Show 0 J YOUNG utan utola tares TAKES aa abasi abisi 13 QS I 1 NESS VIEW op OF tili 1 TION wion I 1 t sa SALT L T L LAKE A K r C city I 1 T Y A au gill lil lic I 1 editor Edi hor deseret lie Ife sergt seret t u when 1 advertise my business sh la buy nuy newspaper of the town it is not alone with arview a view that my to attract great greit attention and thereby draw trade but it is also with a view of sustaining the paper that the town 1 anid annd fid consequently all business interests of t the e town may be truly represented to the worlds of readers readers I 1 think this Is the th te view yiew of every e M advertising ver business maw mah lle LIE newspaper men in soliciting advertisements draw on this trang strongly lri irl if I 1 have I 1 am constantly trying to Increase that li umber bumber arid arld I 1 expect the good ablit the sustain to so sa advertise the thel locality in general ke that many thore there fambles wilt wiit settle settie ln the coun country tr round about aud and I 1 tien then then get returns with interest in bf an trade for the tha means I 1 pay pak to the tile paper more than thad that those who in my business help to 16 sustain the paper for it Is certain it I 1 do not ga gel the trade ot the people I 1 wilt v pd pay I 1 for r advertisements ants i rna looking fairly and impartially over this question and this L am filled filled with amazement at the counse course of our non ifon friends 2 not to mention some of my wisa almor mon brethren who advertise Ov erlise enaise in and thereby in the most substantial manner sustain the salt lake tribune the organ of the murrax murray the piper paper that advertises dur gur our community so thatty br brethren ethien are murd murdered eredia la tennessee teft Teil hies fies see an and d that prejudices sial si seni already e a existing 0 are ambit tere more and more i that was a av COLD BUTCHERY down in lil tenn Zenn tennessee fennessee essee the other othey daylo A joun youn pan of most exemplary life standing there with the bible bibie land hind as defenseless as A child and also as undeserving of ideath SA U brutal tail taia ma masked aked villian ente enters deliberately takes akes alm aim at this thil brother of in mine this brot brollier ilen iier yours jours and shoots him I 1 n down own like a dog and now the unspeakable muddy brained murray telegraphs the G w er tennessee that this 0 of r of f mine was stas sent there ay by an institution of organized crime opt upon such blackheart black heart ed villainy hinson isaid I 1 said sald wasa was a cold blooded murderer but the unspeakable in his is telegram out ont murders tha the murderer ft uh if ne could i uld see with what s CONTEMPT lyd kyd avyd PITY L he is looked upon by this whole cam lie he would brainier as he is fold foid his grip like ilke an arab and silently steal away after having havins caused his customary hotel bac bar t a xun dr di and on his shield as he be departed you would behold these three words 11 1 pay no bills and now as conference is drawing nigh and you latter day saints nelll come bythe by the thousand I 1 advis eyou you all to r i WHO ands and sustain ustain the paper that speaks so well weli of you and yours the paper that builds up the town b by saying A mob dispir spirit I 1 it Is being engendered I 1 among the mormon people which will by and by break over the restraints which now nw chain and then in a pillar of lire the real teai animus and sud nd intent of this accursed system will be reflected 1 you see you joti business ess esq men of salt lake take this organ bigan of yours is helping you right ri ht along by publishing to the world that tha you on and alid your youn business ate expected 80 some 0 day to end in a pi pilar larol of nire dire hence we see capital seeking investment here the country being built me up and the millions that come out of the adjacent mines going into blocks of elegant busi busl business diess fiess houses housea like lika colorado and denver and all because of the influence of the paper which you with your money sustain YOUR ORGAN again so the sore fester festers more and more year by year jear what was but a pimple that ts you ae arg increasing bringing more and more tedde to those icho who so 80 weil uell sustain ustain 13 and advertise you ou which a blister would have cured a few cannon shots for instance is now a cancer which Is filling fillin the tho blood with alth the poison of treason so go on showing what the bI business Iness men of sall sail lake pay dally how they thet and their business are advertised da daily ly come you mor mons come up now nov with your means and roll it into the laps of these good friends ot of yours who pay the salt lake tribune to thus advertise you your country and its business do not tell these poor cormons mormons that you dont WITH youit YOUR orgas ORGAN in its lying you do agree you pay for it stop the pay auz anz and aud your organ will lie no more moro As when the preacher dont preach to suit hta hib congregation they quickly stop the preacher by sloping nis tits pay so with you business men you iret icet et what you pay for lor in twenty four hours you could complexly chan chanke change 1 e the pillar of fire style of advertising if you wished but then you will not nay you dare not slaves I 1 ahme ah me much could be said about slaves amon among these AmerI amerl americans cans cang 01 some time I 1 hope the mormon rl people will see their friends ant aut and aud d their duty once seen clearly and laid well to heart they dare to do it iknon one mormon who so he helu me god will never spend a dollar wit with anyone any one who sustains sustain by advertis advertising in or other otherwise illse the salt like lake tribune YOUNG |