Show PENALTY FOR WIFE BEATING f A AND ND bachelorhood a a bachelor has in the california legislature of a bill to punish wl wife te beat ipg iggy by the establishment of the whipping jostand po stand a san francisco paper proposes legislation against celibacy in this way I 1 there is then an another 0 ther then class who ought to be legislated agai agat against nat and who just as richly deserve the penalties of the law the man who beats his hia wife is only one degree worse than the man mad who has llo lio wife to whip in fact he is an enemy to society he Is a conspirator against the prosperity of the human race he is an ishmaelite in the deseri of life be is an iconoclast who would break down the domestic altar he is a heathen because lie would create souls to save eave lie he is a traitor bec because nuie ahie lie he would rear no boys to bear bedr arms in defense df tense of his country count rj he discourages commerce trade and navigation if everybody should follow the example of the hon hou philip konch koach beauty would pine and die the land and would become desolate ocean winds would sing their requiems upon a desert bhore shore the gatier gen geu oration atlon would pass a away wayn and aud the divine hand would be called lipon to create a new garden of asden 1 a new primal pair and anew a new scheme shemo of redemption |