Show NOTICE HAVE IN MY possession I 1 h one ore gray HORSE about C vears veard old branded af thigh U W i it if not no claimed and taken away within ten en da days will evl 11 be sold to the highest responsible bi bidder mr at the brighton eltray lound pound on monday londay S sept 13 1684 at 10 am i jn districts district s bri brighton elitc on sept 4 1189 1 kij kia l j I 1 lri iri NOTICE H L T I 1 HAVE IN 11 lan lam I 1 im one dark red STEER five or six months old branded 2 0 on left side under bit in each and swallow fork in right ear car one curley curleo littered STEER yearling past branded SJ SI 2 olon con aon left iett side under bitin bit in each and swallow fork in right ear one roan anley yearling past brand resembling fe fc combined on left side wallow swallow 8 rork fork in left and halt hait crop in right car okie olio one light red STEER yearling past branded fe fc combined on left side swallow swallow fork and vand halt half crop in tight right ear one roan bald faced helfer helyer Il yearling past P as t branded fe fc combined on left side swallow w ilow liow fork in left and half crop in right car one whitefish whit j eish elsh toan helfer heifer yc arlin ahlin n past brand resembling fc pel combined on orl left lest side bide swallow fork in lett left and half hait crop in ri right t e ear ean ar V one brindle bundie HEIFER HELFER y yearling e 2 past plit brand resembling embling r eis els re fe combined com n e d on 0 n left I 1 side in left and half crop in right car one roan HEIFER yearling past branded 2 0 it oli on lett iett side no ear marks one 0 e red COW six or seven years old left horn horb broken off branded H 2 b on lett iett side and under left shoulder blade wadie vadie on left jav jan jaw v under half hait cl crop op in n left ear oar it if said sald j dunder animals be not claimed and lor kor lof L of away within ten days will be sold at auction on sep bed 11 84 at fl 9 am at my mv corral 11 it 11 n n 1 gre I 1 I 1 j district district salin f sep TA wel mel 4 7 j NOTICE 4 TT HAVE IN MY possession I 1 one buckskin colored HORSE seven or eight years old brown strip down the badr back both left hind feet white kubite spot in face branded it 11 lu in a square on left shoulder and pud AS a u h brand on orl left hip pini wint if said animal is not claimed wl within ten days daya from date clate will bo be sold at public auction at the pound at collvile Coal vile 04 friday apt sept 12 at I 1 i v it tr i xa n 5 nonce T HAVE IN MY POSSE rosse possession irone mone pinto roan PONY branded on right thigh y white face both hind white which it not nit claimed and taken away on or before thursday the 11 it II of september jr 1854 1884 will be bold sold at auction to the highest responsible b bidder at the city cirves esi tray pound washington washing ton square squar e salt lake city at 2 rpm pm JAMES SHEL SHEI shelmerdine merdine VERDINE city salt lake city sept 1884 1881 NOTICE T nave HAVE IN MY TO possession SION slon if one light bay baj MULE about labout li 12 ze j calis catis ear earrold sold bold old oid 13 large e scar sear on left shoulder bran branded D W on on left thigh if no not t claimed within te ten da e arill be sold bold on en september edat sd at 3 0 pm at my corral S rt ett f jr T ar CROPPER CROPPE T J tw distinct Bi poun roun e e r deseret willard county aur aug UR efstrat NOTICE ana aea T I 1 4 1 mum I 1 IN MY possession A a tf k on oue e bic blace k hoese HORSE 9 or 10 years yearb pid gid hhite spot lu in forehead saddle marks branded V on right thigh slit silt in left ear eari earl y labi which ch it if not claimed willbe TI ill lii be sold september lith at ane one at the eltray round pound ati Manti sanpete hanpeter San peter co U ta twi 11 J J HAN nan hansena ILA lla maes MaEX SENi 0 i f V t district mauti sep initia NOTICE T HAVE IN MY luy possession one white BUILL BUM red spotted buah off tal tai 2 or 3 ears vears old brand illegible on iett lett hi hid bid and thigh h which biti illi it alfin not ot claimed within ten denaa i date will be sold bold to the highest bidder on fri friday da september at 2 p xin at the abt eltray pound mount pleasant lauritz URIT I 1 Z district mount pleasant september 2nd and rE r destray STRAY NOTICE have IN MY possession N II 11 tra tta HA one red ye yearling BULL both ears tasse ed no bra brands nd 1 i avoe 14 white yearling STEE 4 U 0 marks or brands v i one dark red two sear year cearold old oid STEER both ears tasseled tasse tasee led no brandt brandi one dark red two year vear old oid STEER TEER croli crop off right and blit bilt in left ear ua brands ds it if the above stock is not claimed and hud taken away before ten days they will be sold to the highest bidder at kanabe strat stray pound on saturday zug aug i in n 30 at 4 p in Z IL julu J edd i t f district kanab auk aup 2018 20 14 1 t lol iol IT nave llave IN DT myross maross X one black norse HORSE did hed karnes harnes barncs marks crippled in right hind bind leg illegible brand some till ag like ilke U b S on left shoulder on left hip x ascar acar on left t gh about 13 lal or 14 years old oid I 1 at fl if not claimed he hc will be sold sep 1884 1384 at the district pound moroni anepete county at 9 am I 1 JOHN BILEY balley district pound round edder aug id 1834 I 1 4 4 |