Show 13 by y tel tei telegraph egray h C f SENATE u washington 20 hitchcock introduced a k bill to transfer the indian bureau from fadua the interior de dea apartment part ment to the war department 14 refe referred thed r davis introduced a bill making an appropriation of to continue the improvement of the mon on onga cahela ilela tiela river in VV V va and pa referred boutwell introduced a bill to increase the efficiency of the navy and to promote the maritime interests of the U 8 ordered to be printed and anil 0 to o lio ile upon the table anthony from the committee printing ng reported ported rt back the re ti tion on t to 0 print rint extra copies of the presidents td message and moved that its further consideration be indefinitely postponed and it was so ordered in making the report anthony said it had been the custom to td print extra copies but the message had already been sent by telegraph and published all over jhb country and he saw no use to print extra copies dennis introduced a bill for the settlement of the claim clain sot of officers of he revolutionary war it provides that thit off omm meers officers of the army of the revolution who are ard entitled to halfpap half pa pay for life under the resolutions of congress of and 1780 1760 january ath and may esth and december aud and march marah esth 1875 shall bo be entitled to receive the same bame though they may have received in lieu thereof by corti dorti certificates fl or other othen otherwise wLee the tho commutation t kon of full pay for nive five years under the resolution of march sud aud 2nd 1781 the bill also provides that the benefit of the resolution of the tho of august P 1780 shall be extended to th the tho W widows I 1 dows and lineal descendants of if all off omm meers officers embraced th therein ere n who died in tho the service during the war of tho the revolution and authorizes the tho accounting officers of the treasury to adjudicate all such claims and dud provides that the secretary of the treasury may issue stock of the U 8 for such claims said stock to bo be redeemed twenty years from date to bear interest at five per cent per annuli annum and also pledges the frithof fai fal theus theas for the payment of the Int interest erest brest and the redemption of orthe the principal of the stock which may be issued under the act act net referred after an executive session the senate adjourned until wednesday J january andary afi ath 1870 1 l fi AMERICAN fl NEW nev YORK 20 washington diza diga dispatches tolles say that the placing of representative I 1 prese arese Morrison of illinois at the headon head of the ways and means committee occasions very general surprise both to ther ro republicans publican and democrats and is received by the majority of the be democratic m ambers members with strong manifestations of disapprobation before tho the house assembled today to day groups of three and four democratic mem bers were congregated about the hall discussing speaker kerrs selection of a new ney democratic leader and the opinion was almost universal that he would prove crovea a failure and bean be an easy prey to the republic can side of the house representative represent a cox in ja conversation alluded to the speakers speaker choice in a sarcastic manner and said that so faras he could ascertain there was very general disgust among the democratic members as na lor for himself he did not care now inow where he was placed on commit tele as he was de s ter mined for fop the future talcut loose and act for himself habad he had bad stood ly kerr herr when ha fie needed strength and lle lie was now put aside for newmen new men i it arnow no secret that the texas pacific rail bail road interests had had something to do with the fUr formation mation matlon of the committees in boef cox said he be was thoroughly disgusted D cj 0 20 the ahe chairman of the house committee on the pacific railroad voted woud last cearto year to suspend the rules fo to put tom scotts bill on its passage neill is scotts philadelphia representative senta tive throckmorton left the texas pacific company service to come to congress walker is the author of an elaborate paper advocating scotts project mitchell introduced a bill in im the senate today to day to reimburse the Sta state teof of oregon for ther the moneys paid bythe hythe by thor the state in the suppression sup Aup pres of indian hostilities during the modoc war in 1872 and 1873 it w was a s referred to the committee on military affairs the bill for the relief of Q G H hi patterson was referred to the committee on claims I 1 afier after after the house adjourned on the announcement of the commit committees tees teeg there was quito quite a general interchange of opinion among the members I 1 in regard to the selections tiona tiong those who iho tho hah had been dejl we provided for speakers lers lens J judgment ud or saia sala nothing lint tint expressions pap res of dissatisfaction were prevalent his friends account for this by the paucity of prizes and the preponderating number of competitors coni peti tors for the tife other hand there are many of the democrats who severely crit ariti cise folse his llis ie selections for a considerable number of prominent positions as unsuitable or as unfair to c congressmen on gleave of extended extend dd service who wiio have havo been passed over in the tho the distribution of chairmanships chairmanship a and important committee places tomake to make room fur ruz men without legislative experience of the forty seven chairmanships twenty four are are given to western members ten to southern lind and thirteen to the middle middie and j eastern states stater of the jatter thirteen six are of third rate rato importance being committees on the expenditures in tho the various executive departments part ments ac und and of tho the chairmanships man ships given to western estern Nv members four are of the sams same descriptions four or five of it the southern chairmanships are also hio antl anti the west therefore 6 holds the first place in the number of chairmanships man ships of the first and second class committees ohio ehlo and missouri have each five chairmanships illinois linola Il and kentucky Ren ken tuckY four each indiana north carolina and tennessee have two each Virginia and pennsylvania three each nd bather father state has more than one i senator boutwelle Bou bill intro deuced today to day dax to increase Inci cao oae the effi enni i clency cleney of the navy and to promo promote the tho maritime interests of the U 9 prope proposes ses a system of bounties on ship building as follows the secretary of the treasury Is to offer a bounty of not more than thau eight cullars per tonto be paid each year for a period of nive five years fo for i r the construction in the U 8 of iron steamships of not less than 1000 tons each nor exceeding tons in the aggregate and not more than tons to be authorized in any one year said ships to be employed exclusively in foreign trade proposals are to be received and the preference given the arst first year year for tonnage on the atlantic coast upon the great lakes and the mississippi river and 25 on the bacille coast the vessels are to be constructed on wp nedela d els eis approved by the navy department part ment and the government is to have the right to purchase or employ them upon the appraisement ofa of a disinterested commission the bill also provides for the payment of bounties on vessels hereafter launched as follows six dollars per ton for salad sailing g vessels of tons and upwards employed in foreign trade and between the atlantic and pacific ports of theus the tho U S and four dollars per ton for sailing vessels of not less than toris todis burden authorized to engage not more than three months in the year in the coasting trade provided that if the vessels of the tho two last named descriptions are afterwards enrolled for the coasting trade the bounties shall be rofa reta refunded n ded to the government less ten per er centner cent per er jear year ear A bounty of fou four dollars per ton for a period of nive five beam geam is ig provided for vessels employed in the cod or mackerel fishery not less than four months ino each year all ail vessels employed in foreign trade or op fisheries M may ay purchase supplies in hond bond without the payment of duties dutle s the bill finally provides that vessels at sels atis Is hereafter built bulit by the flavy navy department part ment for open sea service shall biot riot exceed 1 1000 tons each there theme is at almost most universal dissatisfaction satis satisfaction n with the speak speakers ers committee committee selection selections and this discontent is heard in a marked degree by the california delegation pipers appointment on the cam committee of commerce and Lut luttrella trelis on the pacific rail Rall railroad road are acceptable but hut ut WI Wiggin tons on an the territories and rage page on indian affairs are not considered suitable luttrell b by length of service was entitled to a chairmanship of some somo committee A and wanted also to be afi on naval or indian afna afra affairs irs the pacific railroad corm corn mit teero scolds friends and strongly in favor ortho of the tho texas pacino project the chairman lamar abad throckmorton merton and oneill voted a against g holmans anti antl subsidy resolution walker of va who refrained I 1 from froni voting on this resolution is known to be in favor of scoon scotia bili bill and the tho same thing is considered certain cerwin klas kias and pratt who also dodged the vote philips halmans Hil ril lips sas baa who w ho voted for fon roi HOI mans resolution lution n is likewise considered certain td vote for tor the texas raci paci nic fie P bill lane of oregon is the only one from the pacific coast besides Lutt luttrell rell reli who has more than one committee position being assigned to public lands land s and afna afra affair irs woodburn Wood bum on the mining committee the majority of the new members are given one place the secretary of the treasury in a a letter ili in answer to an inquiry as to whether it dishis la his purpose seto to make a reappointment reappoint men to clerkships clerk ships in the treasury department departs nt among the states and territories 0 on n the basis of population states that he does not construe con coo section 2 of the act of march ad 1873 as directing reappointment to the extent of dismissing clerks from the states which now have lace an excess ofa of appointments p point ments but only as asa a direction to the secretary with ie ferenee reference to future appointments the concurrent resolutions which senator mcdonald of ind will offer after the haliday recess as a substitute for tho those thole e recently submitted by morton JM orton of which ho he gave notice today to day have not yet i been perfected and could not be presented but the following is isa a rough draft of them contain containing trip their substance resolved Sc solved by the senate the tho house of representatives concurring that the people of the U S constitute a nation and are one people in the channer manner ady only and to the extent provided for foi in the federal constitution and its amendments I 1 I 1 Resolved that the U S colonies declared and achieved t their hili indo vi F pend eneo enco e and the federal constitution was formed and adopted b by y the several states formerly comprising the confederacy called tim the U S of america their chief pur pose being to form a more perfect union establish justice insure domestic tranquility and to provide for the common defence and the powers not delegated by the U S nor prohibited by it to the states were reserved to the states respectively and to the people jre resolved Jfe solved that as the tho states were at the time of the formation and adoption of the federal constitution each eaph sovereign free and independent except in BO so far only as such sovereignty had been expressly delegated to congress by the articles of confederation the rights reserved to the states and to the people in the formation of th the e federal government were sovereign rights which cannot be im paired without usurpation and aud the only safe rule ruie by which to administer the federal government as to the rights of states and people is hya bya strict construction of the federal constitution and amendments and the assumption of no doubtful powers resolved that ji w the fornia formation tion of the thel federal government it was clearly designed to leave bac each ench b state and the people there thereof 0 rl sovereign as to all matters of local or domestic concern and to confer on the he federal government sovereign powers as to buch such matters as might affect the general welfare of all ali all ail the states or as might be cesary necessary ne cebary to secure dom domestic 1 estic estle tranquility quilitz qui lity which powers are defined in the federal constitution and its amendments the people of the U S therefore froni from the nature i and character of their go governments v state and national anstrom their relation to each other are not a national unity in the ordinary sense of that term resolved Se solved that it being c the design to make the govern governia government pa ent formed under the federal constitution perpetual the right of any or dr any number of or states to secede from the T union thion was not xe served reserved and so far fakas fanas tas las the right has been bien claimed to exist it should bo be deemed I 1 forever settled against it vua by the results of the late civil wpm war LITTLE roa HOCK 20 the gazette block was waa burned today to day the fire caught in the rear of the building from a filloon saloon owned by haak who dropped a match on the floor which ignited ted led some liquor when the whole building in 9 became enveloped an in fl flames ames loss on baloon saloon an the gazette building insurance J T M hazell lost jost his big library valued at 2500 parties in the building lost property valued at uninsured MILWAUKEE 20 29 in the US U S circuit court today to day burback con eon vict viet edof conspiracy gons pons piracy to defrane def defraud raut raue the reven revenue ue was sentenced to eight M months imprisonment and a gine fine no I 1 of 2000 and to pay one ono halt half of the costs of thet the trial riall dj wei wel col coi 20 tho the ithe convention tiong to fr a con COE constitution for fon colorado assembled and temporarily organized today to day the permanent organization will be effected tomorrow to morrow the republican republic ap have a larga larg majority but give 11 U share of the offices to thi the minority SA sas SAN 1 T FRANCISCO 0 20 0 several streaks of good ore have been passed in lit the sutro tunnel duning during the last few days the rock is softer and the progress more rapid A dispatch from tucson bucon fay fays on the author authority of two reliable and well informed gentlemen j busst uhe ube arrived a r ov overland erlind from guaymas Gua that the people of sonora are iu in a destitute condition from interference during the recent revolutionary troubles with agricultural pursuits the people h are e outspoken in favor of the revolution alq thesa gentlemen say that three li hundred undred disc dise disciplined 1 1 troops could march successfully through the country despite 0 o the state troops the mexican federal authorities are entirely neutral in the contest naw now noy go going ingol on though the elections last summer as legal thu the prefect of guaymas informed them tha that atif if a battle should occur between the state troops and the revolutionist the federal forces there would take no part they describe the country as an easy route for a railway the pacific jockey club met today f o all owners of the horses horbes entered for the thirty thousand dollar four mile raco race we were re present |