certified to so flagrant a falsehood was wad greater than the offense offe use nse he is charged with i per perpetrating et rating while marshal of ken duct tucky 1 by ills liis ills liia act had it not falle sallen n short of its nefarious aim that which is dearer than mere money moncy the rights of the people would havi have been ruthlessly stolen that the robbery did not reach its ts full fuli consummation was no fault of hla his The crime is ig greater too for forthe the reason that a larger number of people were directly wronged by it or w would 0 uld have been it appears to make a great deal of difference as to who the people are that are wronged but the principle is ther thet same when a man inan inflicts in an outrage upon a people because lie he believes he can shield himself from the just consequences of his hia act behind the fact of the unpopularity of his proposed victims the spectacle speaks poorly for the conscience or magnanimity of i the perpetrator should the charges against lils ills ex cei cellena cel lenc regarding his doings in ken stucky itu 6 be e fully 1 sustained 1 we vye see no reason why his friends h here ere should not get up another reception and give three rousing cheers cheera for murrays Mur rays ma mathematics J as exhibited in opera eions out of as well as it if would bea be a step toward consistency from which they have been a ion lon 11 time lamentably estranged i ir |