Show BY TE LE GRAPH rea per WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH line limb A by E R I 1 C A N DAYTON co 14 michaels arrested here friday Jb niday on suspicion of being the th Av wrecker of the panhandle rann Pami andle andie express last thursday night was identified this afternoon by conductor pierson who llad charge of the wrecked train as the tramp whom he had put off the train a previous the measurement of his feet also corresponds with the tracks in ia the mud about the tool house today to day michaels admitted that he was the tramp and he was in the vicinity thursday but he claims innocence there is a strong feeling against him but so far the evidence is merely circumstantial san fran Pran francisco cisco it 14 chronicle saunas salinas cal special thomas whitcher a resident of that place lately separated from his hl wife was arrested today to day charged willi having at the muzzle of a gun compelled his 15 year old daughter to submit to his bis infamous desires lie he was released on bonds and started for home As he was stepping into a buggy his son drew a revolver and fired live nise chois all of which missed the unnatural parent the excitement was so great that the sureties withdrew froin the bond whitcher was rearrested and lodged in jail lynching lunching Lyn ching is probable shreveport 14 berry ored choked his wife to death early this ile he filled her mouth full fuli f uli uil of snuff and called in neighbors telling them she strangled to death from going to sleep with snuff in her mouth johnson johnson was jailed there is a bitter feeling among the colored people against him it is stated he murdered a woman some time ago ugo 0 in ia red lied river kiver barish ja arish montreal 14 T 11 II hodgson who was arrested in new yosl youl yo at the instance of Hoch eloga bank was shortly before his bis night adv advanced 13 OW by the bank upon bills of exchange which w ich were subsequently dishon dishonored re by Y hodgson bros of liverpool the he bank anil anic Is endeavoring to recover the tile money galveston 14 A dispatch fro from gainesville says that bill epps a desperado who has hag been operating in the country sometime and underwood of the sam bass g gang pang an were jailed here voday today to jo day aretas wharton special yesterday C B S blythewood an esteemed young citizen was shot and killed by james jamea Zi mattison a professional gambler the men met in a saloon and mattison opened fire shooting him fi nive nise ve times wice through the heart blythewood managed to tire twice ineffectual ineffectually mattison lattison ran to the railroad bri bridge ge across the colorado river about half halt ail alf IL a mile distant and escaped while his wife stood on the tiie bridge with a drawn volver revolver xe holding the authorities at bay shooting twice ut at the sheriff an old quarrel was the cause STERLING ky 15 fifty masked men went to jackson breathitt county on wednesday night and took from jail jall jall jali henry kilburn white and ben jS 8 trony colored and hung them kilb burn hurn urn was charged with the murder of vm win thorp last january was suspected of being connected in the same murder A notice was pinned on the victims stating that all p perpetrators er P et lia iia of such crimes critics will receive e like ilke k punishment kilburn had killed eight men anen AMESBURY mass 15 the weavers of the hamilton laici accepted the proposition of the management for a reduction of charges for sewing and liow ilow now premiums pre on the cloth of a given standard of perfection are given and the hands have resumed work ST jonns jon as N P F 15 an assault on of carbonear carboneau Car bonear on sunday might flight culminated A last night in ina lna a seri our auray in which shots were exchanged changed chan ed between J the belligerents but up apt to the present time non noue reported mortally wounded wound all last night the orange body under arms was parading ahe the streets of carbonear carboneau Car bonear the rumored rescue of the greely party by the sealing steamer vanguard turns out to be a canard circulated on zhe the he first day of april the striking colliers co illers of ansler ansier coal 41 strict have decided to resume work washington 15 in expectation hat ahat the light night over the morrison tariff bill will take place today to day members on the alic republican and democratic sides who have daily been securing pairs for absentees were kept busy this morning in seeing that the vote of no man should be worsted but that all the pairs should contain the names of advocates and opponents 0 of the measure the supreme court of the united states has affirmed the decree of the lower court with costs in the suit involving the title to the famous mor iran gold mine of calaveras talaveras Cala veras county cala kala t ATI ATLANTA kinta ga 15 A freight train on the western atlantic it B R ran into a washout near acworth fourteen freight cars were wreck ec the live stock in two of the cars were all killed en engineer ineer st clair mcdonald and fireman E ed d 11 mccullough cCullough were killed CHICAGO 15 the TT daily nees news chattanooga t special says A terrible accident occurred on the western and atlantic railway early this morning the tram which left here last passenger night went through a trestle bridge near ack aek ackworth worth georgia georgiat and an d the engine tender in mail mali all ali and smoking cars were dashed into the torrent edward ware mail was burned to death and t the heen engineer and fireman are believed to be fatally fatally injured the conductor and several train men were badly bruised no passengers were injured the ace accident ident was due to a terrific rainstorm last night which caused many washouts wa shouts on the railways CHICAGO 15 the iroquois club of this city composed of gentlemen prominent in the democratic party gave its third annual banquet at the palmer house this evening the local attendance was very vory large in addition to which there were distinguished gentlemen f from roin all parts of the country mr erskine 31 phelps president of the club introducing tle the speakers of tile the evening and speaking of the career of the iroquois said this club has ex arted E its influence for reform in polities politics and especially upon the great question before the people the tariff reform believing that it is the only sure road to prosperity in this country now that the wheels of commerce taj troug throughout hout the ieng leng length th and breadth of the la land fid are clogg clogged eXby by the burdensome system of protective taxes we feel that the people should understand and so act upon this important issue as to enable themselves to compete in the markets of the world and the american flag to float triumphantly on every sea as of yore under democratic aus alees tices 11 after an address by col W C P breckenridge of kentucky upon the sentiment the republic an indivisible union of indestructible state the following letter was read from ex governor go tilden ni new w yore yoke gentlemen I 1 have had the honor to receive your invitation to the third annual banquet of the iroquois club to respond to the sentiment the federal constitution I 1 have also received private letters asking a written response to the sentiment in case I 1 am prevented from attending atten din ao twenty years have el elapsed a apse and the work of restoring the gover kover government ament to ats ts character is not yet accod accomplished dished our wise ancestors had warned arne us that if we fell into civil discord our free system was liable to perish in the struggle by an insensible change of its character not only have ite the best traditions of the patriots who won our independence and established our freedom lost their authority but our cherished political system Is slowly losing its hold won apon life under the fungus growths of df false faise constructions and corrupt practices the government itself has become a menacing factor in the elections As long ago as 1876 1 I expressed the opinion that the 0 opposition ion lon must embrace at the beginning of the canvass two thirds of tile the voters to maintain a majority at the election in this history repeats itself in most countries the government maintains itself by force or fraud even in the comparatively popular system of en england g the monarch has until lately controlled a majority of parliament and frequently decided elections by court favors jobs and money taken from the public treasury this is a hard saying but the recent publication of the paper of her deceased statesman I 1 leaves e aves ayes no doubt upon the subject in our own country the government instead of standing as an impartial arbiter amid the conflicts of maturing opinion and contending interests has itself descended into the arena equipped with all the weapons of partisan its myriads ot officeholders office holders its alliance with or against vast pecuniary interests its unlimited command of money levied from its dependents and contractors have sufficed to determine a majority in every case but one in that case it collected military forces around the capitol and by this and other menaces intimidated the CW congressional gressional representatives af pf a majority of the people to relinquish the fruits of their victory and to surrender the government covern ment to the control of the minority no reform of the administration ls Is possible pc albie so long iong as the government government I 1 is s directed z 7 acted by tiie tile party w which ich is under the dominion of false doctrines and animated by enormous pe pecuniary unwary inte interests rests and the perpetuation of existing abuses the first effectual step in the reform of our government must be a fundamental change of policy of its administration the work of reform will be enough with the whole power of tl j government executed in ac accomplish complis it I 1 have such faith in a beni benl benign providence which has presided edry ay the destiny of our countie country counti in de mje great trial heretofore that ti I 1 7 do dorand fand rand I 1 s air of our ultimate deliver dellver ao ane are one though I 1 can no longer aspire 11 t I 1 y bid of the leaders in the great mias wn slon sion those upon whom the augua 1 may max fall god speed i sig 81 signed bignel big ned S shirman SJ T irman irman of 1 to tos toy g corning judd 1 the Q iro ino Q the political committee quals club a n letter ietter was wic the the TJ followed by t the e rd d of dela tion irom from senator il 1 1 ware of rea reu ret aso senator bayard in MS said sald measures of athe wo houses are now pending be s impossible imos lmos sible sibie to of foretell orete congress TB when and ehte dare bare ay e of aou gou me vie lle le up country for 1 discussion theba I neaty of f all ail tip tic casses and and liti 1111 d a ed loosen occupations de A dictions ing up of the by fra bbs thoresent a tion to n and t raey raes alch alfh aich are con tariff essae sS Sae laws branch ot of Manul manni ture gesting eve with ith alth ote na ans in our home bome bets II conss eions and ds de excitement S wa lite kite atlate aste aate wl th the lab iab lancing compelling spelling n 9 sion old bid colo coio C olo bread daily dally their ot dalto dasto to obtain classo steadily buy buly by ess to work dependence upon the conoll conditions eions of oar our home horne market alone and Us its cap capacity aci acl I 1 t fitfully and not re regularly to ann aff anford afford r yd them employment this is the condition of and the attitude of the republican party under whose policies and administrations it has been brought about as clearly shown by the votes in congress and tile tiie declarations of their party press and it must be seen that they are so e enthralled by oliv oligarchy archy and the protection of a favored few at the cost of many that the hope of reform and relief can be expected villy from the aseen dency the evils of administration mil mal are everywhere apparent are confessed in many and proven to exist in nearly every department part ment of the executive branch respectable men of every party are compelled to hold their noses over the of the star route trials the f falling ling out of rouges in office and out of office is exposing a state of t things h so corrupt and s shocking 0 eking that the he t only 0 ay marvel is that public business could have been conducted at all through such agencies the testimony of special counsel and the agents ot the government overn ment of members of prest garfielda Gar fields cabinet and official al reports of the department of justice are adding chapters to the history of administration mal equal to t the e worst days of the worst governments these evils are thus proved to be so deep seated and widespread in the very structure and substratum of the republican party that it cannot reform them from within they have grown by reiterated use to be its nis cus tomary and daily food and the beani means of obtaining and prolonging its power that it cannot now be aban abandoned boned unless it abandons also all hopes of continuing in power of what matter the republican convention soon to assemble in your great city is to be com composed os and by which its action WIT wih win b be e chiefly dominated may be learned by an examination of the composition of the louisiana delegation headed by an individual now under indictment for bribery accompanied by a band of official mercenaries and political camp followers under su such buch conditions how idle to hope for civil service reform or tariff reform or reform of any kind or nature from a party of such antecedents such present composition and such inevitable administration in the f future should it unhappily ie permitted to continue the misgovernment of the country signed T BAYARD the third toast of the evening was reform of the civil service the re reply ly to which was appropriately appropriate assigned assignee t to il hon G 11 II pendleton 0 of Cin cincinnat cinna at mr president and gentlemen T sentiment to which the kin kindness dues tj f 1 your president has invited invited me ae e spond opens up a wide I 1 nield field d for ir ec e tion Inde indeed edin in its ia largest sc e lt it embraces the whole civil adm astra tion of the government it lil ill inches every question of adamini strive the re form it suggests a reform e rev denue laws a revision of th riff and a correction of its iniquity and the 1 abandon reduction of taxation ka ment of the systems of 0 or sed iii ibl 1 es and the 10 dens the redu redundant its extra enormous surplus wila will and ana the th e uron vacancies vagan cies and corr ieh leh leave adoption of a S system t r r 1 OI of the with the I 1 eap e t thega gs t la 11 e by the tax and not ex exec people out at ter wards gatherer to be dol doi 0 gathe r e r ice f the pater accor I 1 the cc c e a e a territory nal Govern me t illio allio 1011 loli s aare miles mues square nf than rhin of more ampo fou lne ine fifty millions of we w have to more imd iad han a hundred thou people and mot ceded in the dubor sand officers ministration alone binate ap knerr civil the government hav these ra oft leers cai cal choice i power nor neither r afe ing the nat of the adminis of at some point and kte anthe material interests of in mad alegre i our fifty millions of peo every c yat yai oui oni a wise and faithful admin adain pie pa iff this great trust a business istra tie tic culanding the clearest judg conscientious devot devotion I 1 on to menu sid most approved methods I 1 dut dt t ar argue ue to this assemblage of iten edmen men I 1 feel as if I 1 were el ely justified j in stating the admit theory of all governments it the officers ot of the government are busts for the people eople and the performance of mhd cuties duties of these offices Is or the interest of the people there a no the being of one office arthe the payment of one salary except |