Show T H I 1 N K 6 F IT T T OW I 1 I 1 I 1 11 although musk much is a said sald abo matthe mattho W atthe jt tilo tile importance of a alood p ifie it nn ma be possible that the tha subject has neter BOTer r gric grit isly claimed your attention 1 think melt writ fit fil w w almost every per perow soil has sonne somo form af ff scrofulous poison latent in his veins veini when this tais develops in scrofulous sores ulcers or oi or in the form of or organic diseases the tile suffering that ensues Is terrible hence the gratitude of choso who discover as thousands yearly do that ayers avers P sarsaparilla arsa atsa parilla eli eil will ill I 1 thor thoroughly qu aly eradicate this evil from from tho system As well weli expect life ilfe ife without kas aas health without plire pure blood cleanse leanse tile tiie blood gith with ayers arll ARIL BY de daj J 0 ayera co lowel almass mass sold by all drug druggists ats 1 six bottles for 53 5 ITT ity the majority of odthe the tae ills itts odthe A jauman antan body tody arise from a q derangement of the liver effecting affecting bota doth the elte and bowels in order to essect effect a cuve ele it is necessary necess arg to emote emore the cause irregular and sluggish action of the tho at the stomach pain in the bacr baer and loins etc indicate that the aider rhew is at pault fault and that nature requires assistance to 10 enable thib this orvan organ to throw orf off impurities I 1 X aall aahl 23 bitters ittem are especially compounded for fats purpose they gre aro gre ate mild in their action and e filec tive as a cure ate are pleasant to and oaken taken easily byboth ty bota both children and a dalti to IV en according to directions they are a bare safe cume cupe roe for dyspepsia general debility habitual con cou sti dation pation diseased kidneys etc etc As a alood purifier they are superior to any other medicine r cleansing the n system thoroughly and imparting new tire iffe and energy to thein valid it is a medicine and not am a beverage ASK sou tou m ASH botteas and taha taire no noo other LOO pee per dottla PRICKLY ASH BITTERS COSOLE proprietors S st bt loala loufa awl anc aap kan xan kans kanaka 3 city xo ko t 0 travel nua nna sell 11 our MEN WANTED I 1 clr ig tupie goods to dea des iier ller er hotel and expenses paid wo cola nta irace ilace st unel anel ati 0 gahr THE nest BEST IS CHEAPEST 10 ENGINES SJ H R 1 ES H 1 E 0 R 1 S gnirs clover hollers suited to all ali actions w ite for foy kimn llma pamphlet and ana pries knas to tho the anitol taylor ataylor co haisfield Huis nield field ohio WIN bla M W M n A aa IF am munn kunn CO of the scientific AMERICAN con dinue to act as solicitors for patents caveats trade marks 0 for the united states canada england I 1 T france hanm germany ermany etc ete etc hand book about patents sent bent free thirty lse neven seven ven years I 1 experience patents obtained through munna sl U N agars ig CO are noticed in n the scle scie AMERICAN the tho largest best hest tand and most widely circulated scientific paper 30 a year weekly splendid engravings and interesting ln in formation specimen copy of the scientific american sent rree free address MUNN CO cau american office sol 1 broadway new york I 1 |