Show young xoung MEN dlen irv POLITICS tiie tife following communication was received too late for comment we give it place however without remais remarks it will strike every tair lair minded person acquainted at all with the facts as a spirited and just response to the errors seti forth in the letter to which it is a reply we commend it to general notice we may have something so methin to this subject at a inbae more congem TILT ALT LAKE CITY april 1881 editor igee igge eret ereo moes moms I 1 have more than once of late been led to ask myself if no one else the stil stul question estion what is the matter with the salt sait lake in some respects it Is taking a course which is a source of surprise and regret in the breasts of some at least of its old friends the cause of this feeling has been the tone of certain editorials and communications which have of late found place iti lii ts 9 columns yesterday sunday cornil morning 3 a communication muni cation appeared in I 1 that pa paper r under naming haming head lines signed lc e d native born which eh had it appeared in the tribune aou woula would not have caused comment for its so sophis P his ahls tries and falsehoods are such as that unscrupulous sheet delights to circulate but appearing in tre the columns of the herald is worthy of more than a passing notice the tiie writer speaks about the I 1 mormon monal church as though he were a member of it lord deliver us from such mormons cormons Mor mons as he lie ile may wear the tho dress of a sheep but to te all but those of his own kind his true character is known every true mormon will penetrate his disguise and detect the wolf in the attitude the voice and in ill the statement statements and suggestions remove from his communication its sophistries sophis tries and it is nothing but an appeal to the young men to desert the cause of their parents and to aid our opponents in wresting the control of this territory from ilic the people who 1010 have made it all that it is the man who penned the above mentioned communication it if lie he be native born is ready to barter and betray the cause with which his parents patents have been been identified and go go over to the enemy ills his evident object is to induce indu ceas as many more as he can caa to go with linn him or follow his example there is I 1 am ara happy to state from personal knowledge a class of native born citizens in this territory who cannot be duped by such appeals as he be makes to show how utterly false some of his hin statements are permit me to allude to one lie says As indicated in your editorial there is developing amon among us a strong feeling lugof of dissatisfaction and cons consequent equen t in inquiry y into the cause ot of th that a t apparent a papare n t injustice which gives to senior members of our party every office of honor trust or profit on the list except perhaps some sonie half dozen which have descended upon the juniors as a kind of inheritance or been bestowed as tile the reward of confederates I 1 understand that at least two of the tiie stockholders stock holders of the lel lei herald aad denounce this as false and slanderous one of them himself an office holder and a most efficient and capable one too viewing tile the tc ments above quoted doted as a perso personal lial ilal reflection upon myself himself but bat as a proof of the fal fai falsity ity of native Borr dorr boms boas lys ils I 1 assertion upon this this point I 1 here insert a 11 list of the young men who hold office at the th time in this city and county and Aud were vere sere the names and ages ades of the cemers me mers myers of the recent legislative assembly of this territory to te be given the untruthfulness of his statement would be more apparent nore norn AGE N IN W r clayton territorial auditor 28 E A smith probate judge 26 J C cutler county clerk 8 s W 8 burton assessor 34 34 1 N V jones collector sa M Cummin cum Cam cummings qs county treasurer 29 09 john groesbeck sheriff 3 jas sharp mayor sa geo D I 1 alderman 2 23 jos 11 II dean alderman 28 11 J grant councilor 2 27 junius F wells councilor 4 0 jos A jennings councilor ag II if vf yf 1 11 wells Record recorder cr 24 1 i IV IV taylor asar and col 31 F 8 richards city attorney 35 33 native born norn says but but cut in no single instance in recognition of qualification fi or character fl there is not one of who is open to this charge in a majority of instances born in this territory reared among the people their characters are to too 0 well known to be in the least tarnis tarnished hecl by the affirmations of an unscrupulous office seeker and those thos e who doubt their qualifications are at liberty to put them to the test to see if anything is lacking native born speaks speak about seil seii seniors as though they were 0 a 1 class caa s 2 of men who by chicanery r violence dr 0 r some other disreputable means had got cot possession of office what is tile the truth among the seniors who held onice office and have been disfranchised franchised dis there is scarcely one who did not win ills liis spurs by faithful and honorable bublic public service in fields which secured to him lm the confidence of tile the people and they started in as young men A most lost of them came h here ere in boyhood or had just reached mans mails state estate native born is either elther j ignorant noe or wilfully tries to deceive when reasserts he asserts anything to the contrary the first mayor of salt sait lake Ci Jed jedediah edlah al grant was but hut little past ast 30 years old when he was elec clec elected tecy teci to that office and young men mer filled the city council and the mcg leg legislative isla isia tive assembly young men who with tho lapse la ose of years I 1 are arc a re now the seniors V of which native nat lebo born complains though youn young I 1 have traveled somewhat and I 1 assert without aitho at fear of successful contradiction that in no community of which I 1 have an any knowledge do young men aien have any uter better if as territory rood good territory opportunities as they do in this mr ar editor I 1 am a native born citizen of this territory my luy parents came to this country in their early I 1 youth in 1847 1 I have never held office in the community nor do I 1 desire to do so I 1 lain iain am not of family though one of my grandfathers grand fathers was an alderman aiderman in this tills city I 1 believe in 11 an early day when men served prompted by a public spirit without pay I 1 am the third generation of my race in this city and being thus to the manor born I 1 for the tee young men of utah utan utterly repudiate the sentiments and statements contal contained nW u n tho the communication of native born among the young men with whom I 1 have conversed I 1 have heard but one expression concerning them that of detestation they view the writer either as a hypocrite or an a if in the A mormon lormon church hypocrite and if out of it an apostate and in either case entirely entirely unfit for ilie lile the least office much less for that of our leader in political affairs if it is necessary to choose a leader let us ns at least have a moan man of veracity we surely do not ilot wish to take advice on our political course from one who imitates t tates a te t the pirate by sailing under honest liona hona colors instead of the skull and crossbones on a black background the true colors of the freebooter free booter respectfully UTAH boy noy |