Show BURGLARS the TIM WOODS aim aue FULL OF 01 THEM theu some hours before daybreak this ibis morning nin between 2 and 3 it is suppose supposed the residence of thomas batler who w 0 keeps a secondhand second hand store on west temple street a few doors north of the herald block was entered by burglars and about worth of property prop erty eity in muney money and other valuables taken away the thieves did not goy gov 0 o into the store but confined their depredations to the rear premises where mr butler butier is in the habit liable ot of sleeping with a large tin till box bo under 11 his I 1 s bed containing ney watches jewelry je eiry elry etc which he moves into his bedroom every night after atter CI closing the allx e shop I 1 th I 1 witti all lt its contents was taken and found this morning mommy minus tile the gr greater at r part of what it held by mrs irs por dor fox a nel nei neighbor vl i or behind her barn where it had in opened and left after being rifled the thieves then got 0 over being cr a ligh high picket f fence ence into tile next lot and on the tiie way dropped a purse tir containing a 22 check anthe on the deseret bank dank soine lome tithing orders a 3 order on Teas dells delts a piece of tern terri orial orul scrip for and anu other papers these were abere found by nir dir butler in tracing the thieves this morning among the contents of the box which the robbers rob berls berss got away with was a ij loo IW check ou on zions having savings bank the payment of which was stopped as hoon soon as tile the bank opened about 47 in gold and silver hilver and some watches and the best part of tile the jewelry jewe lr the thieves entered at the south window ot of a room adjoining adlo adjo hillig the one in which mr nir butler asas mas sleeping A boy ii ix years old was on a lounge just ju st to the iett leit of the ayin avin window and the thu frisky fingered gents genta pulled milled the out from under his neail without waking him and placed it oil on a chair near the window to prevent any noise noi nol e in making their exit on getting gettin in the they went into mr butlers lern lers room got god jg ut the tin box from under the foot ot ili ill the tho bed and took the key which opened it f from rom the pocket of liis his pants pant lying near the head of the bed while the they were getting out of the wind window ow the child saw a human land hand ou on the Avin window clow sill and cried out in k terror aror but although the grown folks fuiks were asere awaken edthe bo boy y did not tell what it was that frightened him until i 1 was too loo late to interrupt the uie night of the robbers T tho the he police are on their track and think they will have them fast very shortly they are arc thought to be tel tei lowb w who have lately been released after serving out sentence for ilar nar offense the same gang or frapart apart of it lob iob bed tile tiie store f of t II ai lavis davis one block desi of and across the street from the valley house either before or after the butler burglary dur aud and took two tivo oid gold sold old Avat watches ches two tavo other ather chronometers chrono meters and about five dollars in money they got in at a back window tore core the gauze netting or mosquito bar opened the hack back door and then went to rumma rummaging gink the store drawers draw ers eis and going through the different rooms A man ma n was S seen een by mrs davis in her bedroom she called out and he disappeared through the door ile he had taken a bottle oi of soda water into the kitchen from the store but cv evidently did not deem it prudent to open oven it price the says saya his chickens were disturbed last night and it really looks as if the gang made a general swoop during the wee smal sma yours ours amant the |