Show A VALUABLE publication TUE the fifth volume of the contributor is now bound and ready for the public this work designed specially for the benefit of the young people belonging to the tho mutual improvement Improve mant associations but really worthy of perusal by persons of all ages has always been instructive and commendable the volume just completed however has many features of excellence which mark the improvement of the work as it increases in years among the prominent contributions to the volume is the I 1 history of the book of mormon from the faithful pen of elder george reynolds it is the most complete and yet concise history of this remarkable record ever published every student of the latter day gospel may read it with advantage and it is rendered additionally valuable by the splendid steel engraving which forms the frontispiece of the volume containing excellent portraits alts aits of the the three witnesses I 1 sermons and writings s of the pro pacts form another attractive portion of tnie the volume containing discourses on vital subjects from president brigham Youn gand other leading minds of this dispensation 0 P Whit whitneys magnificent ani a ni cent poe poem A christma christina id idyl 11 augusta u usta joyce yee Cr Croch erona prize I 1 christmas rl st as story to 11 articles on tha ahe federal judges of utah and the governors averno of utah tail fall contributions irom from many of able abie and graphic writers male and female poetry tr history i philosophy theology pol ibcal economy and descriptive writing of no mean order all assist iq making up a volnie worthy rf cf preservation preservations aud a and a place in every utah library we confidently recommend the contributor tri butor to all our readers as a publication worthy of their support the fifth volume can be obtained of ju uius ulus F wells its talented editor and publisher Ul isher by addres addressing sint him enclosing 50 ho 50 at lat the contributor office salt lake city |